Retail Services

Morning Deals

Woot!: Reactor Critical Mass Stainless Men’s Dive Watch for $119.99

Best Buy Systemically Searching Geek Squad Precincts For Porn

Best Buy Systemically Searching Geek Squad Precincts For Porn

Best Buy is scanning Geek Squad computers for signs of porn infestation, as part of their continuing witch hunt. According to reports from four different Geek Squad employees, an edict was issued from corporate requiring precincts to connect every computer in every precinct to Agent Johnny Utah.

Morning Deals

Woot!: JVC UX-N1W Micro Component Audio System for $49.99

Don't Spend $1,000 On $8 Glasses

Don't Spend $1,000 On $8 Glasses

Most people spend too much on glasses, failing to shop around even though they are legally entitled to take their prescription anywhere. Local opticians usually provide the best service, but offer the worst deals. 147 million Americans might save on glasses by following these simple tips from the Chicago Tribune:

AT&T: Phone Stolen? You're Still Responsible For The $450 In Soft Core Porn Downloads

AT&T: Phone Stolen? You're Still Responsible For The $450 In Soft Core Porn Downloads

Tiffany’s cellphone was stolen right before she got on a chartered sailboat for a week of vacation. When she got back, AT&T told her she was responsible for the entire week of soft core porn downloading that the thief had enjoyed during the time she was away.

Walmart Uses 4,300 Unpaid Teenagers As Baggers In Its Mexican Stores

Walmart Uses 4,300 Unpaid Teenagers As Baggers In Its Mexican Stores

Walmart is Mexico’s largest private employer, according to Newsweek, and that doesn’t include the 4,300 unpaid teenagers that it lets “volunteer” to bag groceries at its Mexican stores.

Morning Deals

Woot!: Pinnacle PCTV To Go HD Wireless for $149.99

Disney Exits Winemaking Buisness Before Actually Entering It

Disney Exits Winemaking Buisness Before Actually Entering It

Plans to market a French Chardonnay under the brand name “Ratatouille,” have been shelved due to a “trickle of inquiries and complaints,” according to Disney spokesperson, Gary Foster.

Geek Squad Documents: Meet Agent Johnny Utah

Geek Squad Documents: Meet Agent Johnny Utah

Agent Johnny Utah, aside from being the name of Keanu Reeves’ character in Point Break, is an outsourcing technique used by Geek Squad to keep labor costs low.

Consumerist's 10 Tips That Will Make Sure You'll Stay Broke

Consumerist's 10 Tips That Will Make Sure You'll Stay Broke

We know you don’t really like having money. That’s why we’ve put together these 10 tips that will help ensure you never will:

Morning Deals

Woot!: Lobeman Earpiece FM Radio – 2-Pack for $4.99

Best Buy Fires Geek Squad Supervisor Following Negative Newspaper Articles About Porn Pilfering

Best Buy is on the offense, launching an internal witch hunt to unmask the “rogue employees” responsible for exposing Geek Squad’s pervasive culture of porn pilfering. Their first victim is the Geek Squad supervisor of the Santa Clarita store, one of the only Best Buy locations whose former employees were quoted in recent articles, print as being a center for porn pilfering.

Got Cellphone Service With Unicel? Welcome To Verizon Wireless

Got Cellphone Service With Unicel? Welcome To Verizon Wireless

If you’ve got a cellphone with Rural Wireless (also known as Unicel) your contract has just been purchased by Verizon Wireless.


Judge Kenneth Robertson of Alabama has sentenced more than 20 people to wear signs reading: “I Am A Thief; I Stole From Walmart.”

Morning Deals

Woot!: Dyson DC15 The Ball All Floors Bagless Upright Vacuum for $319.99

Go Organic Without Breaking the Bank

Go Organic Without Breaking the Bank

According to Consumer Reports’ Greener Choices, organic produce, meat and dairy products can cost 50% to 100% more than their conventional counterparts.

33-Year-Old Mother Banned From Walmart For Life

33-Year-Old Mother Banned From Walmart For Life

Meet Anenide Cherry. Walmart banned her from entering their Palm Bay, FL store after she was caught using her three kids to steal merchandise worth over $300. Loss prevention officers observed Cherry’s tikes, ages 6, 12, and 15, bagging unscanned items at the self-checkout counter. From Local6:

Yes, You Can Insure Your iPhone Against Accidental Damage And Theft

AppleCare’s iPhone coverage is limited to hardware issues and technical support; if you drop your iPhone on the sidewalk, you may be out $600, unless you have insurance against accidental damage and theft.