[via Upgrade Travel Better]
Verizon Specifies How You're Allowed To Link To Its Site
Harry Maugans discovered that Verizon thinks it can stipulate how you link to their website.
Retailers Get Sued For Printing Too Many Credit Card Digits On Receipts
As of Dec 4th, 2006, it’s illegal for a retailer to print more than five digits of your credit card on your receipt. Retailers who persisted are getting hit in a recent whirlwind of class-action lawsuits.
What Is FDIC Insurance?
When checking out all these whippersnapper online banks with their crazy high interest rates, you gotta make sure they’re FDIC Insured so you’re protected if they go under. But what does FDIC Insured actually mean? My Money Blog probes.
Cingular Thinks It Can Sue You For Linking To Its Website
Cingular thinks it can determine who gets to link to their website, according to this snippet from their terms of service agreement. Somehow their lawyers operate under this misconception that they’re in a position of being to grant, or revoke, the “right” to create a hypertextual link to their site. The likely intent is to try to set the stage so that then they could basically sue someone for linking to their website.
Sprint Employee Referral Deal Open To Everyone
My Money Blog details his experience with jumping in on the SERO (Sprint Employee Referral Offer) plan, which can you a good deal on a new cellphone and plan. Overall, it sounds positive and he got hooked up with free data transfer.
‘Omaha Corrections Guy’ purchased two 256MB eVGA 7900 GT video cards. He was reveling in his “SLI-fueled gaming joy,” which can only be enjoyed with two video cards, until he began to notice artifacting, explained below:
I can’t game for 20 minutes without spikey jagged graphical flickering obscuring my view. I finally get annoyed enough to start fixing the problem. Evidently, 7900 GT’s, such as mine, are now notorious for memory problems which are causing (gasp) artifacting. They’re being RMA’ed left and right. So I pull out one card, test the remaining 7900 GT…yup, it’s….artifacting. I pull out that card, put in the other one…it’s fine. Ok, this is workable, I can still play on the one card while I send back the other for replacement.
The replacement that arrived was not the 256MG 7900 GT he sent away.
Publix's "Awesome Response!"
Red_eye and his wife shop at Publix, but the ATM outside the store seems to break on a weekly basis. He asked Publix to look into the situation:
How Crappy Different Car Bumpers Are Today
Ever since 1982, car bumpers have sucked. That’s when they relaxed federal standards so that tests are now performed at 2.5 mph instead of 5 and unlimited damage to safety equipment allowed instead of strict requirements. This chart is part of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety’s status report on new bumper tests and details the repair costs after bumper damage in low-speed test crashes.
Whoever Dies With The Most Logos, Wins
Logos are company’s magic emblems, iconic tokens claiming territory like wolf urine. Copyranter spotted the above exemplar:
Skybus – New Zero-Frills Airline With $10 Tickets
Skybus is a new airline launched today boasting $10 tickets, but you get what you pay for.
The Software Banks Use To Flag Ordinary Customers As Terrorists
The Electronic Payments Network, a private-sector automated clearing house, has an online demo showing how an institution can scan transactions for possible terrorists based on those free, public, and error-ridden text files.
Seven Tips For Soon-To-Be College Grads
What was the most helpful piece of advice you received after graduating? Tell us in the comments. — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER
Save Money On Fees
Frugal For Life has a couple of tips for saving money on fees. For one, she advises swiping debit cards as credit because some stores will charge you to process the transaction otherwise.
Reports Of Godless Materialism's Demise Greatly Exaggerated
“The Simple Life Goodbye to having it all” Time Magazine, April 8, 1991