black friday

Wisconsin Woman Arrested For Gun Threat In Toys R Us Black Friday Line

Wisconsin Woman Arrested For Gun Threat In Toys R Us Black Friday Line

Not only did hardcore shoppers have to brave chilling temperatures when they waited in line at a Wisconsin Toys R Us Thursday night for a Black Friday sale, they had to face a woman who cut in line and made threats of going to get a gun. [More]

What Was Your Best Black Friday/Cyber Monday Purchase?

What Was Your Best Black Friday/Cyber Monday Purchase?

You might have noticed in the last week that a small handful of forward-thinking stores and websites have offered discounts on products to kick off what some would call the “holiday shopping season.” [More]

Yesterday Was The New Black Friday

Yesterday Was The New Black Friday

If it seemed as though the Black Friday hysteria wasn’t as outrageous this morning as it has been in years’ past, maybe that’s because so many people had the chance to get a jump on the shopping season yesterday. [More]

Walmart To Offer Price-Matching On Black Friday

Walmart To Offer Price-Matching On Black Friday

There are only a few more days until we get Thanksgiving out of the way and can start worrying about what really matters — Black Friday. And Walmart has come out swinging in the retail battle for your holiday shopping dollars by announcing that it will offer price-matching. [More]

Florida Couple Already Camping Out For Black Friday At Best Buy

Florida Couple Already Camping Out For Black Friday At Best Buy

People have too much time on their hands. Need an example? A couple in Florida have decided it’s better to spend the next week, which happens to include Thanksgiving, camped out in front of a Best Buy. [More]

Town Tells Walmart It Can't Have Early Morning Black Friday

Town Tells Walmart It Can't Have Early Morning Black Friday

There will be no pre-dawn Black Friday shopping rampages inside the Victor, NY Walmart. Backed by a wave of local outcry, the town had denied the superstore’s request to open from 11pm to 7am on Nov 25-26th. [More]

74% Of You Maniacs Plan To Shop On Black Friday This

74% Of You Maniacs Plan To Shop On Black Friday This Year

Who will you be fighting for a parking space at the mall this year? A recent survey by Market Forice Information indicates that almost three-quarters of the American public plan to go shopping on the day after Thanksgiving this year, and sixty-one percent plan to do some shopping online on the next weekday, or “Cyber Monday.” [More]

Scope Out Black Friday Deals Early

Scope Out Black Friday Deals Early

With Black Friday just a few weeks away, it’s already time to start thinking about which shopping spots you’ll attack the morning after Thanksgiving. [More]

Town Passes Anti Black Friday Rampage Ordinance

Town Passes Anti Black Friday Rampage Ordinance

Finally, one town has taken a stand against the madness and said, “no more.” [More]

Man Pays Best Buy For Washer/Dryer, It Doesn't Appear, Takes Laundry To Store, Shames Store Into Delivering

Man Pays Best Buy For Washer/Dryer, It Doesn't Appear, Takes Laundry To Store, Shames Store Into Delivering

After Best Buy blew two delivery dates on the washer/dryer he paid $1,600 for at Best Buy on Black Friday to arrive, a man decided to take his dirty laundry to the store. He had unhooked his washer/dryer at home in anticipation of the new appliances and wanted to know which washer of theirs they wanted him to wash his clothes in while he waited for his. His buddies videotaped the adventure. This plan didn’t go ever so hot with Best Buy management. Let’s roll the clip: [More]

Why Is Sears Being So Sneaky On This Dishwasher Rebate?

Why Is Sears Being So Sneaky On This Dishwasher Rebate?

On Black Friday, Sears offered free installation on select Kenmore dishwashers in the form of a rebate coupon. The coupon is pretty simple to understand as far as these things go–buy one of the listed models, and Sears will pay for the installation. According to William, however, the listed model that he wanted remained out of stock only for the duration of the coupon. When he asked Sears to honor it the next day, they agreed to–but then after he bought the dishwasher they told him he had broken a nonexistent rule and therefore had voided the coupon. [More]

Fry's Employee Says Store Offered Black Friday Line-Skipping Deal

Fry's Employee Says Store Offered Black Friday Line-Skipping Deal

An Oregon employee of Fry’s Electronics says his store offered a shady Black Friday deal that let customers skip lines if they bought a certain router. Taking the name George Orwell, he writes: [More]

Yay I Haven't Been Crushed To Death By Bargains Yet!

Yay I Haven't Been Crushed To Death By Bargains Yet!

It’s easy to pick on the people who end up on, but… yeah, it’s just easy. Especially when they trap their babies under a mountain of crap. Parents, I wish I could recall you. [More]

Toys R Us Double Charges Black Friday Shoppers

Toys R Us Double Charges Black Friday Shoppers

Reader Ken emails to let us know that Toys R Us is experiencing a double billing issue stemming from some sort of glitch on Black Friday. He says a friend just told him she was double charged, and that when she contacted Toys R Us, they told her it was a national problem. [More]

Black Friday Shopping Mayhem Roundup

Black Friday Shopping Mayhem Roundup

For some reason, Walmart and Toys R Us stores were the focal points of this year’s Black Friday mayhem nationwide. Perhaps because the chains offer both toys for children and toys for adults–electronic ones, at least. Fights and other oddities broke out here and there nationwide. However, shoppers and store employees survived the day with no deaths, major injuries, or significant property damage. [More]

Black Friday Sales Figures Almost Didn't Suck

Overall, Black Friday retail sales weren’t too bad, as shoppers sought deals on all sorts of products, focusing on computers (especially netbooks, if Consumerist readers are any indication), flat-panel televisions, and Snuggies. Sales were up slightly over last year nationwide, especially in the western United States, and online sales were up 35% over Black Friday 2008. [More]

Best Buy Holds Discounted Netbook, Delights Customer

Best Buy Holds Discounted Netbook, Delights Customer

A story about a great customer service experience at Best Buy? On Black Friday? It doesn’t seem possible. And yet, it happened to Brian and Briana when they shopped the early sale for Silver Reward Zone members. [More]

Fry's Sells Magical Disappearing HDTVs To Customers

Fry's Sells Magical Disappearing HDTVs To Customers

The Fry’s store in Renton, Washington, just played a mean trick on at least half a dozen customers. This morning, Jeff successfully navigated through the crowd outside, the crowds inside, and no less than five different lines in order to purchase a 52″ TV. Everything went remarkably smoothly. Well, until the very end. [More]