
Worst Company In America Round 2: Apple Vs. AT&T

Worst Company In America Round 2: Apple Vs. AT&T

Let’s get ready for the weekend by pitting a wildly popular electronics company against the wireless provider that had once been its partner-in-crime. [More]

Meet Your Worst Company In America Not-So-Sweet 16!

Meet Your Worst Company In America Not-So-Sweet 16!

Last week, 32 terrible titans of industry stepped on to the blood-stained mat of WCIA Death-and-Dismemberment Arena, but only 16 remain in this bestial battle royale to take home the treasured Golden Poo. [More]

Worst Company In America Round 1: AT&T Vs. Verizon

Worst Company In America Round 1: AT&T Vs. Verizon

It’s the final day of Round One play in the Worst Company In America Thunderdome, so why not start it off with a showdown between the two largest — and most-hated — telecom titans around! [More]

The bagged-up bag of urine Mark says was left behind by an AT&T installer.

U-Verse Installer Uses Portable Urinal To Relieve Himself In My Bedroom, Leaves It Behind

When you gotta go, you gotta go. But when there’s a bathroom down the hall, you probably don’t need to use a portable urinal bag, and you certainly don’t need to leave it behind for the customer to find. [More]


Hacker Gets 41 Months In Prison For iPad Data Breach

Remember back in 2010, when some hackers discovered an exploit with AT&T’s system that allowed them to access and publish account information for around 114,000 iPad users? One of the fellas behind that breach was sentenced earlier today to 41 months behind bars. [More]

Them's fightin' words.

Former Lovers T-Mobile And AT&T Now Blasting Each Other In Bitter Ad War

Way back in 2011, everything was coming up roses for AT&T and the object of its affection, T-Mobile. The two companies were trying to merge, and the air was filled with sweetness and light. Love songs wafted over the radio and — you get the point. It didn’t work out, and the two parted ways. Cut to this year, when T-Mobile CEO John Legere included a dig at AT&T at the Consumer Electronics Show saying its network was crap. Oof. [More]

(Todd Kravos)

AT&T Sends Me “Replacement Router” For Device I Never Received In The First Place

Last month, Consumerist reader James decided it was time to stop sharing (with their consent) his downstairs neighbors’ Internet access and get his own account through AT&T. Problem is, AT&T seemed to be doing everything it could to not make this happen. [More]


Getting Your iPhone Fixed Is Not An Invitation To Be Sexually Harassed

Sure, an employee might flirt with customers here and there, and maybe ask one out on occasion. When someone isn’t interested, though, it’s time to drop the matter. And when they remind you more than once that they’re under age, it’s really time to drop it. Such subtleties were not obvious to a 33-year-old AT&T store worker who wouldn’t stop texting a 16-year-old who came in one day to get his iPhone fixed. [More]


AT&T Cuts My DSL Line In October 2012, Promises U-Verse That’s Still Not Here

Brie would like U-Verse service from AT&T. Well, that’s not quite true: she had DSL until five months ago, when she reports that the company disconnected it without notifying her first and said that they would be laying fiber and connecting her house soon. By “soon,” they meant “January.” Then they needed another six weeks. Six weeks later…well, that’s when she wrote to Consumerist, so you can guess how that turned out. AT&T isn’t really in a hurry to connect her to the Internet. [More]


After Much Delay, The Anti-Piracy “Six Strikes” Program Is Nearing Launch

A program intended to fight online piracy without resorting to prosecution was supposed to go live last year but was repeatedly delayed, most recently by Hurricane Sandy. But the folks running the Copyright Alert System (better known as Six Strikes) say it’s ready to go. [More]


FCC Yells At 2 Million People To Turn Those Darn Cell Phone Signal Boosters Off, Changes Its Mind

What’s an average citizen to do if they can’t get a cell phone call to go through, perhaps because they live far from cell towers or their network is just shoddy? About 2 million people in the United States currently use wireless signal boosters, devices that can help strengthen cell phone signals. The Federal Communications Commission adopted new rules on those yesterday, at first saying everyone would have to turn them off and get permission from carriers, but backpedaling shortly after. [More]

Some ISPs are still lagging in providing the speeds they advertise.

Which ISPs Are Providing The Speeds They Advertise?

Once again, the FCC has put a wide range of Internet service providers to the test to see whether or not they are delivering on the speeds they advertise to customers. And while it the majority of ISPs are not far off, with a few actually over-delivering, some still have a way to go. [More]


If You Don’t Know A Storm Is Coming, You Might Be An AT&T Wireless Customer

Yesterday my friend sent me a message reading: “OMG! I got an emergency text!” She’d gotten a text alert from the National Weather Service on her iPhone regarding the ginormous blizzard barreling down on the Northeast. I was put out because why hadn’t I gotten a message, too?!? What if I hadn’t been warned by the current media blitz?!?!? It’s all because she has Sprint and I’m an AT&T wireless customer. [More]

(Courtesy of Kevin)

Here Is Every Piece Of Junk Mail AT&T U-Verse Sent Me In 2012

It takes a while, but eventually the universe catches up with you and punishes you for your misdeeds. Maybe. In a previous job, Kevin designed direct mail for AT&T. Now he just gets an awful lot of it. [More]

(So Cal Metro)

AT&T E-Mails Me Stranger’s Account Statements, Shrugs

Eric was most likely an early adopter of Gmail, meaning that he was able to nab the address “” If you substitute in Eric’s actual last name for “lastname”, that is. The problem, as many early Gmail adopters can tell you, is that every other “E. Lastname” in the world seems to give out Eric’s e-mail address as his own. This time, it was serious: an AT&T business account holder gave the company Eric’s e-mail address, and now he’s getting notifications that have way, way more personal information than he’s comfortable having about a stranger. AT&T’s response? He should contact their customer himself. [More]


U-Verse Outage Hits Some AT&T Customers In Southern States

Since yesterday afternoon, some people in various parts of the southeastern U.S. — and as far west as Texas — have been without AT&T U-Verse service. [More]


AT&T To Buy Alltel — Wait, Didn’t Verizon Already Buy Alltel?

Earlier today, it was announced that AT&T would buy up Alltel’s U.S. wireless service for $780 million, leading many to wonder how AT&T is buying a company that was already purchased by Verizon a few years back. [More]


Californians Paying 115% More For AT&T Landline Service Than They Did Before Deregulation

Supporters of removing price caps on utility services claim that deregulation will ultimately result in lower prices and more competition. But a new report claims that when California ditched pricing regulations on landline phone service, it only led to huge bill increases for AT&T customers. [More]