Retail Services

Target Closing All Remaining Garden Centers

Target Closing All Remaining Garden Centers

If you’re looking for some clearance deals on plants, soil, fertilizer and garden supplies, you might want to check out your local Target soon. The retail chain has announced that it plans to shutter all 262 of its remaining garden centers by the end of September. [More]

Is Buying A Discount Movie Ticket At Costco Worth Standing In 5 Different Lines?

Is Buying A Discount Movie Ticket At Costco Worth Standing In 5 Different Lines?

Some movie theater chains sell discount passes at Costco that can save you over $2 per person. Not a bad deal… if you don’t mind waiting in five different lines before you sit down in your seat at the theater. [More]

Would You Pay $1,045 For A Leather Bag That Looks Like A
Paper Sack?

Would You Pay $1,045 For A Leather Bag That Looks Like A Paper Sack?

Take a look at these bags. Some will set you back a hefty chunk of your salary; the others come free with your take-out order. [More]

Expedia, Delta, And Bank Of America Team Up, Form Bad
Customer Service Voltron

Expedia, Delta, And Bank Of America Team Up, Form Bad Customer Service Voltron

Paul tells Consumerist that he has a few problems. First, Expedia and Delta Airlines failed to correctly undo and reschedule a flight that his family took from Michigan to Florida. Second, his wife and children have gained the ability to bilocate. Or teleport. At least according to Delta and Expedia. Neither company seems fazed that the family flew the same route twice in a row both times. Sure, this trip might be physically possible, but it’s also completely insane. [More]

Tell Us What You Thought You'd Need At College, But Really Didn't

Tell Us What You Thought You'd Need At College, But Really Didn't

We’re looking to put together a list of things that college kids DON’T need for back to school, but might think they do. In our case, we thought we’d need a car (never used it, got street sweeping tickets, thank you City of Chicago). What were you sure you’d need but didn’t? [More]

Mall Shoppers: Prepare To Have Coupons Beamed Straight To
Your Phone

Mall Shoppers: Prepare To Have Coupons Beamed Straight To Your Phone

Not inundated enough with ads and coupons? Good, because the country’s largest operator of shopping malls is launching a program that will use audio waves to beam both coupons and ads straight to shoppers’ mobile phones. [More]

Turns Out Walmart Is Quietly Raising Prices

Turns Out Walmart Is Quietly Raising Prices

Everyday low prices just got a little higher. A JPMorgan Chase study of a Virginia Walmart (hey, it’s a big store, you gotta just pick one to do a decent survey of its inventory) found that in the past six weeks the retailer raised prices on overage of 6%, but on some products, as high as 60%. [More]

Meet The Disposable, Recyclable, Reusable Cardboard Shopping

Meet The Disposable, Recyclable, Reusable Cardboard Shopping Cart

One great thing about living in a city like New York: Being able to buy just about anything you need. The problem: Getting the things you buy back home. That’s why a designer in the UK has come up with a cart constructed completely out of cardboard that could allow you to wheel your purchases down the street and onto the bus or train. [More]

American Family Association Accuses Sears Of Selling Porn,
Needs To Learn What Porn Really Is

American Family Association Accuses Sears Of Selling Porn, Needs To Learn What Porn Really Is

Remember those posters you used to flip through at the back of Spencer Gifts in the mall? The ones featuring scantily clad women — and some bare-chested dudes — looking all sexy-like into the camera? Well, apparently the not-at-all-insane people at the American Family Association are convinced that these are pornographic… and they are absolutely livid that they can be purchased at [More]

Start Your Christmas Decorating Before Labor Day, Thanks To

Start Your Christmas Decorating Before Labor Day, Thanks To Costco

Daniel reports that Christmas decorations are already out at his San Francisco Costco. “SERIOUSLY, WTF?? It’s not even September yet!!” he writes. Like that stops anyone. [More]

Walmart Employees Asked To Stay Behind While Flood Waters

Walmart Employees Asked To Stay Behind While Flood Waters Rise?

Earlier today, firefighters in Ames, Iowa, rescued around 30 employees trapped inside a Walmart as flood waters rose around them. But what were they doing in the store to begin with. [More]

Citibank Yanks Your 87,000 Rewards Points And Closes Account
Without Warning

Citibank Yanks Your 87,000 Rewards Points And Closes Account Without Warning

Andy and his wife were just about to use their 87,000 accumulated rewards points to take a vacation when all of a sudden Citibank closed the account and took away all their points. According to customer service, there’s nothing that can be done. [More]

H&M And Zara To Launch Online Shopping — But Only In Europe

Been waiting for H&M and Zara to launch real e-commerce ventures? Well, unless you move to Europe you’ll be waiting a little bit longer. [More]

Chase Scare-Calling Customers To ReUp For Overdraft

Chase Scare-Calling Customers To ReUp For Overdraft "Protection"

Jen said Chase left a message on her phone asking her to call back. Thinking it was about fraud, she did three times, and when she finally reached the person who called her, she got a creepy and misleading pitch for overdraft protection. They wanted her to come into her local branch and “go over her overdraft protection choices.” Who has time for this crap? [More]

Shoplifter Blames Devil

Shoplifter Blames Devil

A woman caught shoplifting from a Walmart in Cinnaminson, NJ, assaulted the store’s loss-prevention officer and drove off, but accidentally left her pocketbook–which contained her driver’s license–in the parking lot. She called back later to ask whether they’d found it, and when the police got on the phone she admitted to the shoplifting and assault, but blamed it on the devil. [More]

It's Never Too Late To Haggle, Even At Target

It's Never Too Late To Haggle, Even At Target

Kyle just emailed us a recap of his successful haggling adventure at Target this past weekend. If you’re afraid to try haggling at a big chain store, check out his story for an example of how to make it pleasant for all parties involved; the goal is to approach it as a negotiation where everyone wins, not as a zero-sum competition. [More]

My Cable Provider Won't Let Me Have TiVo Without $50 Installation

My Cable Provider Won't Let Me Have TiVo Without $50 Installation

Mike wanted to renew his suspended love affair with TiVo and inquired about ordering a box through his cable provider. He reconsidered when he was told the only way he could get a TiVo through the company is if he paid an unnecessary $50 “installation fee” to plug the box into his TV and wall. [More]

Parents Who Named Kid "Adolph Hitler" Lose Custody

Parents Who Named Kid "Adolph Hitler" Lose Custody Battle

The child, Adolph Hitler Campbell, and his siblings, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbel and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbel, named for Schutzstaffel head Heinrich Himmler, who first came to our attention after ShopRite refused to make him a cake with Adolph’s name on it – though, according to the original news article, Walmart had no problem with the request – will remain wards of the state, an appeals court has ruled. [More]