In today’s society, there’s a reasonable expectation to food rights. And by that I mean, when you buy yourself something tasty to eat, a member of the general public previously unknown to you has no right to expect a bite of your food. Which is why that it’s very bad form to punch a stranger in the head because he won’t share his burrito. [More]

Watch This Guy Eat Four Chipotle Burritos In Three Minutes
Before you start to feel like all your eating achievements thus far pale in comparison to the feat mentioned in the headline, know that none of your friends are going to think any less of you just because you can only eat two burritos in 30 minutes before passing out on the floor in a pool of your own regret (I know, it’s your personal best). After all, the guy who ate four Chipotle burritos in only three minutes is a professional. [More]

Behold, The Hot Burrito Vending Machine Is Here
Have you ever wanted to buy a gas-station burrito, but without the separate steps of interacting with the cashier and placing the burrito in the microwave yourself? Good news! Burritobox is the burrito vending machine of your dreams. [More]

Oh Look, Someone Wants To Deliver Something Else With A Drone (Burritos) Because Drones!
Like some kind of unknown debutante at the ball who ends up dancing with George Clooney at the ball (just go with it), now that Amazon let everyone know that drones are the “it” way to deliver stuff in the future, everyone wants a turn in the spotlight. UPS is looking to dabble into drones as well — so why keep deliveries in boring boxes? [More]

Enjoy That Chipotle Burrito While It’s Cheap(er): Prices Might Be Going Up This Year
If you happen to be in the midst of enjoying a Chipotle burrito with antibiotic-free meat and a dollop or two of sour cream, enjoy it, because it’s not gonna come cheap in the future. Not that Chipotle’s fare is cheap now, compared to standard fast food fare, but that “premium” level of ingredients costs the company a pretty penny and unfortunately, those costs are rising. [More]

No Free Burritos At Chipotle For Dressing In Foil This Halloween
This year instead of a free burrito, showing up to Chipotle on All Hallow’s Eve wrapped in tin foil will only score you a discounted $2 burrito. “It cost us a fortune,” Mark Crumpacker, Chipotle’s chief marketing officer told Advertising Age. “And it wasn’t doing a whole heck of a lot for me from a marketing perspective.” Expensive + ineffectual, seems a good reason to stop doing something. [More]

Be Jealous Of The Woman Whose Purse Was Slimed By Chipotle
Tanner says Chipotle hooked her up big-time after she bought a burrito bowl in San Francisco only to have the bowl come apart and splattered all over her purse. [More]

Behold The Shocking Popularity Of Chipotle's Burrito-Ordering iPhone App
Yesterday, a magical new application appeared in the iPhone App Store. What did it do? Well, it allowed you to order burritos from Chipotle (for pick-up). From your iPhone.

Hardee's Unleashes 920-Calorie Burrito Bomb
Hardee’s new Country Breakfast Burrito contains two egg omelets packed with bacon, sausage, diced ham, cheddar cheese, hash browns and sausage gravy… and 920 calories. We’ve never eaten two omelets in one sitting, and hope to never have to.

Chipotle Serves Man With Broken Pinata of a Burrito
Daniel reports receiving a very flawed Chipotle burrito for lunch today. The preparers failed to strain the liquid in his salsa, causing his burrito to ‘flood.’ Despite ‘visual communication of disappointment,’ the handlers sent it for wrapping.