If you’ve always had a dream of owning a DeLorean just like the one Doc Brown and Marty McFly use to travel through time in the Back to the Future franchise, you’ll soon have better odds of getting your hands on one: DeLorean Motor Company says it’s restarting production to make about 300 replica DMC-12 cars, which it hopes to sell for less than $100,000. [More]
back to the future

The Sale Event For PepsiPerfect Was Deeply Flawed
A few weeks ago, we shared the fun news Pepsi would be making a collectible version of the fictional “PepsiPerfect” from the Back to the Future movies. It would be released today, at midnight, for $20.15. Sounds fun, and fans planned to wait by their computers for the release time. Not only was the run very limited, but the sale reportedly went live early, making them sell out even earlier than anticipated. [More]

Lyft & Verizon Partner Up To Offer Free DeLorean Rides To NYCers On Oct. 21
Marty McFly probably didn’t need a time machine to predict that where there’s a popular, revered movie franchise, there will be plenty of publicity stunts staged around it. As Oct. 21 approaches — the date Marty and Doc traveled to in Back to the Future: II — companies are falling all over themselves to get a piece of the attention, offering flux capacitors, commemorative Pepsi Perfect sodas and more. This time it’s Verizon and Lyft, who have joined forces to offer New York City passengers free rides in a DeLorean DMC-12 for the day. [More]
![Ford Selling [Fake] Time-Traveling Flux Capacitor For A Mere $1.2M](../../consumermediallc.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/screen-shot-2015-10-19-at-1-27-59-pm.png?w=300&h=225&crop=1)
Ford Selling [Fake] Time-Traveling Flux Capacitor For A Mere $1.2M
Ever since the clock struck midnight on Jan. 1, 2015, companies have been throwing elbows trying to one-up each other to see who can offer recreations of – and reap the revenues from – products showcased in Back to the Future: Part II: “Pepsi Perfect,” a $10,000 hover board, self-lacing shoes from Nike and more. With just two days to go until Marty McFly’s fateful visit to the future, Ford is getting in on the marketing glory by offering a [fake] flux capacitor. [More]

Pepsi Selling “Pepsi Perfect” Collectible Soda On The Date Marty McFly Visited 2015 In ‘Back To The Future: Part II’
As it turns out, having your product featured in a major motion picture doesn’t only pay off when the movie first heads to theaters, but it can reap promotional gold for years to come, if you play it right. To that end, Pepsi announced it’s offering a limited quantity of Pepsi Perfect on the day Marty McFly orders a Pepsi in Back to the Future: Part II — Oct. 21, 2015. [More]

Illinois Car Museum Giving Away ‘Back To The Future’ DeLorean — If The Cubs Win The Next World Series
If Marty McFly saw it happen, maybe it’ll happen: In the movie Back to the Future Part II, Michael J. Fox’s character travels forward in time to the year 2015, where lo and behold, miracle of miracles, he finds that the Chicago Cubs have finally won the World Series, after more than a century without a championship title. If that happens in real life, an Illinois car museum says it will give one lucky winner the exhibit model of a 1981 DeLorean — complete with flux capacitor. [More]

Company Has Created Actual Hoverboard, In Time For Marty McFly’s 2015 Visit
One year from today, a young man named Marty McFly from Hill Valley will arrive from 30 years in the past in a time machine powered by garbage, and he will marvel at new technology like self-lacing shoes and those hoverboards that every kid rides around the town square on. That is, if the kid happens to have $10,000 in his piggy bank and uses it to back a Kickstarter campaign promising to deliver the floating device by this time next year. [More]

Still Want Marty McFly’s Back To The Future II Sneakers? You’re In Luck
If you have an insatiable desire to dress up how people imagined future fashions would look in the not-so-distant past, then we have some good news for you. Someone is selling replicas of Marty McFly’s velcro high tops from 2015 (as envisioned in 1989), complete with built-in lights and velcro, but sadly sans hoverboard. [More]

Franken: Comcast’s Previous Behavior Doesn’t Bode Well For Time Warner Cable Deal
When Comcast finally goes before lawmakers and regulators to make its case for a merger with Time Warner Cable, it will likely promise a pile of concessions and policy changes in order to paint a rosier picture of the future. But Senator Al Franken of Minnesota is looking to the past, pointing out concerns with the cable company’s spotty track record. [More]

Nike Auctions Back To The Future Air Mag Shoes
After years of rumors, Nike is finally selling a run of Back to The Future shoes. These Nike Air Mags are like the ones that Marty McFly put on in the movie and they laced themselves up. The shoes are going for a few thousand on eBay and all the proceeds benefit Parkinson’s research. Sadly, all they do is light up and look cool, they’re not self-tying. Which is why this guy, who has a working prototype of a self-lacing shoe, should have gotten a production run instead. [More]

What Fictional Products Do You Wish Were Real?
Re-watching the Back to the Future movies recently, I remembered how deeply the tween me once longed for a hover board like the one Michael J. Fox races around the Hill Valley of 2015. While it’s unlikely that we’ll see a real hover board on the market in the next five years, the 30-something me still wants one. [More]

Woman Uses Cell Phone In 1928?
In what’s either evidence of time travel, an impossibly elaborate hoax or just a clip of an insane woman talking to a shoehorn, an independent filmmaker has sifted through the DVD special features of Charlie Chaplin’s 1928 movie The Circus to find footage of what appears to be a woman talking on a cell phone. [More]

Everything Old Is For Sale Again
While Walmart’s clothing department is going back in time a decade with its decision to focus on its historically strong underwear, socks and tee shirt market other, more fashion-forward brands and retailers are going back a lot further for their latest lines. [More]

Marty McFly's Hat Is A Choking Hazard
The biggest danger to Hill Valley isn’t Grey’s Sports Almanac, it’s the small parts in Marty McFly’s cap. This form the inspiration for Back To The Future IV, where Marty travels through time to make sure his future self doesn’t strangle on the drawstrings of a poorly designed hoodie.

Hopeless Petitions: Back to the Future Nikes
We know the chances of this actually working are slim-to-none, but as burgeoning sneaker junky, we’ve got to mention it. Someone has created an online petition requesting that Nike create the future high-tops worn by Michael J. Fox in Back to the Future II. They look strangely hip these days, and it’s actually possible to affordably recreate the glowing Nike logo from the movie. (The powered lacing might be a little bit more difficult, but it’s probably not unpossible, either.)