
Ask The Consumerists: Know A Good Bank?

Ask The Consumerists: Know A Good Bank?

A request for aid from one of your fellow readers, Laura:

Paypal’s PR Agency Promises to Help Resolve Consumerist Reader Complaint

Paypal’s PR Agency Promises to Help Resolve Consumerist Reader Complaint

Last week we wrote about Max, who tried to send money to his friend through Paypal but found himself ensnarled in a technical and customer service nightmare. In the end, his road of good intentions lead to B”anned from Paypal and Ebay Land,” a decidedly unhappy place excised from The Wizard of Oz as it frightened the focus group children terribly so.

Hidden Benefits of New Wamu Gold Card

Hidden Benefits of New Wamu Gold Card

Seems like we have yet another thing to look forward to when we receive our shiny new gold Wamu card we didn’t ask for.

Paypal Penalizes Good Samaritan

Paypal Penalizes Good Samaritan

Thanks to some zealous Paypal security, mixed with tech snafus and a little lack of information about how Paypal works, Max had to go through leaps and hurdles to retrieve his money after he committed the crime of lending money to his friend.

Washington Mutual Is Our Friend With Benefits (That We Couldn’t Care Less About)

Washington Mutual Is Our Friend With Benefits (That We Couldn’t Care Less About)

We’ve just been the lucky recipient of exciting news; the PIN range our debit card belongs to has been hacked. To celebrate, Washington Mutual is “upgrading” our debit card “to gold status for free.”

Telepickpocketing Phisers Fry Consumers

Telepickpocketing Phisers Fry Consumers

LIke a malignant pile of pustulent bacteria, scammers are constantly evolving.

Better Dead Then AMEX RED

Better Dead Then AMEX RED

The American Express RED card is a new, ostensibly fashionable, way to wear your charity on your wallet sleeve.

Bank of America Calls Customer a Liar

“If someone claimed you ran over their foot and asked you to pay them money, would you give it to them?”

Man Reports Missing Checks He Stole From Himself

Think balancing your checkbook is hard? Try sharing it with twenty-four other people…

Debit Cards at Gas Pump Splooge Your Bank Account

Debit Cards at Gas Pump Splooge Your Bank Account

Watch out when using the debit card at the gas pump. Some banks will “block out” $50-$75 on your card until the transaction clears.

Consumers Think Online Banking Sucks

Banks are continuing to feel the sting of their own cyber-incompetence. After much publicized security breaches like the Citibank scandal, more and more customers are moving away from online banking due to fears of identity theft. The growth of online banking as an industry in 2005 was only 3.1%, sharply down from the growth of previous years.

HSBC Offers Secret Transaction Decoder Rings for High Rollers

HSBC Offers Secret Transaction Decoder Rings for High Rollers

Unless your name is Sir Winifred Montegue Moneybanks, don’t expect to hold the item at left in your hands anytime soon. HSBC is rolling out a new security device to give big money blokes in the UK a secure way to conduct complex internet transactions.

90% of US Account Holders Think Bank Security Sucks

You just know your entire industry is gang raping the pooch when statistics like these are coming out:

UPDATE: Chase/Bank One Merger Super Fun For Customers

Earlier, Sharon complained how the BankOne/Chase merger messed up her online banking. Despite several calls to the customer service, she was unable to fix her problem.

Chase/Bank One Merger Super Fun for Customers

This week, Chase and Bank One merged their on-line systems. Birds shivered with glee. Stroboscopic dew drops danced on kittens claws in exultation. And Bank One customers got jacked like a cheap trick on Colfax Ave.

Man Charged $4,000 for Four Burgers

For George and Pat Beane, the cost of four Burger King sandwiches was more than the contribution to the downfall of man and the raping of the working class Mogran Spurlock indoctrinated them about. After ordering two whopper Jr’s and a two Rodeo cheeseburgers through drive through, they got charged for over four thousand three hundred dollars.

PayPal Via Cellphone

PayPal Via Cellphone

Paypal has transformed your mobile phone into a magic money wand.

HSBC’s Conspiracy of Dunces to Stop Wire Transfers

HSBC’s Conspiracy of Dunces to Stop Wire Transfers

A coherent rant about trying to wire money through HSBC, over their seemingly deep objections. It’s a redtape streamered, Kafka’s “The Trial”-esque implosion of customer service… a banking failure so perfect in its unlogic, it’s almost a work of art. “Gari”, who’s chosen to represent himself online as Zod from Superman 2, sent in the following: