When no one is using the aerobics room at a gym, who should have priority in using it? Diane likes to use the room to exercise when it’s empty, but one of the instructors at her local 24 Hour Fitness likes to do the same. Well, not their own exercise for fun, but practicing for an aerobics class with the sound system blasting. Club staff gave Diane the impression that staff had priority in using that room over her. Should they? [More]
24 hour fitness

24-Hour Fitness Would Rather Lose 2 Members Than Let You Use Your Free Pass
Thanks to a policy-lovin’ member-hatin’ front-desk bizzatch, 24-Hour Fitness is losing two annual members. But hey, at least they didn’t get scammed by someone trying to redeem a 7-day pass, right? [More]

24 Hour Fitness Rolling Out Fingerprint-Based ID Entry System
Gym chain 24 Hour Fitness is getting some attention for a new program that uses members’ fingerprints to replace the gym’s existing photo ID system. [More]

Join The 24 Hour Fitness Class Action Lawsuit
If 24-Hour Fitness kept charging even after you cancelled, you might be eligible to join a class action lawsuit against them. You can join if you were debited between Oct 2, 2002 and Feb 28, 2010. You could get $20 back, or, in a perhaps ironic twist, a three month gift certificate to 24-Hour Fitnesss.
Friedman, et al. v. 24 Hour Fitness USA [via Top Class Actions]

24 Hour Fitness Sued For Charging Ex-Customers Fees
The gym chain made famous on NBC’s “Biggest Loser” is being sued for continuing to debit the bank accounts of customers who have canceled their memberships. The US Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, has given the green light to a class action lawsuit that says the chain is violating both the RICO Act and the Electronic Funds Transfer Act by keeping these zombie memberships active.

Reader Bricko revealed the identity of the journalist who filed a story on 24-Hour Fitness from his hospital bed: It’s Marvin Zindler, beloved Houston TV personality, whose consumer reports often focus on rat and roach droppings, and “slime in the ice machine,” found in local restaurants. [Wikipedia, YouTube]