Cloaked Client Behind Pherotones Revealed

Cloaked Client Behind Pherotones Revealed

Fake BoingBoing interviews and declarations of Proof Found! complete with video followed, carefully throttled out by, as the adbloggers quickly gleaned, ad agency McKinney Silver in a viral marketing effort for an undisclosed client.

Why We Gripe: Is Friendly Retail a Lost Cause?

Although the comments are full of the self-congratulatory jerking that we bloggers do so well, there are some interesting points raised in response to a post by Mike Sansone about a bad experience at CompUSA. Specifically, “Does complaining about an employee online do anything besides push down cloying training materials from the PR and sales departments of large retail operations?” (Actually, that’s our question.)

The Zero Movement: Coke’s Pepsi Blue

The Zero Movement: Coke’s Pepsi Blue

We’d reach down deep within our mucous-engorged rage cavity to slop some bile at the Coca-Cola Company for their stupendously midguided attempt to promote new ‘Coke Zero’ through The Zero Movement, but we’re still careening around our porcelain work tub like so much congealed ham from manifest force of psychic disconnect upon the realization that there was a company out there still attempting to appear cool by using a blog.