Consumerist reader David saw this awesome special in his local Wendy’s restaurant. We wonder what kind of special magic goes into a Frosty to warrant a $5.99 price increase. Bacon grease? Extra HFCS? A no-spit guarantee? A short song and dance from the cashier? Or maybe they spend the extra money on “how to label signs properly” classes for the staff.
bad deals

Just in case you weren’t already sure that “Rent To Own” was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad deal… Read this. [ABC News]

Target's "Buy Two And Save" Speedstick Deodorant Deal Stinks
This is now our third, (yes, our third) post about “buy two and save” or “special value” deodorant two packs at Walmart and Target. This lovely example comes from Tucson, AZ.

Do Not Be Fooled By Safeway's 2 for $7 Milk Trick
While shopping at Safeway today I noticed something odd about the “O” Organics Milk. After I listened to a mom tell her daughter she buys “whatever is on sale” I went to purchase my own milk and realized that’s not such a good plan. A half gallon was on sale for 2 for $7. Or if your a savvy shopper you could buy a gallon for $6.59. The Safeway website confirms it.

Target's Degree Deodorant Pricing Scheme Rewards Those Who Pay Attention
Gavin wants to know what’s up with Target’s deodorant pricing.

Do Not Be Lured Into Target's 2 For $4 Heinz Ketchup Trap
Andrew writes in to let us know that he’s started to look more carefully at prices when shopping at Target… and so far it’s saved him $0.61 on ketchup…

This Furniture Store Uses Creative Math
Wow, look at this nice five-piece bedroom set. Only $599! Not bad, especially when the description says it’s normally $1800. Five different pieces—that would fill a bedroom with a lot of cheap class! Now let’s put the fine print filter on it:

If Wells Fargo Calls To Offer You An Equity Loan On Your Car… Say No.
Over on the Credit Slips blog, Elizabeth Warren posted an email from a bankruptcy lawyer who was stunned at the horrible deal one of her clients got from Wells Fargo on an equity loan on a car.
This Toys "R" Us Discount Is Of Dubious Value
Dylan writes:
I saw this today at the Toy”R”Us store in Elizabeth, New Jersey and though you folks would be interested. This Lego kit (the Exo Force Sentai Fortress Battle Set) has a sign that indicates its original price was $19.99 and that it is on sale for $69.98. The sign helpfully indicates that this is a savings of negative $49.
We’ve seen fifty-cent adjustments in the wrong direction, but fifty dollars? That’s pushing it.