Alex uses a Blackberry Bold, and isn’t very happy with Blackberry right now. He was just minding his own business when the phone decided to over-the-air update itself, the update failed, and his phone just went ahead and wiped itself. When he called to complain, he says Blackberry virtually shrugged and told him that he should have uninstalled the app that caused the update problems. Even though it was an app that shipped with the phone. Alex wondered: what if other businesses ran things the same way? [More]
blame the op

More Nexus 4 Phones Plummet To The Ground, Smash Themselves
Google is always innovating. They’ve brought us the beginnings of a consumer fiber network, smart glasses, driverless cars, and even bringing donkeys back to life. One little-known Google project is the Nexus 4 smartphone, which is unlocked, shiny, and comes with its own field of gravity that pulls it to the ground, violating all known laws of physics. Or so our readers tell us.

Nexus 4 Owners: Really Unlucky Or Just Really Clumsy
Earlier this week, we asked owners of Google’s new Nexus 4 smartphone whether they’ve found it exceptionally slippery. It was part warning, part user poll. Reader Blaine thought that his phone got all smashed up after falling off an ironing board in a way that sort of defies the laws of physics because of its curved back and super shiny surface. Sad Nexus owners wrote in, but so did tech fans who wanted to defend the honor of Google and manufacturer LG. The consensus? Don’t put your phone on a non-flat surface, and accessory makers really need to hurry up with those bumper cases. [More]

If CVS Sells You Something Expired, It's Your Own Damn Fault
Reader Andy noticed this sign in near the breakfast foods in a local CVS. It instructs customers to check the expiration dates of the items they choose before taking them up to the cash register. It’s an innovative idea: maybe they’re aiming to crowdsource stock rotation. [More]

Airline Employees Really Don't Care That You Left Your iPad On The Plane
If there’s anything I’ve learned over the last year of reading the stories that our readers send in to The Consumerist, it’s this: the seat-back pouches on airplanes are the perfect place to stash your iPad during a flight, then never see it again. This apparently happens to a surprising number of people, but Amin thought he was lucky: he noticed that his was missing only twenty minutes after getting off the plane. This meant that he could rush back and perhaps recover the iPad before the plane took off again. Except…well, we’re posting this story, so you can probably guess what happened next. [More]

Weber Offers Free Parts After Customer Neglects, Burns Up His Own Grill
Brad screwed up his Weber grill, and it caught fire. He admits that it’s his fault for not cleaning the grill properly for three years, which led to fires under the control panel. When he called Weber to ask for an explanation of what could be wrong, the company not only helped him, they went way above and beyond and offered to send him–for free–replacement parts that would make his grill functional again. [More]

Your New iPhone's Reception Is Bad Because You're Holding It Wrong
Apple has a message for you if you notice problems with the reception on your shiny new iPhone 4. The problem isn’t the phone–it’s you. If you hold your phone so that your gubby little hands bridge the metal antenna bars that wrap around the phone, the signal will suck more than usual. Apple’s high-tech solution: don’t hold it that way. [More]