Because walking outside and going a few blocks to pick up some bread and milk is just too much work sometimes, Amazon is adding one-hour delivery from certain local stores — but only in New York City’s Manhattan borough for now, with plans to expand to other locations that offer Prime Now eventually. [More]
amazon prime

EBay Rolling Out Its Own Prime-Like Service… In Germany
Just weeks after rumors surfaced that Walmart was working on its own Amazon Prime-esque service, eBay is jumping into the game — except its subscription service is only available across that big Atlantic pond – for now. [More]

1-In-10 U.S. Households Sharing Passwords For Netflix & Other Streaming Services
A new study confirms that video streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime, have quickly become the new norm, and are being accessed by a majority of American homes. However, not everyone who’s logging in to binge-watch Orange Is The New Black or Transparent is paying for it. [More]

Amazon Echo Now Lets Prime Members Reorder Stuff With Voice Command
Forget about the Amazon Dash. The company’s web-connected speaker – you know, the one that talks? – now has the ability to do your shopping for you; as long as the item is a reorder from a pervious purchase and happens to be Prime eligible. [More]

Walmart Reportedly Working On An Amazon Prime Rival
Walmart’s latest attempt to stay competitive with Amazon reportedly includes taking the rival company’s iconic Prime service and making its own version. [More]

JetBlue Will Let Amazon Prime Customers Stream For Free Onboard
Though it’s already the only airline to offer free WiFi, JetBlue is taking it once step further and will now let passengers who are Amazon Prime customers stream Amazon’s music and video content for free. Because let’s face it, you’ve got some binge watching of Transparent to get done and those two shrill, chatty 20somethings across the aisle will not shut up about their trip to Cabo. [More]

Here Are The Most Ridiculously Long Binge-Watches Available For Anyone With 200+ Hours To Kill
If you’re like us, you like your TV. Sure you do! But let’s say you’ve been busy: you’re all caught up on the big prestige dramas. There are no secrets or spoilers left for you in Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, or Orphan Black. There’s a TV-shaped void in your life to fill, and endless reruns on cable just aren’t cutting it. You need something that can really occupy your time. Not just a few hours, but days. Weeks. You have months to kill, and you need something to binge-watch right now. And lots of it. [More]

HBO Now Accounted For Almost 1% Of Internet Video Traffic On Sunday Night
HBO’s standalone streaming service HBO Now is only a week old but a look at traffic numbers for its first big-event night give hope that it might be finding traction with consumers. [More]

Amazon Prime Members Less Likely To Visit, When Shopping Online
In recent months big box retailers like Walmart and Target have attempted to thwart Amazon’s growing influence over consumers with a variety of new policies such as reducing the minimum purchase required for free shipping and allowing price-matching with the online retailer (although, that effort didn’t’ last long). But, according to a new report, those measure might amount to “too little, too late” when it comes to Amazon Prime shoppers. [More]

Amazon Expands One-Hour Prime Now Deliveries To Dallas
The list of cities in which consumers can get one-hour delivery service on a plethora of products like paper towels, shampoo, books, toys and other essential everyday times from Amazon now includes Dallas. The company’s Prime Now, which already services Miami, Baltimore and New York City, is available to customers enrolled in Amazon Prime, which costs $99 a year and comes with free two-day shipping on thousands of items. [Amazon] [More]

Amazon Expands One-Hour Delivery Service To Baltimore, Miami
It seems that so far, Amazon likes its new one-hour delivery service, which first debuted in New York City in late 2014. So much so that it’s expanding Prime Now service for household products to Baltimore and Miami. [More]

Did Amazon’s Two-Day Shipping Suffer Over The Holidays? Survey Says Yes
One of the perks of paying $99/year to be an Amazon Prime member is the free two-day standard shipping on millions of items sold on the e-tailers’ site. But according to a new survey, being a Prime member didn’t always prove to be beneficial when it came to on-time deliveries last holiday season. [More]

Would You Be Willing To Pay More To Choose Who Delivers Your Amazon Orders?
If you’ve ever been expecting a package only to find that the delivery person reports leaving a notice (which may or may not have happened) or “attempted delivery” (again, sometimes without actually doing so), you’re not alone. We’ve heard from many readers over the years and experienced it ourselves. So why can’t Amazon Prime members choose their preferred delivery service? [More]

Amazon To Make Movies For Theatrical Release, Because Why The Heck Not?
Amazon, the online retailer where you can rent a movie, order groceries or buy a tank, has announced that it’s venturing into a territory that seems counterintuitive for a company that focuses on delivering its products to consumers’ homes — bringing its original video productions to actual movie theaters. [More]

Amazon Prime Now: One-Hour NYC Delivery So New, Only One ZIP Code Has It (So Far)
UPDATE: A rep for Amazon tells Consumerist that while the new service was only available in the 10001 Manhattan ZIP code when it launched this morning (and of this writing), the company is adding other areas of the city throughout the day.
Here’s a hypothetical: You wake up one morning to find that you’ve run out of toothpaste, what do you do? Sure, you could walk the two blocks to the local drug store and pick up a box. Or if you’re an Amazon Prime member you could just sit on the couch and wait an hour for some paste to be delivered, that is, as long as you live in a small section of Manhattan and feel like paying a shipping cost double that of the toothpaste. [More]

Here’s Why You Should Always Read The Details Of Free Trials
When you sign up for a free trial of a service, but don’t have to hand over your payment information on the spot, do you assume that the free trial will simply go away? That’s what many people who signed up for a trial of Amazon Prime seemed to do, and the Iowa Attorney General has arrived at a settlement with Amazon over auto-enrollment in Prime. [More]