Yesterday, we brought you the story of a man in Pennsylvania who was told by Bank of America that he would need to travel all the way to Texas just so he could close out his recently deceased mother’s account at Bank of America. Well, after someone at BofA spotted the story on Consumerist, the reader received not one, but two (2) positive responses from the bank. [More]

Unpublished Phone Number For Bank of America Online Banking Support
If you need to reach phone-based support for your Bank of America online account, it might be hard. You won’t find the number listed anywhere on their site. But we’ve got the unpublished number: [More]

Bank Of America Technician Turned ATM Into Free Money Machine, Stole Over $200,000
A former BoA IT worker has agreed to plead guilty to installing malware on the bank’s ATM machines in order to withdraw money whenever he felt like it, reports Wired. According to the plea agreement, his total take from the crime was between $200-400k. The bank won’t disclose how he did it or what the malware was like, but earlier this month Visa announced that new malware has hit the U.S. that could not only capture customers’ PINs and card data, but also give the criminal the ability to empty the machine of any cash that was in it. [More]

Reach Bank Of America's CEO
Got a squirrely Bank of America issue that no amount of calling and pleading with customer service can resolve? Try kicking it up the poop pile to CEO Brian Moynihan, or one of his trusted slaves: [More]

Bank Of America Has The Crappiest Credit Card Customers
Bank of America is tops when it comes to having the most deadbeat customers. They are leading the pack in delinquent customers and charged off accounts. That ravenous acquisition strategy’s not looking so hot now, eh? You can gorge, but eventually you have to pay the check. Here’s how the major credit card companies stacked up Jan-Feb. [More]

BoA So Messed They're Incapable Of Taking Your Money
It’s a real junkyard over there at Bank of America. We have yet another complaint about their online system being so jacked up that it won’t even take your money. That’s the last thing you want to happen when you’re trying to pay your mortgage in these foreclosure-happy times. Jason has already escalated to the executive office, and they still suck. [More]

Will A Human At BofA Finally Please Modify My $160,000 Underwater Mortgage
Jim and Susan’s mortgage is underwater by $160,000. They want to live up to their obligations, they want to keep their home, but they can’t do it with a $370,000 mortgage on a house that’s only worth $210,000. An attorney told them to send some “jingle mail,” just pop the house keys in an envelope, mail it to the bank, and move away. What they really want is a modification so they can stay in their house, but Bank of America has been jerking them around and they don’t have faith that this last hurdle will actually get them a mod. Isn’t there a decision-making human at BofA that can finalize this deal for them? [More]

BofA Locked Our Account Down While We Went Away
Alex says Bank of America’s efforts to protect him and his wife from fraud have stranded them in Salt Lake City without access to their accounts. He says the bank mixed up his and his wife’s security info, leaving neither of them able to break down the security walls. He writes: [More]

Man Sues Bank Of America For $1.78 Trillion Billion Dollars
Dalton Chiscolm has sued Bank of America and its board, and wants “1,784 billion, trillion dollars” in return for being subjected to what the judge describes as “inconsistent information from a ‘Spanish womn’ [sic]” as well as allegedly misrouted checks. In addition, Chiscolm wants another $200,164,000 in damages. We’re not sure why that amount is separate, but who knows how a mind like Chiscolm’s works?

The Place to Go For BofA Justice: Twitter
Reader Alex was at his wits end with Bank of America and their ever-present rate changing. After using every other resource, he turned to BofA’s Twitter, and actually got some resolution. Full letter inside.

Secret Phone Numbers And Email Addresses To Reach Executives At 101+ Companies
Inside, email addresses, phone numbers, and addresses for over 100 different companies to inject your customer service complaints into their corporate executive offices, and get it well on the way to success.