Have you ever had one of those days where you just want pizza to come to you as easily as possible, using as few tools to procure said pizza as possible? Then you might be into a new concept from Visa and Pizza Hut, that wants to get drivers to order and pay for their pizza without ever leaving their cars — or picking up their smartphones, for that matter. [More]

This Ad Is Really Concerned About Saving Bi Lions… Wait, What?
Consumerist reader Chris is really glad that Accenture is all about saving bi lions, snagging this photo of an ad for the company at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport. But while it first it might seem like Accenture had a bit of a misspelling and is inadvertently touting its dedication to rescuing big cats who roar both ways, it could also be a brilliant advertising move. [More]

Big Businesses Admit Being Really Bad At Math… When It Comes To How Much A CEO Earns
In March, a group of two dozen lawmakers prodded the Securities & Exchange Commission to finally get around to enforcing Section 953(b) of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which requires publicly traded companies to disclose the ration between CEO pay and the median pay for the rest of their employees. Now that the SEC is prepping to release those rules, these companies are suddenly claiming a lack of basic math skills. [More]

Will Tiger Woods Regain His Status As Walking Billboard?
Now that Tiger Woods has come out of sex rehab hibernation — if only momentarily — to beg for a bit of forgiveness from the public that once loved him, the question still remains: Will he ever get close to regaining his status as the poster boy for poster boys? [More]

Tiger Woods' Off-Road Adventure Cost Shareholders $12B
A new study says that Tiger Woods spectacular fall from grace has cost shareholders of the firms that used him as a spokesperson to lose $12 billion in value. [More]

Advertiser Stuck With Ironic Tiger Woods Ads Fires Him
Remember this ad? It was in the Wall Street Journal the day after Tiger Woods crashed his car and unleashed a torrent of trashy mistresses on an unsuspecting nation? Yeah, it was for Accenture. Now that company has decided that Tiger Woods is bad for its reputation. [More]