AOL has said they’re sorry for hiring the infamously bad CSR that was so terribly loathe to let Vincent quit AOL.
Best Posts Ever, This Week
• How To Get Your Phone Fixed: Make It A Pay Phone. Sweet phreak, just don’t get carried away and start blowing kazoo sounds in like Captain Crunch, that shit doesn’t work anymore.
Another Skeptical Musing on AOL CSR Firing
Chooki brings up a great point in the comments, which is how do we know that John was actually fired? There’s no proof, just a statement from the PR department.
Some Skeptical Musings on the AOL CSR Statement
When AOL said that part of their zero tolerance asshole employee policy was “swiftly honoring [customer] requests,” we all pretty much rolled our eyes into the back of our head and spent a few minutes scrutinizing our snarky, sarcastic brains.
AOL Fires Infamous CSR
The AOL customer service rep who tried so very hard to prevent Vincent Ferrai from cancelling his service has been fired.
Fun With Contextual Advertising: Consumerist
Hoisted then atomic wedgied by our own petard! After our recent post about the dangers of contextual advertising in regards to KFC, Consumerist Daniel M. wrote us with a screenshot of our contextual advertising… specifically in regards to our Reader Tries To Cancel AOL post. Click it to the right to see what Daniel saw.
The Best Thing We Have Ever Posted: Reader Tries To Cancel AOL
This is the best thing we have ever posted. It’s so good that we almost don’t want to comment on this mp3 that Consumerist reader Vincent Ferrari recording him trying to cancel his AOL account. [More]
AOL Wants to Eat the Dead
A reader well versed in customer service shares with us this following anecdote about how much AOL cares about servicing your dead relatives. David writes:
The News is Incredibly Newsy
• Reporter buys a cheap Dell and opens every spam and suspicious file to see how much malware and viruses he can get before Geek Squad declares it a total loss. [Wired]
AOL Officially Sucks More Than Anything Else
Every time we post a story bashing AOL, Gawker overlord Nick Denton forgets that he fired us the day before. So our jobs should be safe for at least a few days now that we can share the news that PC World has given AOL the prestigious prize of the worst tech product of all time:
The Government Data Mines Everyone
If you’re curious exactly how far the government’s data mining is going, the Wall Street Journal has a scary article up about how the government is literally combing through every single record you have these days for evidence of criminality. It doesn’t stop at the nation’s telecoms: your AOL account, your bank records, any record that could possibly be used against you is routinely being requested by and granted to the Federal Government.
AOL Denies Censoring DearAOL
AOL has predictably denied blocking emails that mentioned Instead, they have described it under the handy bugbear of being a “software glitch” that affected “over 50 sites with no commonality.” A list of the sites affected was not released, so, you know, we’ll just have to take their word for it.