Every year, the NFL’s championship game not only pits the two best teams in the league against each other, but it sends advertisers scrambling to come up with the newest, best, most-buzzed about commercials they can air during the big event. This year, Hyundai has decided not to film its ad ahead of time, and will instead wait to roll cameras while the game is happening. [More]

Facebook Discovers, Improves Another Ad Metrics Problem
Facebook makes money from monetizing your political arguments with your former roommate’s great-aunt, and advertisers want statistics that show what they’re getting for their ad dollars. That’s why it’s of note that Facebook recently told advertisers that it’s been overestimating how many people a given ad is going to reach. [More]

Senator Asks FTC To Provide Privacy Guidelines For Facebook, Other Social Networks
Senator Charles Schumer is upset on your behalf over Facebook’s latest loosening of its privacy policies, and yesterday he called for the FTC to step in and provide some guidance, offering to introduce legislation if the agency feels it needs that extra authority. Specifically, Schumer wants three things: opt-out defaults should be switched to opt-in, sites should always disclose where the information is going, and there should be some general “guidelines for user privacy” that sites follow. [More]

Consumers Have Spoken: OJ Book/TV Special Canceled
“I and senior management agree with the American public that this was an ill-considered project,” said Rupert Murdoch, News Corp. chairman. “We are sorry for any pain that his has caused the families of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson.”