
Apple Sells “Refreshed” Laptop Filled With Porn To 11 Year Old Girl

Internet Sneers At Apple/ Porn/ Laptop/ Child Post

We Help Reader Get iPod Back After 7 Months In The Shop

We Help Reader Get iPod Back After 7 Months In The Shop

Lisa’s story of iPod repair frustration has more tangles than that pair of 1st gen earbuds you’ve abandoned in the bottom of your “big” purse.

Zune “is a Complete, Humiliating Failure.”

Zune “is a Complete, Humiliating Failure.”

The Chicago Sun-Times does not like the Zune. At all. In much the same way as we delight in reading all the really nasty movie reviews excerpted on Metacritic, we really enjoyed this particular write up of the potentially ill-fated Zune. Here are some choice zingers:

Apple’s Black Friday Deals

Apple’s Black Friday Deals

Today only, save on products from the Apple store.

Zune: Slow to Start

Zune: Slow to Start

ZDnet is reporting that Microsoft’s iPod-killa is experiencing a slow start. ZDnet was unable to find the mp3 player at most retailers, and experienced mixed reviews at a local Best Buy.

iPod Video to Play on Airline Seat-Back Displays

According to Reuters, “Airline passengers will soon be able to connect their iPods to in-flight entertainment systems and watch their favorite videos without fear of running out of battery power while traveling on any of six major carriers, iPod maker Apple Computer Inc. said on Tuesday.

Exploding Laptop Caught On Film

They try to test the heat using a remote thermometer (like the one mentioned in today’s Morning Deals) but the temp is so high, the instrument gives an error code. This means the temperature was over 1000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Consumer Reports Warns Against Extended Warranties

Consumer Reports Warns Against Extended Warranties

Consumer Reports has an excellent article this morning warning against the fraud that is the extended warranty. From the article:

Best of Both Worlds

ZDNet is reporting that MacMall is selling Macbooks that are pre-loaded with both Windows XP and MacOS. You can get your dual boot system in two flavors: Apple’s free BootCamp 1.1 which allows you to boot either operating system, or Nova Development’s Parallels Desktop … which allows you to run both at the same time.

Top 10 Companies for Customer Service

CRMLowdown sifted through countless customer service surveys, studies, and real-life experiences to come up with a pretty damn impressive list of the best/worst companies for customer service.

Apple Fires Smug Fanboy

Apple Fires Smug Fanboy

You knew it was coming. Apple has said goodbye to Justin Long A.K.A. “Mac”, whom Seth Stevenson of Slate called:

iTunes 7 Breaks Your iPod

iTunes 7 Breaks Your iPod

It seems that iTunes 7 breaks older iPods, and no one at Apple believes it. We believe it. Here’s the deal. You have a slightly older iPod, a Nano, or a Shuffle. You update iTunes. Your hardware stops working. Apple doesn’t give a shit, and they tell you it’s time to buy a new iPod. The general feeling seems to be that if your iPod is sort of old, it broke on its own. Very suspicious.

Cure Random Shutdown Syndome

Cure Random Shutdown Syndome

Apple has released a firmware upgrade that they say is a solutions for Mac users suffering from RSS or “Random Shutdown Syndrome.”

All Laptops Break. Period.

All Laptops Break. Period.

This Consumer Reports chart ranks how quickly different laptops need repair.

Get Applecare Executive Customer Service

Every Phone Number For TWC Level 3 Tech Support

Mac Enthusiasts Becoming Less Enthusiastic

Mac Enthusiasts Becoming Less Enthusiastic

Photo by Nathan Makan.

No iPod, Soap!

No iPod, Soap!

We’ve all heard of iPod’s vaunted “clean design,” but this is ridiculous.

Apple Battery Recalls Encourage Prolonging Immolation Risk

My wife just (six weeks later) got her new battery from Apple for her Powerbook G4. The instructions on the printed materials that came with the new battery stated that the old battery had to be drained prior returning. Suggested ways to do this: play a dvd, play a CD or play the Chess game computer vs. computer.