When you see a UPS or FedEx truck in your neighborhood on a weekday, or a U.S. Postal Service truck on a Sunday, they’re probably there with some kind of delivery from an online retailer, and that retailer is likely to be Amazon. As more of our everyday shopping happens online, someone will need to bring those items to our doorsteps, but it may not necessarily be the carriers we’re used to. [More]
amazon prime

Android Users Can Now Download Amazon Prime Videos Onto SD Cards
For those folks who might not be willing to shell out more money for more storage on their smartphone or other mobile device, it can be tough to watch videos without having to shuffle around other stuff to make room. Android users who are Amazon Prime customers will now be saved from that dance, as the tech company will now let them download Prime video content to removable SD memory cards. [More]

Amazon: This Year’s Prime Day Was “The Biggest Day Ever” For The Company
Despite some customer complaints and competing discount events offered by rivals, Amazon says yesterday’s Prime Day was “the biggest day ever for Amazon.” Even bigger than the day it first learned to ride a bike. [More]

Retail Rivals Pulling Out Their Own Deals In Effort To Compete With Prime Day
Just because Amazon is calling today Prime Day doesn’t mean other retailers can’t offer their own discounts and deals, too. As such, a whole bunch of retailers are pulling out specials designed to lure shoppers today, while carefully avoiding any mention of “Prime Day” [More]

Amazon Echo Users Can Now Set Spotify, Pandora As Their Default Music Service
Until now, if you wanted to tell Alexa to play a certain song using a music service other than Prime Music, you’d have to say something like, “Alexa, play ‘Hotline Bling’ by Drake on Spotify.” Those days are gone, as Amazon Echo users can now set their default music services to either Spotify or Pandora. [More]

What’s Going On When Your Amazon Package Gets Delivered By Some Guy In A Sedan
Amazon increasingly promises faster, quicker, more local delivery. UPS, FedEx, and the Post Office can’t handle all that, of course, so the e-retail giant turns to local couriers, its own Amazon-branded fleet… and, increasingly, folks who volunteer to drive your stuff around for a few bucks an hour. [More]

A Bunch Of Patriotic-ish Movies You Can Stream If You’re Stuck Indoors This July 4th
For many people, this Fourth of July weekend is sure to be a busy one — Parades! Picnics! Parties! But when the fireworks have all stopped and you’ve been rendered immobile after consuming too many grilled things — or if you just need a few hours to not talk to your family and friends — you can still get into the spirit of the weekend with some movies. [More]

Amazon Trying That Whole “Prime Day” Thing Again This Year
Last year, Amazon tried inventing a holiday all for itself. The day was dubbed “Prime Day,” and it was to be a day full of irresistible sales and promotions for Prime Members. In the end, it was something of a wash. But Amazon, undeterred, is now making it an annual tradition. [More]

Google Chrome Has A Bug That Makes It Super Easy For Pirates To Purloin Streaming Video
Lots of things made our modern all-online, all-video era possible: Internet connections got faster, tech got cheaper, and so on. But the thing that made companies like Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu willing and able to become household names in TV is a little invisible: it’s the ability to keep you paying for content. [More]

Amazon Prime’s “No-Rush Shipping Credits” May Not Be Worth The Extra Wait
At $99/year — or the recently announced $10.99/month — a subscription to Amazon Prime isn’t cheap, but for people who place regular orders with the e-tail giant, the free expedited shipping may be worth the cost. Now Amazon is offering “No-Rush Shipping Credits” to Prime members willing to temporarily waive their right to what had once been the main selling point of Prime. However, a closer look at the offer raises concerns that many customers may not benefit by being more patient with their purchases. [More]

If You’ve Got Amazon Prime, You’re Probably Keeping Amazon Prime For Years
Amazon these days is all about Prime. What started out as a way for power users to save on shipping, years ago, has become an all-encompassing membership to the internet’s biggest virtual big-box store. And whatever lever Amazon pushes to get individuals interested in signing up, it works: the longer you subscribe, research finds, the longer you are likely to stick with it. [More]

Sprint Offering Free Year Of Amazon Prime For Customers On 40GB Data Plan
In the neverending game of trying to woo customers away from rivals, Sprint has trotted out a new perk: customers who sign up for its “Better Choice XXL” plan with 40GB of data will get 12 months of Amazon Prime access for free. [More]

Walmart Testing Two-Day Delivery Subscription Service
It’s finally time: Walmart is officially ready to take on Amazon’s $99/year two-day shipping service, Prime, by knocking off a delivery day and a dollar from its own ShippingPass subscription service. [More]

Amazon Now Expanding Same-Day Delivery To All ZIP Codes In 27 Cities
Two weeks after being called out for omitting ZIP codes with predominantly non-white residents from its same-day delivery service, Amazon is now pledging to cover those areas in all the markets where it offers the expedited delivery option. [More]

Amazon To Expand Same-Day Prime Delivery To All Of Boston… Eventually
Free same-day delivery is a nice perk that millions of Amazon Prime customers in and near major cities nationwide have access to. But not all access is created equal, as a recent investigation found out, and the map of who was being excluded has some unpleasant undertones. In Boston at least, the city with the most obvious delivery hole, Amazon is now changing its tune and will expand service to all residents. [More]

Amazon Makes Some Games Only Available On Prime, But Good Luck Guessing Which Ones
Amazon Prime started out a few years back as a way for power users to save on quick shipping. These days, it sometimes feels instead like Amazon is crawling one inch at a time toward a Costco-style membership-only future behind the Prime gates. The latest goods to move behind the velvet rope? A bunch of big-name video games. [More]