If you found yourself in the market for a new computer or other electronic device and made a purchase through Acer’s online store in the last year, you might want to watch your credit card statement. The technology company says it was the victim of a data breach for nearly a year, exposing the credit card information of more than 34,000 customers. [More]

Acer Takes A Week To Fix $150 Pricing Error On Its Website
It’s frustrating enough when an online retailer makes a typo that leads customers to think an item is on sale. It doesn’t help when the retailer subsequently brushes you off when you bring this error to their attention. And even after the media has pointed out the mistake to the corporate office, it will inexplicably take more time for the price to be corrected. [More]

Great, My Acer Laptop Battery Exploded
Did you think that the laptop battery explosion epidemic was over? No, it’s not just in the Boeing Dreamliner. Bill’s Acer laptop battery exploded not long ago: of course, he bought it in 2011 and the computer is now out of warranty. Acer is happy to take the computer back, but only to look at it for a “safety evaluation” and maybe to not send it back to Bill. He doesn’t think that this is fair. He sent the relevant exploded parts back to Acer, but doesn’t want to send back his hard drive or the rest of the computer. He wants replacement parts so he can get it working again. [More]

Hollywood Star Acer Commercials Push Ultrabooks, Challenge Gender Norms
Kiefer Sutherland seeks new, exciting, and flame-tastic ways to… bake cupcakes. Megan Fox walks away from a zero-g gig in her underwear to… create a computer program to communicate effectively with dolphins. In these extended ad spots designed to play in movie theaters, the stars follow their secret passions with the help of an Acer Ultrabook because, well, that’s who’s paying for the commercials. [More]

Your Computer Was Built In 2007 And That's All There Is To It
Max was trying to be all “yay, local business!” and bought his notebook computer less than a year ago from a local independent retailer. This computer wasn’t built by that local store, though. It came from Gateway. According to Gateway’s records, they don’t even have parts for it anymore, since it had been manufactured in 2007 or 2009. Even though it came new in the box with Windows 7 installed. Remember, that operating system that wasn’t released until 2009. According to Gateway, Max’s computer is so positively ancient that Gateway doesn’t even keep the parts for it around anymore. The computer that he bought new–or so he thought–less than a year ago. [More]

Google Teams Up With Samsung & Acer To Release Chromebooks In June
After the commercial success of its Android smartphone operating system and the growing number of people using its Chrome web browser, Google has announced that it has made a deal with Samsung and Acer to release a slate of PCs running the Chrome operating system. [More]

Acer And Gateway Have Crappiest Tech Support
If you need to call tech support, you don’t want to be holding an Acer or a Gateway, a new Laptop Mag study finds. [More]

Acer Netbook Fails After 3 Weeks; Repair Facility Helpfully Breaks It More
The Acer netbook that Danielle bought for law school is light and portable, but not so great in the “actually working as a netbook” sense. She tells Consumerist that problems with the wireless card began in the first few weeks she owned the machine. When she was finally able to send the netbook in for service, Acer somehow managed to send it back to her in worse condition than it was originally. On the first repair attempt, they sent the computer back with the display non-functional. On the second, they somehow broke the M key. [More]

Emailing Acer Results In Glorious Out-Of-Warranty Laptop Repair
Reader Dan writes in with the tale of his friend Jack, who he helped with an Acer laptop that broke only two days after its warranty expired. Geek Squad was no help, but launching an email carpet bomb on Acer did the trick. [More]

Reach Acer Executive Customer Service Agent Monique
Monique: 254-298-4490. She’ll take care of you.
PREVIOUSLY: Reach Acer Executive Customer Service

Reach Acer Executive Customer Service
Acer’s customer service is so horrible that even if you manage to escalate to their corporate and executive offices, you may not get anywhere. But if you’d like to try anyway, here’s a phone number and executive emails that may work: [More]

Acer Recalls 22,000 Defective Laptops
22,000 Acer laptops have been recalled by Acer and the CPSC because of a wiring defect. The computers can short circuit, melt the casing, and theoretically burn users. [More]

Office Depot Repair Slathers Glue On Laptop, Says "Good Enough"
Scott’s Acer Extensa broke, but he had an Office Depot extended warranty plan. Hooray! However, he writes, Office Depot’s repair staff have a strange idea of what it means to repair a computer, and went right ahead and rendered his computer non-functional. [More]

Is The Patriot Act Stopping Gateway From Fixing Your Laptop?
Gateway claims that the Patriot Act is holding up delivery of the part needed to fix Redwoodflyer’s laptop, which has been broken since October. Seems believable to us!

Acer's Secret Business Model Somehow Involves Envelopes
To date I’ve received one batch of five flat pacs [and] one batch of seventeen flat pacs. Each flat pac has three restoration discs (for a total of 66 discs), none of the flat pacs I’ve received has contained the promised system disc.

Circuit City Says Rogue Firedog Was Wrong, Refunds $40 'Repair' Fee
Last week we wrote about a Circuit City customer who was charged $40 without warning for “repairs” to a brand new computer. We received several explanations from Circuit City insiders, both in the comments and through email, that the repair was mandatory—Acer and Circuit City had agreed that instead of pulling the PCs, the retailer’s Firedog techs would flash the BIOS in-store upon purchase. What was unclear was how or why this would fall under the Firedog “Quickstart” service, which is optional and includes things like removing shortcuts from your desktop and setting up your background. (Seriously, check it out here.) Yesterday we received the following interesting email from Circuit City HQ.
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