
How Our AT&T U-Verse Outage Lasted 5 Days Longer Than It Should Have

How Our AT&T U-Verse Outage Lasted 5 Days Longer Than It Should Have

Ron has his AT&T U-Verse cable TV, Internet access, and phone lines working now, but only after spending most of the past week fighting with AT&T. He could have had access back on Saturday, the very first day of the outage, but an AT&T rep told him that sending a tech out to him on a Saturday was impossible. It’s not. They shipped a replacement for his malfunctioning gateway out via UPS. It got lost. Ron is frustrated, because he likes U-Verse. When it works. [More]

AT&T Loses My iPad, Tells Me It's My Responsibility To Find It

AT&T Loses My iPad, Tells Me It's My Responsibility To Find It

Last spring, Vik was looking around online for a deal on an iPad. He finally found a decent offer on the AT&T website so he ordered away. But by the time it had arrived, he’d decided he actually wanted a newer iPad 2. So he packed the tablet back up and shipped it back to AT&T within a couple days of getting it. He was still within the return window so he figured at worst he’d be charged for a month of data or some sort of small fee. [More]

What Will Become Of T-Mobile If AT&T Deal Falls Through?

What Will Become Of T-Mobile If AT&T Deal Falls Through?

With the Justice Department suing to block AT&T’s $39 billion purchase of T-Mobile USA, some have begun wondering what would happen to the country’s fourth-largest wireless provider should the deal fall through. That includes T-Mobile’s parent company, Deutsche Telekom, which is reportedly looking at options for its American business. [More]

Judge Tells AT&T And DOJ To Be Prepared To Discuss Settlement On T-Mobile Deal

Judge Tells AT&T And DOJ To Be Prepared To Discuss Settlement On T-Mobile Deal

The judge in the Justice Dept. lawsuit to block AT&T’s purchase of T-Mobile USA has not only set a date for the first hearing in the case, she’s also advised both sides to start thinking about settlement terms. [More]

Sprint Sues To Block AT&T From Buying T-Mobile

Sprint Sues To Block AT&T From Buying T-Mobile

Less than one week after the Justice Dept. filed a lawsuit to block AT&T’s pending $39 billion purchase of T-Mobile USA, Sprint has filed a lawsuit of its own (but related to the DOJ suit), seeking to have the deal called off. [More]

When Asked If They Care About The Customer, AT&T Rep Allegedly Curses Customer Off

When Asked If They Care About The Customer, AT&T Rep Allegedly Curses Customer Off

After trying several times to get through to customer service to get her bill adjusted, reader C was finally connected to the right department. Problem was that no one was talking to her, but she could hear their personal conversations in the background. She then asked loudly through the receiver “Does anyone at AT&T care about the customer?” Allegedly, she heard back “**** you,” a laugh, and someone saying, “she can call all she wants, she’ll never get through.” [More]

AT&T "Surprised And Disappointed" By DOJ Effort To Block
T-Mobile Purchase

AT&T "Surprised And Disappointed" By DOJ Effort To Block T-Mobile Purchase

Hey AT&T, the federal government has put up a huge roadblock to your $39 billion purchase of T-Mobile USA. What are you going to do now? [More]

Dept. Of Justice Moves To Block AT&T Purchase Of

Dept. Of Justice Moves To Block AT&T Purchase Of T-Mobile

Though it’s been said since the beginning that AT&T’s proposed $39 billion purchase of T-Mobile USA would be an uphill climb, most people seemed to think it would ultimately still go through. But earlier today, lawyers for the federal government filed a lawsuit in federal court to block the merger, saying it would violate antitrust law and “substantially lessen competition.” [More]

AT&T Robocalls You, Has No Idea Why

AT&T Robocalls You, Has No Idea Why

When you get robocalls from your wireless carrier telling you to call customer service regarding your account, and the calls aren’t a scam, someone at customer service should know what the hell the robocalls were about. Not necessarily. This week, some mysterious force within the AT&T customer service system was desperate to get in touch with Rohit, but no one could tell him why. [More]

Sprint Tells Employees Not To Discuss iPhone Rumors With
Customers, Friends, Family

Sprint Tells Employees Not To Discuss iPhone Rumors With Customers, Friends, Family

Among the many rumors and reports surrounding the inevitable release of the iPhone 5 is that the device will finally be made available to Sprint customers. With speculation building, Sprint has reportedly issued a memo to staffers instructing them how to respond to customer queries about the iPhone… with a “no comment.” [More]

AT&T CSR: We'll Probably Refund Your Minimum-Use Fees If
You Ask

AT&T CSR: We'll Probably Refund Your Minimum-Use Fees If You Ask

Yesterday, we wrote about a new “minimum use” fee AT&T was charging to landline customers without long-distance service plans. Per the official company line, the only way to get around the fee is to make the equivalent amount in long-distance calls or pay another fee to remove access to long-distance from your account. But a CSR from AT&T tells Consumerist that you can probably get the fees credited back to your account if you just ask. [More]

How It Took 2.5 Hours To Stay With AT&T After My

How It Took 2.5 Hours To Stay With AT&T After My Move

What Y. wanted was simple enough: to remain an AT&T U-Verse customer while moving from one apartment to another within the same complex. Somehow, this process took two and a half hours of navigating the customer service maze after someone typed the wrong apartment number on his service order. The individual customer service representatives weren’t the problem. AT&T’s system was. [More]

AT&T Adds $2 Minimum-Use Fee Because You're Not Using
Enough Long Distance

AT&T Adds $2 Minimum-Use Fee Because You're Not Using Enough Long Distance

A lot of us have completely replaced our landlines with cellphones, or replaced standard landlines with VOIP service that usually doesn’t charge extra for long-distance calls. And some who have retained standard land line service may use their cellphone for long-distance contact in order to avoid pricey bills. This is why AT&T has tacked on a $2/month “minimum use” fee for landline customers without long-distance plans. [More]

Insurance Company Making It Impossible For AT&T To
Replace Damaged Phone

Insurance Company Making It Impossible For AT&T To Replace Damaged Phone

One would think that the purpose of purchasing an insurance policy for a cell phone would be to make it easier to replace said cell phone in the event of loss or damage. AT&T seems to understand this, but Asurion, the company that provides the insurance for its cell phones, appears to have a very different view on the topic. [More]

AT&T Employees Claim: Idle Company Truck To Run A/C, Get

AT&T Employees Claim: Idle Company Truck To Run A/C, Get Fired

Maybe they’re just more concerned about pollution than about workers’ comfort. TV station KPRC investigated claims from AT&T installation technicians that they’ve been told that they can’t sit in their idling trucks and run the air conditioning to cool off for amounts of time that the company deems “excessive,” even when they’ve been crawling around in attics in the Houston summer heat. [More]

AT&T Retires $10 Messaging Plan For New

AT&T Retires $10 Messaging Plan For New Customers

AT&T is retiring its Messaging 1000 plan on Aug. 21, leaving new customers with just two messaging options: an unlimited plan or a pay-per-message basis. [More]

Study: Sprint Smartphone Users Hog The Most Data

Study: Sprint Smartphone Users Hog The Most Data

Ever since AT&T and Verizon did away with unlimited data plans and T-Mobile offered unlimited-but-throttled plans, Sprint has been bragging about both that its unlimited plan has no cap and that its 4G network is quite speedy. And according to the results of a new study, Sprint users are gobbling up much more data than subscribers to any of the other companies. [More]

AT&T Says It Will Call Me Back About Bill Dispute, Sends
Me To Collections Instead

AT&T Says It Will Call Me Back About Bill Dispute, Sends Me To Collections Instead

Consumerist reader Sam says he cancelled his AT&T service on June 8. But when he got the bill a few weeks later, it hadn’t been prorated and was demanding payment for the entire month. Little did Sam know that his attempt to dispute an obvious billing error would land him in the hands of a collections agency. [More]