Did you know the asterisk in the Macy*s logo is actually part of a clever branding campaign to associate the brand with fine print? It must be true, because no other department store has such a love of fine print on coupons—and such an apparent hatred of actual coupons. Their latest masterpiece in exclusions won’t cover electronics, wigs, mattresses, shoes, watches, about a million clothing brands, and more. What does it cover? Probably a shoehorn from the Notions for Men department.
bad deals

This Verizon Discount Applies To All Plans… Except The One Advertised
Reader Ben says: “This reminds me of the days when Henry Ford used to tell Model T buyers that they could have their car in any color they wanted, as long as it was black. With Verizon, you can have a discount on any plan you want, as long as it’s not the unlimited one.“

Blog Gets Some Stupid Capcom Credit Card Fees Removed
It turns out that Chun-Li, of Street Fighter fame, does not want to charge you so many onerous fees on your Capcom credit card that attack over and over on your neck like that stupid bitch, Blanka. Just some of them.

Visa And Capcom Announce Street Fighter Hyper Fee Edition Card
Video game maker Capcom has partnered with Visa to offer a pre-paid debit card with so many fees that it will shrink your wallet from an E. Honda to a Dhalsim. The hurricane kick of fees, inside.

Verizon Math: $0 Off Equals A 25% Discount!
Sigh, someone get a school counselor. It’s two years later and Verizon still hasn’t mastered this whole counting thing. The telecom now believes that selling a $29.99 charger for $29.99 somehow equals a 25% discount. It doesn’t. It equals no discount. Verizon’s board should try this with C.E.O. Ivan Seidenberg’s salary. Pay him the same, but tell him he’s getting a 25% raise for his exemplary counting skills. (Thanks to Justin!)

Dairy Queen's Recession Friendly Sweet Deal Menu Costs More
Starting next month, you might see TV spots advertising Dairy Queen‘s new “Sweet Deal” menu, which is supposed to be a value-priced alternative to their regular menu. They’re already rolling it out, and at least one item on the menu will actually cost you about 8% more than it used to.

Free Subscription Offer From Stonyfield Farm Will Cost You Money
Someone needs to explain to Stonyfield Farm that free usually means that you don’t have to pay any money for the item in question. Especially in a case like this, where you’re already having to send in multiple proofs of purchase to prove you’ve “earned” the “free” item. What you find when you peel back the foil lid is some fine print that explains you also have to pay $2 for this free offer. SLR, who sent in this tip, adds, “I wrote to them via their web site asking what part of free don’t they understand, but received no reply.”

How A Sale Works At Target
Finally, an example of a business plan in which Phase 3 is definitely, “Profit!”

Target: Buy In Bulk, Get Screwed
Reader Justin was shopping at Target when he noticed some interesting pricing going on in the cotton swab aisle. Remember, the bigger package isn’t always going to save you money.

The Circuit City Liquidation Has The Worst Laptop Deal Of All Time
Reader TJ says he’s found the worst laptop deal of all time, and it’s at a Circuit City liquidation sale in Florida.

Circuit City: Long Lines For Few Bargains
Consumer Reports took a look at the so-called deals that people are flocking to at Circuit City — and again found that prices are higher than they would have been had the store not been liquidated. Judging by the photos of enormous crowds that are showing up in our Flickr pool — people still think that liquidation sales are bargains.

Long-Running Buy Two And Save Deal At Target Offers Savings Of -$1.51
Kevin sent us this picture of a non-sale at Target with the following explanation: “I took the attached picture back in October and noticed today that their pricing still makes no sense (I brought this up to customer service back in October and was told that they will have a manager take a look at it).”

Circuit City Liquidator Doubles List Price Before Taking 50% Off?
Reader Michael’s fiance experienced first hand what we’ve been warning you about when it comes to liquidations. Liquidators are notorious for raising prices before “discounting” them, so make sure you know what the real list price is before you try to get a deal a closing Circuit City store.

Sears Is Rather Generous With The Term "Sale!"
I went to a local Sears to return some parts (don’t get me started) and the attached [photo] amused me.

Walmart's 2 For $5 Hot Dog Deal Is A Trap!
Reader Albert says he took this photo at his local Walmart in Olathe, Kansas. As you can see, Walmart has set a trap for people who love hot dogs and hate math.

This Wendy’s Frosty is even more delicious than the one we posted about yesterday. Dear Wendy’s managers, at least mark through the word “more” if you’re going to list the total price. (Thanks to Chris!)