If you’ve ever wondered why massive, international beer behemoths like AB InBev, which is already home to Budweiser and dozens of others, keep gobbling up small craft brewers? Because more Americans are sneering at mass-produced lagers and seeking out local and craft brews instead. As a country, we’re still drinking plenty of beer; we’re just not drinking Bud. [More]
AB InBev

Craft Brewers Hoping To Crowdfund $213B To Buy Anheuser-Busch InBev
With Anheuser-Busch InBev, MillerCoors, Sapporo, and other beer behemoths snapping up craft brewers left and right, the Craft Brewers Association is asking why this acquisition spree can’t also go the other way, which is why it’s trying to crowdfund a mere $213 billion to buy AB InBev, and then do… something, maybe, with it. [More]

AB InBev Jumps Into Energy Drink, Juice Market With Purchase Of Hiball
In recent years, Anheuser-Busch InBev has been padding its portfolio by purchasing craft brewer after craft brewer, but the beverage giant’s latest merger is a bit different — it doesn’t include alcohol. [More]

Craft Brewers Want Off Beer Review Site After Learning AB InBev Is An Owner
Many craft brewers rely on word of mouth and good, honest reviews to reach new customers, but some beer makers are questioning whether an independent beer review website can remain untainted even after the world’s largest beer company buys an ownership stake. [More]

Budweiser Marketing Lime-A-Rita Solely To Women
Budweiser’s Lime-A-Rita is a strange product. It’s a fruit-flavored malt beverage from a company known for its beer-like substances, and the product’s name implies margaritas, but it contains neither beer nor tequila. As malt beverage sales are falling, though, Budweiser parent AB InBev is going to market the Lime-A-Rita line solely to women. [More]

Uber’s Self-Driving Truck Startup Delivers Beer To Denver With Driver In Sleeper Cab
AB InBev and Uber teamed up last week for a ceremonial delivery: the first recorded commercial shipment delivered by self-driving truck. It was a load of Budweiser, and the truck made its 120-mile trip down a highway with no driver in the seat. [More]

Could AB InBev Try To Buy Coca-Cola To Create Beer & Soda Voltron?
After you’ve spent more than $100 billion to acquire your biggest competitor, what’s left? Sure, you can buy up that smaller business here and sell off this subsidiary there, but how does a company regain the adrenaline rush of pulling off a transaction so big people need to stop and count the zeros? [More]

China Okays Merger Of Former U.S. Beer Giants
The final country that needed to weigh in on the mega-merger of beer giants SABMiller and Anheuser-Busch InBev has given its blessing to the sudsy nuptials. This morning, Chinese regulators approved the deal, effectively clearing the road for the acquisition to move forward. [More]

Anheuser-Busch/SABMiller Mega-Merger Gets Justice Dept. OK, After Miller Agrees To Sell All U.S. Brands
The $107 billion (with a b) merger of beer titans Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller has cleared a major hurdle today, with the U.S. Justice Department signing off on the merger — under the condition that Miller divest itself of all its remaining U.S.-based businesses. [More]

South African Regulators Give Green Light To $107B Anheuser-Busch, SABMiller Merger
Anheuser-Busch InBev has one more regulatory body to mark off on its “Places To Get Approval For $107 Billion Takeover Of SABMiller” checklist: South Africa’s Competition Commission gave its blessing to the mega-beer merger Tuesday after placing several conditions on the approval. [More]

Budweiser’s Parent Company Wants To Fill The Corona-Shaped Hole In Your Heart With Jalisco Estrella
When Anheuser-Busch InBev merged with Corona parent company Grupo-Modelo, it had to sell the U.S. rights to the popular beer to another company in order to abide by a Justice Department requirement to keep the marketplace fair and competitive. To fill that Corona-shaped hole in your heart, Budweiser’s parent company is now bringing Jalisco Estrella across the border and into American stores and bars. [More]

Customer Sues AB InBev Because Leffe Beer Isn’t Brewed In A Monastery
What does “Abbey Ale” mean? To over-simplify, they’re beers brewed in the style of traditional beers made in European monasteries, which are well-respected and popular. A man in Florida has filed a class action lawsuit against brewing giant AB InBev over its Leffe beer, which he claims is marketed as a monastery-made craft brew when it’s really produced in the Stella Artois mega-brewery in Belgium. [More]

Anheuser-Busch Distributor Incentive Program Raises More Concerns Of A Stifled Craft Beer Market
With its $107 billion merger with SABMiller making waves and federal regulators investigating its purchase of several small distributors, one might think that Anheuser-Busch InBev would lay low when it comes to rocking the distribution boat. But that’s apparently not the case, as the company recently unveiled an incentive program that would provide distributors with a sliding scale of bonuses if most of the beer they sell comes from the brewer. [More]

Anheuser-Busch InBev, SABMiller Finalize Merger, Agree To Sell MillersCoors Brand To Molson For $12B
After receiving more time to finalize its offer to acquire SABMiller, Anheuser-Busch InBev made a formal $107 billion bid for the company on Wednesday. The deal includes a record $75 billion loan and confirms the anticipated divestiture of SABMiller’s stake in its largest brand: MillerCoors. [More]

Anheuser-Busch InBev Gets More Time To Finalize Mega Beer Merger Offer
Anheuser-Busch InBev — the Belgian-Brazilian maker of “America’s beer” — was supposed to finalize its offer to acquire SABMiller by Oct. 14. That deadline was extended until this afternoon, but just like that really wealthy international student at college who never seemed to get his work done on time, AB InBev has been granted another extension. [More]

Budweiser Maker Officially Offers $104 Billion To Buy Miller
After SABMiller rejected a $100 billion takeover offer from Anheuser-Busch InBev, the world’s biggest beer company has come forward with a sweeter offer of $104 billion. [More]

Miller Reportedly Turns Down $100B Takeover Offer From Anheuser-Busch
With the deadline of Oct. 14 looming for Anheuser-Busch InBev to make a firm offer to acquire fellow beer biggie SABMiller, a new report says that the company’s early informal suggestion of “Hey, what do you guys think of $100 billion?” was turned away for being too low. [More]

Class Action Settlement Means AB InBev Must Refund Customers For Faux-Import Beck’s
Last September, a Consumerist reader contacted us, upset about something that he noticed on a beer label. The label of Beck’s, a German beer brand owned by the conglomerate AB InBev, says “Brauerei Beck & Co.” and “Originated in Bremen, Germany” on the label. Nathan and other Beck’s fans will be compensated for this bit of label trickery soon-ish, since AB InBev has settled a class-action lawsuit. [More]