Retail Services

Why Did Bank Of America Take Money From My Personal Account To Pay My Business Debt?

Why Did Bank Of America Take Money From My Personal Account To Pay My Business Debt?

Consumerist reader Chris wrote in because Bank of America somehow decided that the best way to get money from his father’s business was to simply take it from his parents’ joint bank account. [More]

Worst Company In America Elite 8: Bank Of America VS Time Warner Cable

Worst Company In America Elite 8: Bank Of America VS Time Warner Cable

Things are really starting to heat up. Bank of America has already breezed through match-ups with Citibank and Walmart, and now only Time Warner Cable with their “metered broadband” stands between the mortgage giant and the Final Four. [More]

Walmart Regains Top Spot On Fortune 500 List

Walmart Regains Top Spot On Fortune 500 List

With over $408 billion in revenue, Walmart has regained the coveted top spot on the annual Fortune 500 list. The mega retailer had slipped to #2 behind Exxon Mobil on last year’s list after two consecutive #1 years in 2007 and 2008. [More]

Pay $230 For Recycled Chair That Lets You Advertise Coke

Pay $230 For Recycled Chair That Lets You Advertise Coke

Coca-Cola is making up for ensnaring poor little ducks in six-pack containers by making chairs recycled from its bottles — understandably stamped with the company logo — and hocking them for $230, the Atlanta Business Journal reports. [More]

Study: Walmart Price Cuts Are Actually Price Hikes

Study: Walmart Price Cuts Are Actually Price Hikes

If you’ve turned on a TV recently, you’ve probably seen one of the seemingly countless Walmart ads where the retail behemoth brags about its latest round of price cuts. But a new study says Walmart’s actually been raising its prices on groceries in 2010. [More]

Who Needs A Poster To Say WTF To NYC Transit?

Who Needs A Poster To Say WTF To NYC Transit?

A few weeks back the New York Metropolitan Transit rejected a proposal from the Working Families Party that would post imitation subway service advisory signs carrying the not-that-cryptic messages of “WTF?” and “OMFG.” But that didn’t stop Working Families from printing up similarly themed t-shirts. [More]

When Chase's Mortgage CEO Says "Come To Me" With Problems, He Means "See If You Can Catch Me As I Run Away"

When Chase's Mortgage CEO Says "Come To Me" With Problems, He Means "See If You Can Catch Me As I Run Away"

Reuters is reporting that JP Morgan Chase’s CEO for their home mortgage business hightailed it out of a congressional hearing after telling borrowers they could come to him with their mortgage problems. Too bad there were some in the audience! Whoops! [More]

4 Reasons Consumers Still Buy Top-Loading Washing Machines

4 Reasons Consumers Still Buy Top-Loading Washing Machines

Even though front-loading washing machines are generally more efficient and clean your dirty duds better than old-school top-loading machines, some surveys show that around 3 out of 4 American households are still loading from above. Our brighter brethren at Consumer Reports endeavored to find out why. [More]

Walmart Sold Me A Scale With The Wrong Kind Of Battery

Walmart Sold Me A Scale With The Wrong Kind Of Battery

An anonymous reader writes in about a bathroom scale bought at Walmart that doesn’t include batteries. The item was restocked and robbed of the power sources. [More]

Reach Bank Of America's CEO

Reach Bank Of America's CEO

Got a squirrely Bank of America issue that no amount of calling and pleading with customer service can resolve? Try kicking it up the poop pile to CEO Brian Moynihan, or one of his trusted slaves: [More]

Racist NJ Teens Also Shop, Use P.A. Systems, At Whole Foods

Racist NJ Teens Also Shop, Use P.A. Systems, At Whole Foods

Looks like stupid, racist teenagers in New Jersey don’t just shop at Walmart. A 14-year-old girl in Edgewater, NJ, was caught this weekend using the PA system at a local Whole Foods to announce, “All blacks leave the store.” [More]

Bank Of America Employee Allegedly Demanded Illegal Fees To Prevent Foreclosures

Bank Of America Employee Allegedly Demanded Illegal Fees To Prevent Foreclosures

It’s bad enough that banks have been negligent at implementing the government’s loan modification program, but now a BoA mortgage loan officer is being sued for making extra money illegally on struggling homeowners. According to the Boston Globe, a new lawsuit claims the employee was demanding as much as $1,500 from each borrower before offering help foreclosure help, and routing the funds through his own company, Foreclosure Alternatives. The lawsuit also alleges that the man falsely represented himself as an attorney for BoA. [More]

Twitter Begins Rolling Out Advertiser-Sponsored Tweets Today

Twitter Begins Rolling Out Advertiser-Sponsored Tweets Today

One of the last bastions of ad-free Internet space is about to disappear. Twitter has confirmed that starting today, they are rolling out an official ad program they call “Promoted Tweets.” [More]

Chase Enrolled Me in Payment Protector Against My Will, Starts Charging Me

Chase Enrolled Me in Payment Protector Against My Will, Starts Charging Me

David got suckered into Chase’s Payment Protection plan and was stuck with a monthly charge of nearly $30, all because he unwittingly authorized his membership by accepting information about the program. [More]

VIDEO: Hey Streets, What's The Worst Company In America?

VIDEO: Hey Streets, What's The Worst Company In America?

I hit the streets of New York with a video camera, asking taxi drivers, youths, store owners and chicks eating donuts, “What’s the worst company in America?” Most people laughed and said, “Worst company?” — and then thought real hard and gave us some answers, answers which may shock you! This video has subtitles so you can watch it at work without anyone knowing. [More]

Worst Company In America: Best Buy VS Cash4Gold

Worst Company In America: Best Buy VS Cash4Gold

Well folks, it’s the battle of the recent investigations! We took a look at Best Buy’s Geek Squad Optimization service and found that it was a big stupid annoying waste of money — and Cash4Gold… well….take a look for yourself. [More]

Kmart Told Me To Lie On Application To Get A Job

Kmart Told Me To Lie On Application To Get A Job

Senyaka said she applied for a temp job at Kmart and the company told her to lie on the screening questionnaire to improve her chances of getting hired. [More]

Introducing Consumer Reports' Weekend Deals

Introducing Consumer Reports' Weekend Deals

Our smarter siblings over at Consumer Reports are really on top of things today: After some digging around, they’ve come up with a list of deals out there this weekend at stores like Walmart, Home Depot and Lowe’s to help you stretch your hard-earned dollars. [More]