Southwest Airlines apologized today after a video made the rounds this week showing a passenger being forcefully removed from a plane. [More]

Netflix Pulls Episode Of Children’s Show After Parents Complain About Phallic Image
Kids’ cartoons often have jokes or imagery included just to amuse the parents and babysitters forced to sit through countless replays in the company of a youngster. But some folks weren’t amused that one Netflix animated show included an image that looks very much like a crude sketch of male genitals. [More]

Walmart Says ‘Back-To-School’ Sign Should Not Have Been Posted Over Gun Case
The nation’s largest retailer says it is now trying to find out why a back-to-school promotional sign was posted on a rifle display case at one of its stores. [More]

Uber To Repay Customers Who Experienced Surge Pricing After London Attacks
Nearly three years ago, Uber received significant backlash after it charged surge prices during a hostage situation in Sydney, Australia, leading the company to refund riders for those trips. A similar situation is playing out in London after the ride-hailing service charged customers caught up in a recent terror attack more for rides to safety. [More]

McDonald’s Sorry For Using Grieving Child To Sell Filet-O-Fish Sandwiches
McDonald’s has apparently given up on the idea of associating its food with even moderately enjoyable moments in life. Instead, the fast food giant decided to go dark — like, really dark — for a recent ad that markets the chain’s fish sandwich as some sort of replacement for a dead father. [More]

Adidas Sorry About That “You Survived Boston Marathon” Email
While finishing any marathon is a feat worthy of a high-five, it’s not a good idea to sound like you’re making light of a terrorist attack that left three dead and hundreds injured. [More]

United CEO Says No One Will Be Fired Over Forced Removal Of Passenger
In the week since United Airlines made headlines when a ticketed passenger was aggressively hauled off his flight, the company has updated its crew travel policies to ensure passengers won’t get booted and compensated all travelers on the fateful fight. Now, the airline’s CEO says no employees will be fired over the incident. [More]

Southwest Passengers Recall Three-Day Nightmare Travel Experience
There are travel hiccups that keep passengers from getting to their destination by a few hours. And then there are ordeals that keep people in limbo for days. Case in point: a Southwest Airlines flight from the Dominican Republic to Atlanta that turned into a three-day real life nightmare. [More]

How Will Tobacco Companies’ Ads Say Sorry To Americans?
Do you remember when your mom made you apologize to your brother for being mean and you just repeated what she said word-for-word? Did you actually mean any of it? No, didn’t think so. That appears to be the same case with a mock-up of the ad tobacco companies may use to apologize to consumers for hiding the dangers of tobacco. [More]

Judge To Madoff: Hope You Like The Look Of Cinder Blocks, Douchebag
No more $7 million penthouse. Today was Madoff’s first full day at the Metropolitan Correction Center, where he’ll be spending some quality time while awaiting sentencing. ABCNews has some insights about the facility and its amenities.

POLL: GM Sorry It Disappointed You, Do You Forgive Them?
General Motors took out an advertisement apologizing for “disappointing” consumers on Monday, asking your forgiveness for years of incompetance. Do you forgive them?

Sears "Takes Your Satisfaction Very Seriously" But Only If You're From Boston
After WCVB in Boston did an investigation into Sears’ awful, awful customer service record when it comes to installation and repair of appliances (a category in which they used to excel), Sears has now apologized to its Boston customers.
American Airlines Apologizes to Passengers Stuck On A Plane For 9 Hours
We hope that apology comes with a check. —MEGHANN MARCO
How To Apologize, for Politicans and Companies Alike
From Brownlee’s neck of the woods — Dublin, Ireland’s industrial metropolis — we saw this article on issuing a good apology. Although primarily aimed at apologies issued by politicians, it should be taken as gospel by the hand waving, “We Understand Your Concern” PR gorgons we so actively loathe. We won’t sully Tom Savage’s points with any more forward commentary. Check it out: