If there’s one thing you can’t do to American consumers and get away with, it’s water down our favorite alcoholic beverages. In the vein of “Don’t water down our Maker’s Mark or pay the consequences,” two Philadelphia brothers are alleging that Anheuser-Bush InBev has been watering down its beverages. And they’ve been drinking plenty of Budweisers to try and prove it. [More]
anheuser-busch inbev

The Beer World May Appear Diverse But Just Two Brewers Own 210 Different Brands
There you are in Lesotho, enjoying a nice cold Maluti beer and feeling pretty pumped about the Instagram picture you’re totally going to take to show your friends back home how exotic everything is here. But oh, what’s that? It’s just another one of the 210 brands owned by Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller? The beer world is starting to feel a bit smaller, and there’s good reason. [More]

DOJ Tells Anheuser-Busch It’s Had Enough To Drink & Should Put Down That Grupo Modelo
Last summer, Anheuser-Busch InBev NV continued its attempt to buy every beer in the bar by buying a controlling interest in Grupo Modelo, the folks behind Corona, Modelo, and Pacifico, among others. But today, the Justice Dept. decided that AB InBev might be getting too drunk on beer company acquisitions. [More]

Anheuser-Busch Wins Another Budweiser Round In 100-Year Fight Against Czech Brewer
It seems Goliath has won this bout with David, if you consider Anheuser-Busch InBev to be well, a giant towering over a Czech brewery fighting for the right to call its beer Budweiser. Over here in America we mostly only ever see the King of Beers we’re used to, but in Europe, it’s a whole other long, contentious story. [More]

Beer Giant Anheuser-Busch Set To Gorge Itself With Expected Takeover Of Grupo Modelo
Do you prefer a Corona Extra over a good ol’ Bud? Soon those two very different beers could be brethren under the giant umbrella of Anheuser-Busch InBev, as the company is reportedly close to buying the half of Grupo Modelo it doesn’t own already. One big beery family. [More]