
Guess What Happens When Amazon Keeps Sending Shampoo In Same Box With Book

Guess What Happens When Amazon Keeps Sending Shampoo In Same Box With Book

Reader Len recently found out that it’s sort of impossible to order shampoo and a book from Amazon at the same time. They’ll just keep sending you a shampoo-covered book until they eventually give up and refund your money. Trouble is, Len didn’t want a refund. He wanted a shampoo-less book.

Are Your Friends Making You Fat?

Are Your Friends Making You Fat?

A new book out by Nicholas A. Christakis and James H. Fowler—Connected: The Surprising Power of Social Networks…— looks at the way personal relationships affect your life, including everything from your weight to whether or not you smoke or drink bad beer.

Retail Expert Describes What Men Want Out Of A Shopping Experience

Retail Expert Describes What Men Want Out Of A Shopping Experience

Brand specialist Bertrand Pellegrin has published a new book for retailers that says if they want to capture the typical guy’s dollar, they need to create more inviting spaces to shop in. The author “points to electronics stores, strip clubs, sports bars and gyms as spots where men feel comfortable socializing and spending money.” That may all be (kind of) true, but that’s gonna make one hell of a noisy, sleazy, sweaty, drunken place to shop for clothes.

Amazon Answers My Questions, Sort Of, About Kindle Licenses

Amazon Answers My Questions, Sort Of, About Kindle Licenses

Let’s get straight to the bad news: although Amazon did answer my questions, their answers included “we’re working on that,” “I don’t know,” and “I don’t know (but it’s the publishers’ fault).” To be fair to the “Kindle Specialist” I spoke with this morning, he has promised to talk to the Kindle marketing department—why marketing? these are DRM issues!—and get back to me with better answers. Until then, this is what the average consumer can expect from a Kindle ebook license.

Textbooks Publishers Using "Packets" To Fight Used Book Market

Textbooks Publishers Using "Packets" To Fight Used Book Market

Students who prefer to shop for textbooks online are encountering a hitch in their efforts. University and College courses are increasingly using bundled versions of textbooks that come with their own ISBN number. School book stores sell the packets as a single item, because their contents don’t come itemized.

The Conman Who Loved Me: Madoff Mistress Tells All

The Conman Who Loved Me: Madoff Mistress Tells All

Sheryl Weinstein, Bernie Madoff‘s mistress, is making the rounds with her steamy, tell-all account of Bernie Madoff the love machine called “Madoff’s Other Secret: Love, Money, Bernie, and Me” (the title beat out “Bernie Madoff Robbed and Sexed Me and All I Got was This Stupid Book Contract”).

Students Can Use Internet To Rent Textbooks Rather Than Buy Them

Students Can Use Internet To Rent Textbooks Rather Than Buy Them

The college textbook racket is a cruel exploitation of a captive market, and book prices seem to rise faster than Google stock.

The Book: One Of Many Money-Wasting Traps To Avoid

The Book: One Of Many Money-Wasting Traps To Avoid

Given all its recent layoffs, the Baltimore Sun knows a thing or two about slashing budgets. So its money-saving tip slide show rings with some authority.

Kindle Deletions: Amazon Ate Student's Homework

Kindle Deletions: Amazon Ate Student's Homework

I was never much for writing in books in school, though I did use Post-Its frequently. Which is a precursor to leaving digital notes in a Kindle edition of the book. A Michigan high school student is one of the parties in a class action suit against Amazon because in deleting the unauthorized MobileReference edition of 1984, the company effectively ate his homework.

B&N Wraps Public Domain Books In DRM To Protect Authors' Copyrights. What?

B&N Wraps Public Domain Books In DRM To Protect Authors' Copyrights. What?

The ebook “war” is a race to the bottom, apparently, with Barnes & Noble trying to out-do Amazon on DRM stupidity. A reader emailed B&N customer service to point out that their “free books” offer consists of 5 public domain titles that are no longer protected under copyright, yet are still locked down with digital rights management (DRM). Their response? “For copyright protection purposes, these files are encrypted and cannot be converted or printed.”

Bezos Apologizes For Kindle's Orwellian Moment

Bezos Apologizes For Kindle's Orwellian Moment

Nearly a week after Amazon remotely deleted 1984 and Animal Farm from customers’ Kindles because they weren’t licensed, head Kindle-cheerleader Jeff Bezos posted this statement on the Kindle Community discussion board on

Download The 2009 Consumer Action Handbook

Download The 2009 Consumer Action Handbook

Here’s a free handbook that’s full of the sort of stuff we spend all of our time discussing on Consumerist. Sections include how to be a savvy consumer, how to file complaints, and a directory of organizations and agencies to contact when you have a problem. You can view the contents online or download a PDF copy, and you can also request a print version for your doesn’t-go-online relative (although you’ll have to wait for a reprinting).

Get Ready For More AT&T Data Slowdowns

Get Ready For More AT&T Data Slowdowns

Oh jeez, AT&T, don’t you have enough on your plate? You can’t handle your iPhone customers as it is. TechCrunch says some customers’ voicemails go missing for days or even weeks, you can’t enable MMS because there’s no room for it on your system, and the “faster” 3GS isn’t any faster at all on your network. Now comes word that you’ll be the one providing so-called “connectitivty” for Barnes & Noble’s new ebook reader coming out next year. The result: more congestion for every AT&T customer.

Read Chris Anderson's Book 'Free' For Free

Read Chris Anderson's Book 'Free' For Free

Chris Anderson, editor in chief of Wired and author of The Long Tail, has published a new book that looks at something of interest to Consumerist: the trend of content and services to slide toward free, especially in the digital world. It’s pretty light reading and an interesting look at economics in the digital marketplace in particular—and for now, at least, it’s available in multiple formats for free.

Three Recent Books That Help You Live Like A Cheapskate

Three Recent Books That Help You Live Like A Cheapskate

Frugality is all the rage in the bookstore aisles these days, and Sarah Beckham of the Austin American-Statesman has sifted through the masses of butchered trees to point out three that may be worth a look to help you trim your budget.

Amazon Deletes Your Books, Has Always Been At War With Eastasia

Amazon Deletes Your Books, Has Always Been At War With Eastasia

Sure, electronic books are portable and have all sorts of advantages. But Borders has not, to date, broken into my house and stolen back my copy of The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide.

Academic Publisher Pays Professors For Shill Amazon Reviews

Academic Publisher Pays Professors For Shill Amazon Reviews

This story is a little old, but was just brought to our attention this weekend. Elsevier, which is sort of the Death Star of academic publishing, was caught offering $25 Amazon gift cards to professors who gave the book five-star reviews on Amazon.

Live In Ohio? Your Library May Soon Close

Live In Ohio? Your Library May Soon Close

Here at Consumerist, we love libraries. They’re like some weird, old-school version of Netflix, but with books! And free! That makes them one of the most cost-effective sources of entertainment and reference material around. Unfortunately, Ohio may gut the funding on this public resource if the proposed state budget goes through.