
Time to Human, Banks, Day 3

Time to Human, Banks, Day 3

The results of today’s benchmark test to see how long it takes banks’ live humans to pick up the phone.

UPDATE: Requiring Minimum Credit Card Purchases is a Violation

UPDATE: Requiring Minimum Credit Card Purchases is a Violation

We’re scratching our heads and going in circles and starting to get dizzy.

Time to Human, Banks, Day 2

Time to Human, Banks, Day 2

Consumers Think Online Banking Sucks

Banks are continuing to feel the sting of their own cyber-incompetence. After much publicized security breaches like the Citibank scandal, more and more customers are moving away from online banking due to fears of identity theft. The growth of online banking as an industry in 2005 was only 3.1%, sharply down from the growth of previous years.

Time to Human, Banks, Day 1

Time to Human, Banks, Day 1

We’ll be calling up the banks this week to see who’s the quickest at having a human pick up the phone.

UPDATE: Commerce Bank: Liar, Pants Ablaze

UPDATE: Commerce Bank: Liar, Pants Ablaze

Yesterday, B.L. Ochman sent in complaint about going into Commerce bank, seeing a sign that said, “Deposit ’til 6. Next Day Availability.” At 4 p.m. she approached a teller with a deposit. The teller said, “Just so you know, I’m working on tomorrow, so this won’t be credited today.” Hello, disconnect!

Morning News Roundup: Pigs O’er Manhattan Edition

Morning News Roundup: Pigs O’er Manhattan Edition

  • HOWTO: understand the new FICO credit scoring system. It’s just like grammar school.
  • Commerce Bank: Liar, Pants Ablaze

    Commerce Bank: Liar, Pants Ablaze

    B.L. Ochman is crying foul over a sign up at every New York Commerce bank (pictured). She says it’s deceptive marketing and she’s got the story to prove it:

    University of Phoenix and Chase/Bank One Lose $828

    What do you do when the University of Phoenix, your credit card company, and now-conjoined entity of Chase/Bank One can’t figure out where your $828 tuition refund went? We have no idea, and neither does reader Stefan M. But writing us is probably a pretty decent start.

    Citi Thinks Diseases are Comedy Gold

    Citi Thinks Diseases are Comedy Gold

    The unintentional comedy of the context ad bots strikes again.

    Citibank Sends “Hey, You’ve Been Hacked” Postcard

    Citibank Sends “Hey, You’ve Been Hacked” Postcard