Seven state attorneys general, Planned Parenthood, and the ACLU have sued to overturn the so-called “conscience” rule, which allows doctors, pharmacists, and other health care workers to refuse to perform procedures or dispense medication that conflicts with their beliefs.
Bush On The Recession: "The Average Person Doesn't Really Care What We Call It"
“I repeatedly submitted proposal to help address the problems. Time after time, Congress chose to block them,” he said.

NY Governor On The Mortgage Meltdown: "The Bush Administration Will Not Be Judged Favorably"
What did the Bush administration do in response? Did it reverse course and decide to take action to halt this burgeoning scourge? As Americans are now painfully aware, with hundreds of thousands of homeowners facing foreclosure and our markets reeling, the answer is a resounding no.

Bush Bashes Senate For Stalling Stimulus Package
“Whatever the senate does they should not delay this package. They should not keep money out of your pocket, the sooner you get a check, the more likely it is that the stimulus package will kick in and make a difference. So my attitude is if that if you’re truly interested in dealing with the slowdown in the economy—the Senate ought to accept the House package, pass it, and get it to my desk as soon as possible.”
President Bush is expected to use his State of the Union address to tell the Senate to STFU and pass the stimulus package already. [Associated Press]

Bush Announces Plan To Ease Holiday Air Travel Delays
President Bush today proposed several measures intended to reduce traffic issues during the busy holiday season as well as shore up some of the most persistent air travel problems consumers face throughout the year. The most significant proposal would open up a “Thanksgiving express lane” through military airspace, and like the other proposed rules, would require the approval of Congress, says the NYT.
Bush will announce later today a plan for helping low-income homeowners curtail foreclosure. [NYT]
Preparing to Fall Back
Howdy kids! Fall Back Day is Sunday and this here is the very last Halloween that will fall after the end of Daylight Savings Time. Why? The Energy Policy Act of 2005, extends Daylight Savings Time by 4 weeks! The result? An estimated energy savings of 1% nationally.
US Threatens to Sue if Maine Probes Verizon’s Phone Record Gift to NSA
Verizon customers in Maine asked the Public Utilities Commission to investigate whether the cellphone company handed over their phone records to the NSA. A July 28th letter from the DOJ to the PUC asked them to demure, and intimated at possible legal action.

BREAKING: NSA Has Massive Database of Americans’ Phone Calls
Good thing we installed that intricate secret network of tin cans and string. Reports USA TODAY:
Bush’s iPod Houses “Illegal” Songs
The RIAA and the DRM Nazis could have a new target besides small families, single mothers and MIT students. How about the President of the United States? From BoingBoing:

Hit the Monkey and Win a PSP
Gizmodo IM’d us an online offer to analyze and we chatted. Because we’re the Gawker Media Network and we never stop being excruciatingly witty for you.

Fed Agencies Lick Industrial Nutsacks & Rip Apart Consumer Lawsuits
s lap dog federal agencies help industries gain shielding from consumer and state lawsuits. Among the erosions: