In their attempts to draw in customers and become more of a one-stop-shop, struggling department stores across the country have entered into partnerships to host store-within-a-store concepts: from Macy’s LensCrafters shops to Best Buy’s Verizon and AT&T “experience stores.” Now, JCPenney is jumping into the fray, launching Nike stores in 600 of its locations around the country. [More]
best buy

FBI Paid Multiple Best Buy Employees After Finding Illegal Content On Computers
As we told you last spring, lawyers for a California doctor accused of possessing child pornography claimed that the FBI had paid a Best Buy employee as an informant. Recently released court documents confirm that multiple Best Buy/Geek Squad staffers received money from the agency after telling the FBI about finding illegal content on customers’ devices. [More]

Best Buy Workers Give Wii U To Teen Who Visited Nearly Every Day To Play Video Games
’Tis the season when we’re happy to hear stories of big-hearted folks out there among all the Grinches, people who take it upon themselves to make a stranger’s holiday merry and bright. Like the Best Buy employees in New York who bought a Wii U for a teenager who visited almost every day to play Smash Bros. at the store. [More]

Intoxicated Best Buy Worker Can’t Hold Store Liable For Letting Him Drive Home, Crash His Car
If you show up to work so overly medicated that you won’t remember it the next day, it’s pretty likely that your employer is going to notice and send you home (and maybe tell you to never come back), but if you wreck your car on the way home, can you hold your employer responsible for letting you drive away? [More]

Best Buy Will Bring Back Free Shipping On All Online Purchases
When does the “holiday season” begin? Apparently, for Best Buy, it still begins in late October. The Minnesota-based electronics retailer is re-introducing free shipping for the holiday shopping season, from now through Dec. 24. We’re in the holiday shopping season? Does Best Buy sell Halloween costumes now? [More]

Best Buy & All Major Wireless Providers Have Stopped Selling Note 7
Following last night’s news that Samsung had once again halted production on the Galaxy Note 7, all four of the nation’s major wireless provider, and its biggest electronics retailer, say they have all pulled the Note 7 from sale. [More]

Best Buy To Pay $3.8 Million For Selling Recalled Products
It’s against the law to sell any product that has been officially recalled by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, but back in 2014 Best Buy and its closeout stores were found selling electronics and furniture after they had been recalled. The retailer then allegedly continued selling additional recalled items well into 2015. Now, to close the book on these allegations, Best Buy has agreed to pay a $3.8 million penalty. [More]

Best Buy Wants Fresh New Crowdfunded Products For Its Shelves
Best Buy has managed to survive, defying the expectations of experts and shoppers, by creating themed mini-stores and price-matching its online competition. Now the company has a new idea: teaming up with companies that make popular crowdfunded products to get them on the shelves of Best Buy. [More]

Best Buy Increasing Online Sales, Still Not Dead
A few years ago, it seemed like Best Buy was nothing more than a poorly decorated Amazon and Newegg showroom, and the business of big-box electronics stores was doomed. Sometimes, though, the popular wisdom isn’t true, and an electronics store that appears to be doomed can make a comeback. [More]

16 Companies That Started Out Life With A Different Name
They’re names you probably come into contact with every day — Walmart, McDonald’s, Nike, and more — but they were once newcomers on the scene, with names they shed years ago. [More]

Retailers Trying To Lure College Customers Now So They’ll Become Lifelong Shoppers
Often when a shopper is loyal to a brand, product, or company, it’s simply because they have a long history with it. That’s why retailers are trying to hook college-age students now — even before full-time jobs bring them a disposable income — in the hopes that they’ll become lifelong shoppers. [More]

Best Buy Closing 160 Samsung Mini-Stores, Expanding 250 Others
In recent years, Best Buy has taken to carving up some of its stores’ square footage and turning those areas into stores-within-a-store, including a slew of Samsung Experience Shops. Three years into the project, it seems the retailer is changing a few things up. [More]

Best Buy Pilot Program Sends Non-Geek Squad Techs To Your House
Tell us if this sounds familiar: Best Buy has a program that will send tech-savvy staffers to your house to troubleshoot issues with your electronics (while also trying to upsell you on new products). It’s a service model the retailer has been pushing for more than a decade through its Geek Squad and Magnolia brands, but it’s getting yet another makeover in a new pilot program.

Best Buy CEO Sells Half Of His Vested Shares, Remains Totally Confident In Company
Remain calm, investors, shoppers, and employees of Best Buy. Okay, yes, Best Buy CEO Hubert Joly sold half of the shares in the company that he owns that are vested and that he’s legally allowed to sell, but that’s just about his personal investment choices, not meant as a statement about the future of the company. Hey, why is the stock price falling? [More]

Best Buy Defies Everyone’s Expectations, Is Mysteriously Not Dead
Over the last few years, Best Buy has taken the internet’s snide jokes about using its stores as an Amazon showroom, listened to them, and then stubbornly refused to go out of business. Best Buy calls its results this quarter “better than expected,” which is true, but their continuing existence is also “better than expected.” It’s the last national big-box electronics retailer standing, with $39.5 billion in revenue during the fiscal year that ended in January 2016 and growing online sales. [More]

Don’t Throw Away Prepaid Debit Cards After You Use Them To Make A Purchase
If you exhaust all the money on a prepaid debit card and have no intention of refilling it, your tendency is probably to simply discard the piece of plastic and move on with your life. But you may want to hold on to that card for a while, lest you have to jump through hoops if you return the purchase. [More]