In these trying economic times, we’re not about to begrudge anyone a job. Heck, we’ve all got bills to pay. But some workers are willing to point the finger at themselves and admit that what they do for a living is maybe kind of sort of making the world a worse place. A new survey asked a variety of workers if their jobs do good things for the world, and plenty of those polled replied, “Nope.” [More]
bad jobs

What You Can Learn From Awful Job Experiences
You can come away with something positive from just about any terrible experience you endure. That includes nightmare jobs that leave you feeling bitter and exploited. [More]

Pizza Time Manager Fires Employee Who Complained About Subfreezing Work Conditions
Well that was quick: the Pizza Time employee who told reporters that the store’s manager had shut off the heat and was making them work in a subfreezing store, was fired. This guy really is a terrible boss.

Pizza Time Owner Cuts Off Heat, Tells Employees To Work In Subfreezing Temperatures Or Quit
The owner of a Pizza Time in Washington state has cut off the heat at his store after an employee forgot to turn the heat off one night, and is threatening to suspend employees who complain. The manager (the owner’s wife) has a space heater in her office.