
Lease Your Way to the Hi-Tech Stratosphere

Lease Your Way to the Hi-Tech Stratosphere

Four years ago she bought two Creative Zen 40GBs for under $300 apiece, along with a 2-year Replacement Plan for $40.

Amazon to Build iPod & iTunes Killer?

Amazon to Build iPod & iTunes Killer? announced plans to take on iTunes and iPod as early as this summer. It will launch its own Internet music service as well as sell its own branded portable music players.

RIAA Bans Resale of Preloaded iPods

RIAA Bans Resale of Preloaded iPods

Apparently 1) the RIAA is now a legislative body and 2) MTV is still relevant.

Big Apple Store Never Closes

Big Apple Store Never Closes

New York City’s newest Apple store, currently under construction on Fifth Avenue and set to open in May, is not only going to be one of the larger Apple retail stores in the world; it’s also apparently going to be open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. This all night Mac house will be slinging iPods and Macbooks to jittery, bleary-eyed addicts in the heart of Manhattan, even as innocent citizens sleep nearby—at least until the East Side neighborhood associations start to complain.

Morning Deals Round-Up

• Aeropostale is running a clearance sale on clothing for both men and women. You could even get a stuff bear, though only your psychiatrist knows why you’d want one.

iTunes to be Sued

iTunes to be Sued

dome crackling like a Jacobs Laddder.

iTunes Billionth Song Contest: Play for Free

Faithful reader Mr. Scolex writes:

Wanted to share a tip for you guys regarding the iTunes 1 billionth song download contest. Apple has made this deliberately confusing so I poured over the official rules to see what the skinny was.

iPod Porn To Turn Children Into Sex-Fiends

iPod Porn To Turn Children Into Sex-Fiends

Apple iMac Core Duo Video Issue Fixable with Software

Apple iMac Core Duo Video Issue Fixable with Software

An early-adopter of an Apple iMac Core Duo reported ‘video-tearing’ issues with his new baby and set up a website to document his troubles. Fortunately, after doing some troubleshooting, he’s discovered that Apple sent out the new iMacs with two different versions of Mac OS X, one of which has the video issues and one which does not. While he still hasn’t resolved the issue to his satisfaction—the Genius Bar doesn’t have the latest builds of OS X?—it does appear that the issue, while frustrating, can be fixed in software.

Louisiana Sues Apple For Hearing Loss Potential

As soon as Pete Townshend weighed in on the subject, we knew it was coming: a Louisiana man has sued Apple, not for an iPod actually damaging his hearing, but because they potentially could. The story’s over at Consumer Affairs:

Bribe Your Senator With An iPod!

Bribe Your Senator With An iPod!

Upon being purchased an iPod by his daughter, Alaskan / octogenarian Senator Ted Stevens suddenly came around on the concept of fair use. So taking their cue from Senator Stevens’ conversion, has started a campaign to buy every senator who has a say in legislation affecting technology a brand new video iPod. The theory is that a brand-new iPod loaded with “public domain content, Creative Commons content, and audio messages about the importance of balanced copyright policy” is going to sway our lawmakers into a more lenient view of consumers’ media rights than the RIAA-propaganda they are currently being lobby-fed.

Apple Powerbook Audio Flaw: One Month and Counting

Apple Powerbook Audio Flaw: One Month and Counting

Owners of the last generation of ‘high-resolution’ Apple Powerbooks are reporting major audio issues that cause an echo or looping effect to occur when playing sound. That’s a real problem for a platform used heavily by musicians and video artists, so one would expect Apple to fix the problem as soon as possible.

Remainders: Digg and Slate Edition

Although we don’t intend to make this a regular feature just yet, we spotted a rash of Consumeristy links over at Digg that we thought we’d pass on.

The Postal Service #1 on iTunes Music Store

The Postal Service #1 on iTunes Music Store

There’s one good thing to come out of this Apple/The Postal Service flap: It looks like The Postal Service’s Such Great Heights is dominating the iTunes Video store today. At $2 a download, hopefully they’re getting a little money out of the whole deal. (Thanks, ifdu400!)

Apple’s Lifted Video Provokes Band Response

Apple’s Lifted Video Provokes Band Response

We’re a bit behind on this story, but we figured we’d get our finger on it before it got away from us. Apple straight-up ripped off the video for The Postal Service’s song Such Great Heights to promote its use of Intel chips in its new Macs. (The Postal Service is a band, not our U.S. Mail.) Both videos were directed by the same two people, which makes it unquestionably clear that Apple and their ad agency, TBWAChiat Day, intended to clone the video shot-for-shot from the beginning.

Consumers Speak: Where’s My iPod Settlement?

Robin G. writes:

So, the Apple iPod Settlement website FAQ said there would be a result by September 20th 2005, but the front page now says that on December 22nd 2005 the settlement is final and it’s just a case of the Settlement Administrator moving forward with “claims administration and claims fulfillment.”

Genius Bar: Round on Both Ends

We’ve figured out the Apple Store Genius Bar: All the good service techs work in Ohio. That’s the conclusion we’ve reached from Daniel H. Steinberg’s heaps of praise over at O’Reilly’s Mac Dev Center.My machine initially came up registered to another user.

Apple Adds iTunes Ministore Opt-In

Apple Adds iTunes Ministore Opt-In

not the software, just the Tuesday morning, new-music-has-dropped update.