
American Airlines Misplaces Your Grandmother, Twice

American Airlines Misplaces Your Grandmother, Twice

Every once in awhile we post a sad story about someone’s 85-year-old grandmother being left at the gate because nobody came to push the wheelchair. This is one of those stories. The difference, however, is that in this case American Airlines left the woman at the gate, apologized, got her a hotel, brought her back, and left her with a Skycap. She missed the second flight too.

JetBlue's $599 Unlimited Travel Pass: Great Deal Or Great Gimmick?

JetBlue's $599 Unlimited Travel Pass: Great Deal Or Great Gimmick?

Are you planning a vacation that involves spending large expanses of time waiting around in airports? Good news! JetBlue’s new unlimited travel pass may be for you! For only $599, you can fly as many times as you’d like between the cities that JetBlue serves.

Transportation Secretary Would Like To Ask Continental A Few Questions

Transportation Secretary Would Like To Ask Continental A Few Questions

The horrific tarmac delay in Rochester, MN has come to the attention of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. LaHood apparently has a blog, and on it he’s asking some questions about the delay.

47 Passengers, Including Two Babies, Trapped On Continental Flight For 11 Hours

47 Passengers, Including Two Babies, Trapped On Continental Flight For 11 Hours

When will airlines realize that when a flight gets diverted and things go wrong — you just should not force people to stay on an airplane for 11 hours with only a bag of pretzels to eat. What was ExpressJet’s (operator of the Continental flight) excuse? The TSA screeners had gone home for the night, so they couldn’t let anyone get back on the plane if they let them off. Oh no!

Is It Time For Travel Agents To Make A Comeback?

Is It Time For Travel Agents To Make A Comeback?

Now that booking your own flight, car, and hotel reservations online is such a giant pain in the neck, travel agents don’t seem so bad. In a new report, Forrester Research says that “Consumers see other Web sites becoming easier to use – retail Web sites, banking Web sites, media Web sites. […] There are very few travel companies that are really looking to improve the planning and booking process.

Airlines Reaping The Benefits Of Your Losses

Airlines Reaping The Benefits Of Your Losses

Cancellation fees and change fees bring in a staggering $2 billion a year for the airline industry. Some airlines now make even more from these fees than they do from the much-maligned checked-baggage fees. And, like most airline fees, they’ve gone up: the average ticket change fee is $150, compared to $100 last year. Budget carrier JetBlue recently upped its fee to $100 from a manageable $40, and now even penalty-fee holdout Southwest Airlines is considering jumping on the bandwagon.

Southwest Jet Grounded Due To Horrific Burning Smell: Turns Out It Was Just The Coffee Maker

An early morning Southwest flight headed to Orlando from Connecticut only got as far as Long Island this weekend, after an inexplicable burning smell at the back of the plane forced an early landing. Turns out the unexplained smell was, well, something we’re only too familiar with: airline coffee. The plane was quickly cleaned up and put back into operation. But let’s call it a brewed awakening.

American Airlines Raises Baggage Fees

American Airlines Raises Baggage Fees

Despite lowered fuel prices, American Airlines just can’t seem to figure out how to make money. That’s too bad for you — because you’ll be paying higher bag fees.

Delta/Northwest Employees Wear The Same Uniform, Expect You To Be Able To Tell Them Apart

Delta/Northwest Employees Wear The Same Uniform, Expect You To Be Able To Tell Them Apart

Reader Matthew writes in to tell us that Delta at Minneapolis/St. Paul airport is “still in Beta.” The employees all wear the same uniform, but they still work for different airlines — sorta.

Did Dave Carroll's Broken Guitar Videos Cost United $180 Million?

Did Dave Carroll's Broken Guitar Videos Cost United $180 Million?

The Times of London claims that public relations fallout from Dave Carroll’s catchy videos panning United Airlines for breaking his beloved $3500 Taylor guitar and then denying his damage claim may have cost the airline’s shareholders up to $180 million.

US Airways Realizes Destination Airport Is Closed, Cancels Flight Mid-Air

US Airways Realizes Destination Airport Is Closed, Cancels Flight Mid-Air

A reader wrote into let us know that his US Airways flight from Charlotte, North Carolina to Charleston, South Carolina was forced to turn back when, fifteen miles outside of their destination, the pilot realized that the airport closed at midnight.

Poll: What's The Next Airline Fee?

Poll: What's The Next Airline Fee?

With airlines now charging fees for not paying fees a specified way and contemplating charging for bathroom access, we wanted to take a crack at predicting the next annoying fee. Take the poll inside and suggest your own fee.

Scorpions On A Plane: Southwest Passenger Bitten By Venomous Beast, Panic Ensues

Scorpions On A Plane: Southwest Passenger Bitten By Venomous Beast, Panic Ensues

Doug Herbstommer and his 10-year-old son were preparing to disembark from a Phoenix flight when a three-inch poisonous bark scorpion dropped from the overhead compartment and bit Doug on the hand. On closer inspection, five more scorpions were found nestling nearby. Passengers started to scream and jump up onto their seats. Why, is there something scary about a bunch of poisonous scorpions whose bite can cause extreme pain, frothing at the mouth, and temporary paralysis??!?

Delta Adds The "Fee For Not Paying A Fee" Fee

Delta Adds The "Fee For Not Paying A Fee" Fee

Following in the fee-laden footsteps of US Airways, Delta has added a $5 fee for not paying your baggage fees online in advance.

Sunwing Airlines Also Breaks Guitars – Then Replaces Them

Musician Dave Carroll told us that United breaks guitars, but did you know that other airlines break guitars, too? Oh yes!

Airline Passengers Bill Of Rights Lurches Down Congressional Runway

Airline Passengers Bill Of Rights Lurches Down Congressional Runway

Tomorrow, a Senate committee will hold a hearing on legislation that grants passengers the right to deplane if their plane is delayed on the runway for more than 3 hours. The legislation will also require that airlines provide water, food, and bathroom facilities during delays. If passed, it will be ignored by Delta.

JetAmerica Crashes And Burns (Business Plan-Wise)

JetAmerica Crashes And Burns (Business Plan-Wise)

JetAmerica, the ultra-low-cost airline (think $9 fares), the back-from-the-dead kissing cousin to SkyBus, has ceased to exist before taking a single passenger aloft, reports Jaunted. The carrier was unable to secure landing rights at Newark International Airport, and will be issuing refunds to all customers. Sad. US travelers deserve an American version of RyanAir. Then they’ll really have something to complain about.

Genius TSA Officer & Baggage Handler Caught Stealing From Decoy Luggage

Genius TSA Officer & Baggage Handler Caught Stealing From Decoy Luggage

Two workers at JFK airport fell into a trap set by Delta Airlines and the TSA, says the Daily News. The two men are accused of stealing a Macbook Air and a T-Mobile Sidekick from decoy luggage. The first man, a TSA officer, was videotaped rummaging through a Miami-bound suitcase in an airport screening room while a baggage handler watched.