Quality & Safety

Nestle Toll House Cookie Dough Full Of E. Coli, FDA Warns

Nestle Toll House Cookie Dough Full Of E. Coli, FDA Warns

The FDA is advising consumers who have purchased any variety of Nestle Toll House prepackaged, refrigerated cookie dough to throw it away or return it for a refund, due to risk of contamination with E. coli bacteria. At least 25 people have been hospitalized since March.

Zicam Didn't Share 800 Reports Of Smell Loss With The FDA

Zicam Didn't Share 800 Reports Of Smell Loss With The FDA

The Wall Street Journal says that Matrixx, the manufacturer of the allegedly smell-destroying cold remedy Zicam, is defending their product, but also admits that they didn’t share 800 reports of smell loss with the FDA. Despite this, they described the FDA’s warning about Zicam as a “complete surprise.”

TGI Friday's Snake Head Incident Becomes A Cold Case

TGI Friday's Snake Head Incident Becomes A Cold Case

The decomposed snake head that a Clifton Park, NY man discovered in his side portion of broccoli has reached the end of its strange, unappetizing journey—for now. Since Consumerist broke the story back in May, there have been no leads.

Comprehensive Food Safety Reform Moves Forward In Congress

Comprehensive Food Safety Reform Moves Forward In Congress

The House Energy and Commerce Committee just approved comprehensive food safety reform, setting it up for consideration on the House floor in the coming months. The Food Safety Enhancement Act was approved by voice vote, indicating bipartisan support and suggesting a relatively smooth passage through the entire House.

Grocery Store Just Can't Stop Selling Expired Yogurt

Grocery Store Just Can't Stop Selling Expired Yogurt

Esther doesn’t want much. She just wants to buy some yogurt that hasn’t expired. It seems that’s too much to ask of her local Safeway near Baltimore.

Recall Roundup – Strollers, Hair Dryers, And Zombie Coffee Grinders

Hazardous hair dryers, unstoppable strollers, zombie coffee grinders, and breakable cribs are this week’s stars of the Recall Roundup. Watch out!

FDA: Stop Using Zicam Nasal Gel, It's Associated With Loss Of Sense Of Smell

FDA: Stop Using Zicam Nasal Gel, It's Associated With Loss Of Sense Of Smell

The FDA has recommended that consumers stop using several different Zicam products because they have been associated with the loss of smell (anosmia). Anosmia may be long-lasting or permanent.

Obama To Call For Financial Watchdog Agency

Obama To Call For Financial Watchdog Agency

Tomorrow, President Obama is expected to call for the creation of a new watchdog agency that would help protect consumers from abusive credit card, mortgage, banking practices. The banking industry is not happy about the idea, reports CNN. But hey, they’re just looking out for us: “It’s bad for consumers,” a banking industry lobbyist told the network. Oh, well, never mind then, and pass me some more delicious subprime!

Hey, Who Took A Bite Out Of My Cheeseburger?

Hey, Who Took A Bite Out Of My Cheeseburger?

Jesus and his family stopped at the drive-thru window of a newly opened Sonic in Wilkes-Barre, Penn. on their way home from a shopping trip. When they got home and opened their bags, Jesus noticed something weird about his bacon cheeseburger. Part of it was missing.

Delta Is Going To Flip Out If You Wear A Neck Brace In The Emergency Exit Aisle

Delta Is Going To Flip Out If You Wear A Neck Brace In The Emergency Exit Aisle

Ned wears a neck brace when he flies, not because he’s injured or disabled, but because he prefers it to one of those floofy neck pillows. This didn’t sit well with a Delta flight attendant who was intent on keeping disabled-looking folks out of the emergency exit aisle. The attendant wouldn’t leave Ned alone, even after Ned demonstrated his range of mobility and explained that the brace was from a minor car accident thirty-three years ago. Ned managed to hold onto his seat after a chat with the senior flight attendant, but the original flight attendant later came back, “got in [Ned’s] face ñ literally, just inches away” and complained that Ned had “bucked his authority.”

Flammable Robes Keep Killing People — Recall Reissued

Flammable Robes Keep Killing People — Recall Reissued

Everyone in the market for a robe wants to be kept warm, but having that robe catch on fire and kill you is quite a bit over the line. Such a foible was discovered in Blair women’s chenille robes, so Blair and the Consumer Product Safety Commission issued a recall in April.


The Senate has approved FDA regulation of tobacco. No more “low tar” labels or flavored tobacco, and the FDA will now need to know and approve all ingredients in tobacco products. It is likely to pass the House, and President Obama plans to sign the bill. [MSNBC] (Thanks, Greg!)

Loaf Of Bread Comes With Baked-In Rodent Goodness

Loaf Of Bread Comes With Baked-In Rodent Goodness

Back in 2007, a man in Northern Ireland opened up a loaf of bread and found a whole, mercifully dead, rat. (The BBC is reporting that it’s a mouse, but it’s either a giant mutant mouse or a rat.) A judge heard the case this week, and fined the bakery ÔøΩ1,000 ($1,653) “plus costs.”

Hmm, This Hand Sanitizer Is Full Of Bacteria

Hmm, This Hand Sanitizer Is Full Of Bacteria

Clarcon manufactures skin protectants and sanitizers marketed under several different brand names, including CitruShield, Dermassentials, Magic Touch, and Pure Effect. …One such product, Magic Touch, is marketed as a lotion, an antibacterial, an antibiotic, and a germicide that is “great to apply open wounds because it helps heal the skin without scars.”

If Legislation Passes, The FDA May Soon Regulate Cigarettes

If Legislation Passes, The FDA May Soon Regulate Cigarettes

The New York Times is reporting that Richard M. Burr, the “tobacco-state senator who tried a filibuster this week against a bill that would allow the Food and Drug Administration to regulate the cigarette industry” has apparently given up, clearing the way for the bill to pass the Senate. A similar bill has already passed the House and Obama says he will sign the legislation.

Mattel Will Pay $2.3 Million Penalty For All Those Lead Toys

Mattel Will Pay $2.3 Million Penalty For All Those Lead Toys

Remember back when lead toys were all the rage? Oh, those dangerous days, when you couldn’t lick a Dora the Explorer doll without fear of memory loss! Well, Mattel and the Consumer Prouct Safety Commission (CPSC) have reached an agreement on how much Mattel should pay for importing toys that exceeded U.S. lead safety guidelines, and the amount is $2.3 million. Maybe now the CPSC can use some of that money to grease the DC wheels and get their new chair nominee confirmed.

Passenger Spots Handgun Being Smuggled Past Airport Security

Passenger Spots Handgun Being Smuggled Past Airport Security

An eagle-eyed passenger at Philadelphia International Airport spotted another passenger handing a bag directly to an airline employee — skipping airport security. The passenger alerted the TSA, who located the US Airways flight and searched the bag. Guess what was inside? An unloaded handgun.

Effient: FDA May Approve Blood Thinner That Causes Internal Bleeding

Effient: FDA May Approve Blood Thinner That Causes Internal Bleeding

The Food and Drug Administration may be on the verge of approving an ELil Lilly blood thinner a consumer group says causes internal bleeding.