Banks Cash Big Checks First, Maximizing Overdrafts

USATODAY research indicates banks typically process checks in order of highest balance, maximizing overdraft fees charged to the customer, critics contend.

Leave Jordan And The Wu-Tang Alone, Corporate America

Leave Jordan And The Wu-Tang Alone, Corporate America

“Streets are talking and apparently they want to you to stop being like Mike and drinking your Ghostface flavored Wu-Juice,” says Don’t Believe the Hypebeast.

Best Site For Auto Insurance Quotes

Kiplinger’s recommends InsWeb for a quick way to snag a bunch auto insurance quotes.

Results Driven Complaining

It’s not really complaining, in the pejorative sense, if you get what you want. Here’s a quickie outline to getting your customer service problem solved.

Walmart Still Selling Nazi Shirts

Walmart Still Selling Nazi Shirts

Scattered reports indicates Walmart is still selling a tshirt bearing Nazi insignia, up to 10 days after Walmart promised their removal. [More]

Toys “R” Us Suspends Black Friday Price Matching

Toys “R” Us Suspends Black Friday Price Matching

The gimlet eyed Mouseprint blog discovered Toys R Us will not be pricematching this Black Friday.

Dethroner’s Amazon Friday Sale Picks

Dethroner’s tagline may be, “where every man is king,” but their take on Amazon’s Friday sale can even be enjoyed by hermaphrodites. — BEN POPKEN

10 Most/Least Reliable Cars

According to the always controversial ConsumerReports, these are the 10 most and least reliable cars by class.

Florida AG Investigates

Florida AG Investigates

The Florida Attorney General’s office has opened an investigation into for, “failure to adequately disclose negative option enrollment … deceptive advertising, misleading domain name, and failure to honor cancellations.”

Department of Duh: Multi-Level Marketing Is A Scam

Department of Duh: Multi-Level Marketing Is A Scam

Ramit has a neat post on how Network Marketing and Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) are nothing more than a pyramid scheme in a cheap suit.

CNN Reports On Walmart’s Nazi Shirt

Set to the tune of “Flight of the Valkyrie,” here is CNN soft-serving the Nazi Walmart Tshirt story we’ve been obsessing over covering with such diligence. [More]

Walmart Ripped Off Nazi Shirt From Graffiti Writer

Walmart Ripped Off Nazi Shirt From Graffiti Writer

Recent updates to this story.
Backstory. [More]

Photocopy Your Wallet Before You Lose It

Photocopy Your Wallet Before You Lose It

Sometime this year, you may lose your pocketbook, so prepare against this dilemma by cloning the coin purse. After scanning or photocopying your wallet, you’ve got:

Beetle Found In TeaNY Iced Tea

Beetle Found In TeaNY Iced Tea

Walmart Nazi Shirts Still On Sale

Walmart Nazi Shirts Still On Sale


Beat Chase’s New 32.4% Default APR

Beat Chase’s New 32.4% Default APR

If you’re a Chase credit card holder and you received a “Change of Terms” notice in your recently mail, congratulations.

So You’ve Been Served By A Debt Collector

So You’ve Been Served By A Debt Collector

Not all people whose accounts are sold to debt collectors are cheats and scalawags. Sometimes they’re just people who made a mistake somewhere… or sometimes the debt isn’t even valid

100 Bucks Back With New CitiAMEX Card

100 Bucks Back With New CitiAMEX Card

If you’re looking for a new credit card, take a peek at the new Citi AMEX Diamond Preferred Rewards Card.