Here’s an ad explaining how the crazy hooking up an iPod nano to your Nike running shoe works. Pretty f’n cool. It seems like your nano will speak to you and tell you how far you’ve run, how far you have to go, how long you ran, etc. You can then redock your nano and track all your progress on the computer.
I Am Man, Hear Me Roar… When My Heart Explodes
Misogynist reinterpretations of female empowerment songs always bring a smile to our faces, especially when it involves what appears to be a concerted campaign to give every man in American a quadruple simultaneous heart attack.
Panexa: The Best and Worst Drug Ever
Stay Free magazine ran an amusing back page goof ad for “Panexa” and also made a website. Now there’s a promotional video.
Carbon Dioxide is Our Friend
Would you believe that some heartless politicians are trying to take our greenhouse effect carbon dioxide away from us? This film by the “Competitive Enterprise Institute” shows us the Washington fatcats diabolical plans to deprive us of nature’s invisible little helper.
Boingle Bucket: 70’s Toy Commercial Montage
We saw over at Boing Boing this great montage of 70’s toy commercials. Bing Bang Boing looks particularly awesome… a Rube Goldberg game made entirely of masturbatory paraphernalia. “It’s down the Bingle Flinger, past the Hum Drums, up the Banglevator, through the Flicker Tickler, and into the Boingle Bucket!” Getting your balls in the Boingle Bucket is the last step before you win by reaching the ‘Big O’ square, we assume.
80’s Chevy Cavalier: Live It!
Live today’s Chevrolet with Cavalier! Plus, an interior that comforts your very soul.
Ronald McDonald Vs. Evil Grimace
We’ve mentioned McDonald’s Grimace before, describing him as “gigantic, anthropomorphic taste bud, loathsomely pulsating through McDonaldland with an unslakeable thirst for frosty, gelatinous ooze.” We also mentioned that he used to be evil and initially had small arms.

Hostel World Spoofs Hostel
AdFreak points out this awesome advertisement for HostelWorld, playing off of the movie Hostel, which you might remember is a film primarily celebrating every adult’s most primal fantasy: to chainsaw torture to death those On The Road spouting smelly beatniks who pompously preach about the “purity” of traveling with only ten dollars in their pocket, a single pair of underpants in their rucksack and a twenty pound bag of rice slung over their shoulder.
Lucky Strikes Means Fine Tobacco
Another brilliant spot from the golden age of tobacco advertisement. So firm, so round, so fully packed! Lucky Strikes got back!

JC Penney Gets Anorexic
Whilst flipping through the Sunday circulars, reader Thomas B. was surprised to see JC Penney’s new clothing line called, “a.n.a. : A New Approach.”

Donkey’s Bum Makes for a Good Ad
Fantastic pack of commercials for “The World of Comedy International Film Festival.” Perfectly satirizes film festival preening, wherein artsy reporters intensely interview the makers of an a slapstick comedy as if they were auteurs.
Brain Scans Reveal Power of Super Bowl Advertisements
If you are wondering if the $2 million dollars advertisers paid per Super Bowl Commercial was money well spent, the New Scientist has an article up about a team of California neuroscientists who scanned the brains of five Super Bowl viewers to discover which parts of their cerebellum fired up during the commercials.
Yahoo and AOL to Charge Companies To Spam You
As if you didn’t already get enough Spam, AOL and Yahoo are going to start charing companies to allow them to bypass your spam filter:

Sexy European Moms Sell Toothpaste
Speaking of naked Europeans working their bodies to sell you their products, check out this absolutely astonishing ad for Beverly Hills Toothpaste.
French Newspapers Fined Over Formula One Tobacco Photos
The French, always leading the charge in indignant posturing, are dumping napalm on the anti-tobacco bonfire then throwing a hand grenade on top. In France, it is already illegal to advertise tobacco in publications. Also illegal? Taking photographs of Formula One race car drivers who happen to have Marlboro patches on their race suits.