air travel

Boeing Calls BS On Ryanair's Standing Room Seats

Boeing Calls BS On Ryanair's Standing Room Seats

Last week, cheapo airline Ryanair once again raised hackles and made headlines saying plans to introduce vertical “standing room” seats on its planes. However, it’s looking like this may be yet another PR stunt from Ryanair’s loudmouth CEO. [More]

7 Tips For Saving On Airline Baggage Fees

7 Tips For Saving On Airline Baggage Fees

The other day we wrote about the new UPS Luggage Box, which gives users the option of checking, carrying-on or shipping your baggage for your plane trip. But over at MSNBC, they’ve come up with a whole list of ways to not get beaten down by the baggage fee system. [More]

Continental Introduces New, Fancier Cocktails… For A Fee, Of Course

Continental Introduces New, Fancier Cocktails… For A Fee, Of Course

A lot of air travelers partake of liquor while flying, whether it’s to calm the nerves or just something to make watching the latest Robert Pattinson movie on a 6″ screen palatable. But for those passengers who find a gin and tonic lacks the razmatazz to match their personality, Continental will soon have the solution… and be willing to charge you premium for it. [More]

UPS Wants To Replace Your Luggage With Their Luggage Box

UPS Wants To Replace Your Luggage With Their Luggage Box

As checked baggage fees continue to rise — and with nickel-and-dime carriers beginning to charge for carry-ons — it’s becoming more and more popular for air travelers to ship some of their belongings directly to and from their destinations. Now, UPS has taken it to the next level, introducing a cardboard suitcase that gives you the options of checking, carrying-on or shipping. [More]

Passengers Sue To Stop Continental-United Merger

Passengers Sue To Stop Continental-United Merger

With both Continental and United Airlines ready to say “I do,” a group of peeved passengers has busted into the church prepared to give their reasons for why these two carriers should not be wed. [More]

Airline Food Might Not Only Taste Bad, It Might Make You Sick

Airline Food Might Not Only Taste Bad, It Might Make You Sick

Maybe it’s a good thing that more and more airlines are charging to chow down on their mediocre meals. FDA reports uncovered by USA Today reveals the unappetizing conditions at some of the kitchens that prepare the overpriced grub. [More]

The DOT Wants Your Opinion On Proposed In-Flight Peanut Ban

The DOT Wants Your Opinion On Proposed In-Flight Peanut Ban

A couple weeks back we wrote about how the Dept. of Transportation was considering a possible ban on peanuts on airplanes and what resulted was easily one of the site’s more divisive debates. Now, as the DOT and FAA continue to mull over this plan — and consider other options — the regulators say they want to hear from you, the citizens of these United States of America. [More]

Southwest Celebrates 39th Birthday With $39 Fares

Southwest Celebrates 39th Birthday With $39 Fares

Southwest Airlines, which doesn’t look a day over 35, is celebrating its 39th birthday this week with a 3-day sale, offering fares as low as $39 each way for travel between Sept. 8 and Nov. 17. [More]

Frequent Flier Miles Easier To Earn, Harder To Use

Frequent Flier Miles Easier To Earn, Harder To Use

For anyone wanting to earn reward miles on their favorite airline, the options are many. Your credit and debit cards can earn miles, so can taking online surveys or taking part in experimental drug trials (okay, not that last one). But while it’s becoming increasingly easy to accrue miles, it’s becoming more difficult to actually cash them in. [More]

Want To Board Your Flight Early? There's A Fee For That

Want To Board Your Flight Early? There's A Fee For That

There is apparently no end to the airline industries love of additional fees. At least the latest add-on to your ticket price isn’t for a privilege that had previously been free of charge. Instead, American Airlines has actually decided to add an option that may be worth the cash for some travelers — early boarding. [More]

Spirit Airlines Pulls Plug On Thursday's Flights

Spirit Airlines Pulls Plug On Thursday's Flights

The Spirit Airlines pilot strike continues on with no immediate end in sight. It’s only early Tuesday afternoon and the airline has already opted to cancel all flights scheduled for Thursday. [More]

Continental To Open Its First Nonstop Route To Africa

Continental To Open Its First Nonstop Route To Africa

Despite its name, Continental Airlines Inc. had always omitted one continent from its destinations — Africa. But that’s going to chance in November 2011 when the airline will begin flying nonstop from its Houston hub to Nigeria. [More]

Top 10 Tips For Making Air Travel Less Of A Pain In The Butt

Top 10 Tips For Making Air Travel Less Of A Pain In The Butt

Let’s face it: While flying in a plane is pretty cool, for most people the reality of air travel is a mammoth pain in the butt. Regardless, we can’t all be John Madden, tooling around in a tricked-out bus so as to avoid getting on a plane. That’s why Lifehacker compiled their top 10 tips for surviving your flight. [More]

VIDEO: How To Pack For A Weekend Beach Getaway

VIDEO: How To Pack For A Weekend Beach Getaway

In case you hadn’t notice, the summer vacation season is upon us. And even if people don’t have the cash to rent a beach house for a full week, plenty of folks are still going off for weekends on the water. And in the interest of keeping your luggage to a minimum, the editors at Lucky Magazine had put together a handy, perhaps even dandy, guide for how to get everything you need in one bag. [More]

U.S. Airways CEO Says His Company Is Happy Being Single

U.S. Airways CEO Says His Company Is Happy Being Single

While merger and consolidation is the name of the game for many in the airline industry these days, the CEO of U.S. Airways says he’s happy with having dinner for one right now. [More]

IATA Creating Central Database For All Airline Fees & Rules

IATA Creating Central Database For All Airline Fees & Rules

It’s not just air travelers who get confused by the variety of charges, weight limits and size regulations placed on baggage by all the airlines. The carriers themselves are often befuddled by their own byzantine systems, especially when it comes to travelers transferring between airlines over the course of a long flight. That’s why the the International Air Transport Association announced today the creation of a central database that will provide carriers, travel agents and passengers with all the info they need about their bags. [More]

Should Peanuts Be Banned From Airplanes?

Should Peanuts Be Banned From Airplanes?

Among the new regulations under consideration by the FAA, there’s one that hasn’t gotten much press, but which we have a feeling might be something that will get at least a few travelers’ blood up — banning peanuts from airplanes. [More]

Delta Flight Attendant Caught With Gun At Airport

Delta Flight Attendant Caught With Gun At Airport

It’s not just celebrities who get caught trying to bring firearms onto planes — it also happens to airline employees! Yesterday, a Delta flight attendant was arrested after a scan of her bag turned up a loaded handgun. [More]