Our lab-coated cousins down the hall at Consumer Reports may test all kinds of products extensively, including mattresses, but we’re fairly certain they’ve never produced a ratings chart like this one. Hilariously-named sleep product review site Sleep Like the Dead polled their users to find out which type of mattress is best for the second most important thing that most people use their beds for: sex.

EECB Cures Ikea Phone Loop, Induces Mass Customer Service
All reader Scott wanted to do was get his daughter a ‘Big Girl Bed’. After a nearly 6-hour trek to a nearly empty Ikea, Scott had to grab the name of the bed and attempt to pick it up himself at the ‘furniture pick-up’. However, when he arrived home, he was not happy to learn that it didn’t come with all the pieces he needed to build it. Stuck in a robot-phone loop, Scott turned to the tried-and-true EECB. See Scott’s letter, as well as Ikea’s response, inside.

Stupid Sideways Printed Books For Bed
If you force a test subject to wear mirrored sunglasses that reverse the polarity of their vision, making it seems as if they are wandering around in an upside-down world, their vision will turn right-side up again in a few days. It seems the brain automatically orientates itself to a ‘proper’ top-down orientation; we’re psychologically asymmetrical.