The business pages are lighting up this morning with the news that baby formula biggie Mead Johnson Nutrition — makers of Enfamil — is being bought by Reckitt Benckhiser (whose brands include baby-stopping Durex condoms) for $16.6 billion, but we’re more interested in a new whistleblower lawsuit from a former Mead Johnson executive who claims the company ignored concerns about defective packaging and fired her for trying to get the problem addressed. [More]
baby formula

Makers Of Similac Advance Baby Formula Releasing GMO-Free Version
As many consumers move along with the trend toward products made without additives, preservatives, or genetically modified organisms, the maker of Similac Advance says it’ll be selling a GMO-free version of the product by the end of the month. [More]

Health Officials Make It Official: Makers Of Infant Formula Must Test For Germs
Back in February, the United States Food and Drug Administration announced an interim rule covering infant formula that would require manufacturers to test for certain contaminants, as well as ensure that the products contain the right amount of nutrients. Today the agency announced that the new policy is set to be finalized. [More]

FDA Updates Safety Requirements For Infant Formula, Because No One Like Contaminated Fake Milk
The Food and Drug Administration is taking additional steps to ensure our youngest citizens are getting the nutrients they need from formula by updating quality standard requirements for manufacturers. So maybe you can rest a bit easier knowing your child’s formula probably isn’t contaminated. [More]

Report: Nation’s Top Hospitals Not Pushing Baby Formula On New Moms
From diapers to formula to clothing and other infant-care items, newborns are a huge source of revenue to numerous industries. That’s why some of these businesses put together new-mom goodie bags to be handed out at maternity wards, hoping to create loyal customers from the start. Some people are concerned that the practice of including free formula in these bags makes it too easy for a new mom to avoid nursing her child. And according to a new survey, many of the nation’s best hospitals are saying no to the goodie bags. [More]

All Of This Walmart’s Enfamil Baby Formula Is Expired
Vinny went to a Walmart somewhere in New England to pick up some baby formula. After the purchase, he noticed that the cans he had were expired. No big deal: he brought them back to the store for the easiest exchange he’s ever experienced at a Walmart. Not an exchange, though. That’s what he would have preferred, but he tells Consumerist that every container of formula on the shelf was expired. [More]

Should Hospitals Stop Giving Out Free Samples Of Baby Formula To New Moms?
It can be hard to turn your nose up at anything that’s offered for free. But are hospitals doing more harm than good when they give out free samples of brand-name baby formula to mothers of newborn babies? [More]

Tests Show No Connection Between Enfamil Baby Formula & Child Deaths
Late last month, Walmart and a handful of other other retailers decided to pull certain lots of Enfamil powdered baby food formula from shelves following the death of an infant in Missouri who had recently consumed the product. But tests by authorities at the Enfamil plant now show no link between the formula and this child’s death. [More]

Health Inspectors Visit Enfamil Baby Formula Factory As Part Of Investigation Into Bacterial Infections
As part of an ongoing investigation into bacterial infections of Cronobacter that killed an infant last week, U.S. health inspectors visited an Enfamil baby formula factory run by Mead Johnson Nutrition Co., the makers of the formula in question. [More]

Walmart Pulls Baby Formula From Shelves As Precaution Following Death Of Newborn
Out of precaution, Walmart has pulled a specific lot of Enfamil powdered baby formula from the shelves of all its stores following the death of a newborn child in Missouri earlier this week. [More]

Baby Formula Is A Prized Item For Shoplifting Rings, Drug Smugglers
Raise your hand if you’re surprised to hear that baby formula is a popular choice of not only shoplifting rings, but drug smugglers who use it to cut heroin and cocaine. Yes, we’re shocked, too! [More]

Chinese Milk Accused Of Sprouting Boobs On Babies
They say that girls are developing earlier and earlier these days, but this is just disgusting. Chinese authorities are investigating reports that three Chinese infant girls prematurely developed breasts after consuming hormone-tainted powdered milk made by Chinese manufacturer Synutra. [More]

Will CVS Ever Pull Expired Medicine, Baby Formula From Their Shelves?
CVS stores across the nation regularly stock expired medicine, milk, and baby formula, according to a damning union report. This isn’t the first time CVS has been caught stocking dangerous goods. Last year, New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo threatened a suit after his office caught the pharmacy selling goods over a year past their expiration dates. CVS claims that, despite investing over $160 million in a “perpetual inventory management” system, it’s nearly impossible to keep expired items off the shelf because they simply have too much stuff.

Grocery Shrink Ray Affects Innocent Eyeballs and Adorable Babies
Reader Dan noticed something different when buying a new can of formula for his daughter (at left.) Her delicious colic-preventing formula had been hit by the dread grocery shrink ray. Waaah!