So you think you’re a Breaking Bad fan, huh? Well if you’re one of the people tossing pizza on the roof of Walter White’s home in Albuquerque, show creator Vince Gilligan has got some pointed words for you. [More]
better call saul

‘Breaking Bad’ Creator: If You’re Throwing Pizza On Walter White’s Albuquerque House, You’re A “Jagoff”

Cinnabon Reminding Everyone It’s Part Of ‘Better Call Saul’ By Handing Out Free Treats Tonight
ATTENTION: Minor spoiler alert to follow. Here’s your last chance to stop reading if you’re a fan of Better Call Saul and haven’t watched last night’s premiere yet. Ready? Last warning… Fans of Breaking Bad may remember that prophetic line uttered by squirrelly lawyer Saul Goodman toward the end of the series: “If I’m lucky in a month from now, best-case scenario, I’m managing a Cinnabon in Omaha.” Not one to turn down an opportunity for publicity, the cinnamon bun chain is now trading in on the character’s new lot in life by handing out free treats tonight. [More]

The Aaron Paul Xbox One Ad Will Mess With Your Xbox One
For months, Microsoft has been airing ads with people hollering “Xbox On” and “Xbox Do This Thing That Doesn’t Really Work The Way You Show It In The Ad” but those ads were somehow not triggering users’ Xbox Ones to respond. That is until the new ads featuring Breaking Bad’s Aaron Paul started running. [More]

Breaking Bad Finale Has Already Been Pirated More Than 500,000 Times
Plenty of people tuned into AMC last night to watch the finale of Breaking Bad (Spoiler Alert: Jesse and Walter have been living under a transparent dome the whole time!). And hundreds of thousands more around the globe chose to get their hands on the episode via less-than-legitimate methods, even in countries where it is incredibly easy to get the show on the cheap. [More]

Breaking Bad Fan Sues Apple Over Split 5th Season
Our readers, largely people with excellent taste in TV, complained when they realized that buying a “season pass” to download the fifth season of the TV show “Breaking Bad” only entitles them to download the first half of the fifth season. One viewer has taken this a step further, suing Apple. [More]

Breaking Bad’s Bob Odenkirk Picks Apart Ads For Real-Life Ambulance Chasers
Rave all you want about Bryan Cranston’s portrayal of Walt White or how Aaron Paul’s Jesse Pinkman is the show’s true but flawed moral compass, but I say the real star of Breaking Bad is Bob Odenkirk as Saul Goodman, the bus bench attorney whose got-dressed-in-the-dark outward appearance belies the sly legal fox lurking underneath. So what better way to end the week than with this Vulture video of Odenkirk dissecting crappy ads for real-life ambulance chasers? [More]

Offering 'Catch-Up' Service That Leaves Out Episodes Defeats The Point, Comcast
Carol has been watching the AMC program “Breaking Bad” using Comcast on-demand. Specifically, the Catch-up service so she can catch up on season 4 before the new season starts next month. This service skips episodes and doesn’t seem to actually be designed to catch anyone up, though…unless that customer is an HD subscriber. [More]