Retail Services

Stores Find New Ways To Seduce You

Stores Find New Ways To Seduce You

The right smells, the right music, manipulating inventory levels, displaying certain colors: aided by tons of research on consumer psychology, stores now employ all sorts of wily techniques to wine and dine you before getting you in the backseat. (And yes, we meant for that sentence to go there.)

This Walmart Sign Also Shows Excellent Attention To Detail

This Walmart Sign Also Shows Excellent Attention To Detail

[Columbus, Ohio. July 2007]

This Walmart Sign Shows Excellent Attention To Detail

This Walmart Sign Shows Excellent Attention To Detail

[Texarkana, Texas. August 9]

Morning Deals

Woot!: Kensington FM Tuner and FMTransmitter for iPod for $15.99

Publix Stops Price-Matching Walmart's $4 Drug Plan

Publix Stops Price-Matching Walmart's $4 Drug Plan

Bad news for people who were enjoying Publix’s policy of price-matching Walmart’s $4 generic drug plan—they’ve discontinued it, opting instead of offer free antibiotics.

Do You Shun Friends With Other Cellphone Carriers?

Do You Shun Friends With Other Cellphone Carriers?

The Times brings us the sad story of Brandy McDowell and Kezia Chandler, two longtime friends whose relationship was shattered when they signed up with rival cellphone companies. The prospect of free mobile-to-mobile minutes has baited many friends groups to sign up or stick with the same carrier, ruining some friendships in the process. The Times article is rife with accounts of people who lost contact with friends banished to wilderness of nights and weekends. Are you loyal to your friends or your wallet? Tell us in our poll, after the jump.

Morning Deals

Woot!: InFocus ScreenPlay 7210 HD DLP Projector for $1,199.99

Morning Deals

Woot!: LG Bluetooth Headset for $12.99

Ethical Shopping Is Pointless: An Interview With Consumer Activist George Monbiot

Ethical Shopping Is Pointless: An Interview With Consumer Activist George Monbiot

Sure, being a more conscientious shopper is gratifying; we’ve gotten in the habit of refusing bags at the store whenever we can manage to carry the goods some other way, and although it’s a small step, it feels good. But Monbiot, a British journalist and political activist who was interviewed this week on the website of newconsumer magazine, would laugh in our stupid faces at how ineffectual we’re being as consumers: “In the absence of political action it is a form of passivity.”

I am very sceptical of consumer power. I believe better consumption by itself is an entirely useless means of achieving political change. Those who have the most votes – the vote being the money you have to spend as consumers – are generally inclined to use them the least.

Warner Music Group Loses A Whole Lot Of Money

Warner Music Group Loses A Whole Lot Of Money

Warner Music Group is losing a lot of money, according to Reuters. The company said in a statement:

“This (revenue) decline was driven by a challenging recorded music industry environment as the shift in consumption patterns from physical sales to new forms of digital music continues,” the company said in a statement. “Declines in our physical … revenue were only partially offset by increases in music publishing and digital recorded music revenue.”

So, shoppers, why is that? Crappy music? DRM? Is music too expensive? Do you not enjoy music anymore? Are you broke? Are you buying games for the Wii instead of a CD? Are you a bunch of pirates? Avast.

Morning Deals

Woot!: iGo Wallpower Universal AC Adaptor 2-Pack for $14.99

Reservation Rewards Infects GameStop?

Reservation Rewards Infects GameStop?

Coupon merchant “Reservation Rewards” has infected GameStop, according to reader Mike. For those of you who are not familiar with “Reservation Rewards,” here’s how it works:

"Disgraced" Former Home Depot CEO Robert "Big Bob" Nardelli Named CEO Of Chrysler

"Disgraced" Former Home Depot CEO Robert "Big Bob" Nardelli Named CEO Of Chrysler

You can’t keep a good CEO down! Or something. Robert “Big Bob” Nardelli, the CEO who famously ran Home Depot into the ground by deemphasizing customer service in favor of the “business supply” division and then ran away with over $200 million in severance pay and other bonuses, has been named CEO of the Chrysler Group.

Morning Deals

Woot!: Samsung High Efficiency Front Load Washer and Dryer for $1,499.99

Home Depot Fires Four Corrupt Managers After Receiving Anonymous Tip

Home Depot Fires Four Corrupt Managers After Receiving Anonymous Tip

Don’t doubt the power of the unidentified tipster: Home Depot recently sacked four corrupt purchasing managers accused by a whistleblower of taking bribes. In exchange for the payoffs, the managers arranged for Home Depot to stock tiles and other flooring products from Asia. From the AP:


Kerry, whose feet broke out into some sort of awful rash/burn after wearing Walmart flipflops, has been wearing latex gloves to determine if she’s allergic to latex (so far she’s not.) She’s also collecting photos from more people who have had reactions to the same flip flops. If not latex, then what? Suggestions welcome! [Kerry’s Site]

6 Ways To Save On Groceries

6 Ways To Save On Groceries

Okay, so you’ve cut canned vegetables from your grocery list and now your food budget has exploded like a can of green beans. How can you cut corners and save a little money without resorting to Breathairianism? Consumer Reports offers six suggestions, and while many of them may seem like common sense if you already practice them, the list is still helpful enough to be worth checking out. Tip number one:

Choose cheap stores. Not all stores are created equal. After doing a price comparison, Consumer Reports found that the following stores offered the best bargains: Aldi, Costco, Market Basket, Slater Bros., Shoppers Food Warehouse, Trader Joe’s and Wal-Mart.

Walmart Sells Can Included In Botulism Recall

Walmart Sells Can Included In Botulism Recall

An article from the Hattiesburg American claims a Mississippi women bought a recalled can of hot dog chili sauce (the same product that has sickened 4 people with botulism) at a Walmart after the recall had been announced on July 19th, but before it had been widely publicized in the newspapers.