
Burning Macbook Adaptor Porn.

Burning Macbook Adaptor Porn.

It’s bad enough that the laptop started to burn on Adrian’s bed while he was in it… [More]

Replacement Apple Batteries Have Their Own Problems

The fun isn’t over for some Apple Powerbook G4 owners affected by the recent battery recall. Not only did some replacement batteries not power systems correctly, others don’t even fit flush with the laptops.

NJ Taxes iTunes Downloads

NJ Taxes iTunes Downloads

NJ residents, now is a good time to change your iTunes profile to another state.

Apple Fights Pod Power

Apple Fights Pod Power

Who owns the word ‘pod’? How about ‘podcast’?

Sony Recalls Practically Every Battery In The World

Sony Recalls Practically Every Battery In The World

Dells exploding. Apples melting scrotums. Now Lenovos conflagrant. And it’s all apparently over pesky Sony batteries.

Consumerist Ask Metafilter Round-Up

• I’m toying with the idea of taking my friend who has Asperger’s to a brothel before he returns to Canada. Good idea or am I insane? [Link]

Where’s My Applecare? “Trust Us!”

Where’s My Applecare? “Trust Us!”

Comcast Sending Out Mystery iPods?

Comcast Sending Out Mystery iPods?

Brian W. is befuddled. He got a strange gift from Comcast in the mail the other day. For a change, it wasn’t a picture of a naked Comcast tech, flabbily draped across a faux tiger skin rug, holding a heart-shaped box of candies before his genitals.

Laptoppa Non Gratta: Virgin Atlantic Restricts Dell and Apple Notebooks

Virgin Atlantic becomes the latest airline to limit laptop use on board, thanks to the threat of exploding batteries. Qantas and Korean Air already have imposed restrictions.

Apple’s iTV vs. RCA Cable

Apple’s iTV vs. RCA Cable

Valleywag gets all player hater on the Apple iTV which is supposed to be the flux capacitor between TVs and computers.

Gird Your MacBook’s Fiery Loins

Gird Your MacBook’s Fiery Loins

iTunes Edits Questionable Playlists

iTunes Edits Questionable Playlists

Gayer Mechanic Wales first brought to our attention some oddities in the iTunes back to school playlists. Now he points out those oddities have been removed. See the original and revised versions below.

iPod Mechanic Emerges From Repairs

iPod Mechanic Emerges From Repairs

In response to our request for a statement on what iPod Mechanic did to rectify its customer service issues, owner Nick Woodhams says:

Macbook Random Shutdown of Doom

Macbook Random Shutdown of Doom

Somehow, owners of the new Macbooks got over greasy geek besmirching. They even learned to live with non-beveled corners. Now, after 1-2 months of ownership, a new culprit raises its fell head. It’s called, “Random Shutdown Syndrome” or “RSS” and it’s even got its own blog. There’s even a couple of YouTube videos.

iPod Mechanic Bristles Over Post

iPod Mechanic Bristles Over Post

Two months after we posted a negative user review, the owner of sent us this note:

What If… Apple Care Manned A Suicide Hotline?

What If… Apple Care Manned A Suicide Hotline?

As a pimply pubescent, one of my favorite comics was Marvel’s What If… For those far less dorky than me, the concept was essentially to spin alternate universes where the epopees of Marvel Comics characters had spinned in entirely different directions. “What if Wolverine’s Claws Were John Holmes Phalluses?” one issue might cry, then set about to answer that very question.

Please Copy 415 Serial Numbers To Complete Your Apple Battery Recall

Please Copy 415 Serial Numbers To Complete Your Apple Battery Recall

Paul is the tech guy at an all-Mac private school and he’s more steaming than a self-immolating battery.

Apple Battery Exchange Call Center Kinda Busy Right now

Apple Battery Exchange Call Center Kinda Busy Right now