
WaMu Adds Chinese and Russian to ATMs

We have yet to independently verify this, i.e., we’ve been putting off going to the bank for a few days, but it seems that WaMu added Russian and Chinese to its ATM languages.

Chase Pitches Imaginary Credit Card

Chase Pitches Imaginary Credit Card

Here’s a great new trick to get consumers to fall for your credit card offer. Smudge the outside of the envelope with the outline of a credit card so they think there’s one inside. Then when they open it, there isn’t one! But hey, you got them to open the envelope, right? And that’s half the battle when you’re pitching 29% APRs.

Reader Gets Scammed For $1000’s in Bogus Magazine Subscriptions

Reader Gets Scammed For $1000’s in Bogus Magazine Subscriptions

Anya responded to a telemarketer’s call 2 years ago and bought some magazine subscriptions. She thought she was going to pay “somewhere between 14 and 44 dollars a month,” and paid with her debit card.

Detect Paypal Phishes Without Thinking

Detect Paypal Phishes Without Thinking

Now you can determine whether that latest “Paypal Account Notification” you got was a Paypal phish and you don’t even have to have a brain. Phil says:

What’s The Ultimate Banking Solution?

What’s The Ultimate Banking Solution?

Complain: Mailing Address for Capital One CEO Richard Fairbank

Complain: Mailing Address for Capital One CEO Richard Fairbank

The thrust of the mounting consumer complaints against Capital One may explain the credit card’s fondness for filling their ads with barbarians.

When Credit Is Safer Than Debit

When Credit Is Safer Than Debit

Because US law protects you much better when you’re using borrowed money instead of cash, some situations might call for a credit card and some a debit.

Bank of America Lies and Lies and Lies

There’s few things more annoying than losing one’s wallet, but Matt discovered one of them.

Reader Wonders About ING Direct

Reader Wonders About ING Direct

Tanja’s got a problem: as she rapidly hurtles forward through time and space towards retirement, the dread madness of financial responsibility has begun to engorge her brain.

ID Theft Much Cheaper Than Thought?

ID Theft Much Cheaper Than Thought?

One number bandied with reckless abandon is $48 billion dollars, supposedly the total lost to identity theft. That’s lot of money.

If The Times Is Treason, We’re Heresy

If The Times Is Treason, We’re Heresy

The New York Times might be a left-wing propaganda machine hell-bent on sowing villainy and communism amongst the American populace, but treasonous? Well, that’s what the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee says, and he wants to see The Old Gray Lady hang for its crimes against The State.

Mass Trolling of Banks Records Unavoidable

Mass Trolling of Banks Records Unavoidable

Vice President Dick Cheney fired a stern rebuke on Friday to journalists after the disclosure of a secret program that combed a massive array of international banking transactions searching for terrorist ties, reports NYT.

US Trolled Bank Records

US Trolled Bank Records

According to an article published yesterday in the NYT, the government secretly reviewed bank transaction data following 9/11 in order to trace ties to terrorist organizations. In the pursuit of quick results, however, some concerns for jurisprudence may have been cast aside as ballast. Reports Times:

New Chase Debit Card Still Lets Vonage Screw Customer on Old Card

New Chase Debit Card Still Lets Vonage Screw Customer on Old Card

You would think that after Chase goes through the trouble of reissuing new Visa debit cards to replace its MasterCards, they might also take the precaution of deactivating the old card when the new one is activated. Not so, Disappointed in NYC writes. When our reader tried to cancel Vonage, they wanted to charge a cancellation fee. He refused but they still charged his old Chase Mastercard. Chase CSR said the Vonage charge went through but nothing else would.

How Much is that HSBC in the Window?

How Much is that HSBC in the Window?

At an HSBC bank, trapped inside glass cages, performing for strangers, are a beauty queen, an artist, and three guys watching football. Passersby text their thoughts to ticker screens behind the subjects heads. Like most things that make no fucking sense, it’s part of a multi-million-dollar ad campaign.

Beat Credit Card Blocking

Beat Credit Card Blocking

Lifehacker’s got a pointer to an FTC article for avoiding “credit card blocking” when booking trips, whereby a hotel will stake claim for the full cost of your stay, plus the incidentals it feels you may buy, prior to checking out of the hotel.

American Dream Faces Setbacks in Peoria

There’s a scandal brewing in Peoria and it doesn’t smell like potpourri.

Insurance Upsell Smells Off

Insurance Upsell Smells Off

    Hi Ben,