Government Policy


Scammers are calling up people and pretending to be from the government and here to help with getting you your tax rebate. All you have to do is give them your bank account information. [9news]

Members Of Congress Implore Mattel To "Do The Right Thing," Recall Lead-Tainted Toy Blood-Pressure Cuff

Members Of Congress Implore Mattel To "Do The Right Thing," Recall Lead-Tainted Toy Blood-Pressure Cuff

56 Members of Congress want to know why Mattel CEO Robert Eckert refuses to issue a nationwide recall for a toy blood-pressure cuff that is contaminated with lead. The affected blood-pressure cuff, sold as part of the Fisher-Price Medical Kit, was recalled exclusively in Illinois after Mattel received a complaint from State Attorney General Lisa Madigan. Legislators want Eckert to stand by a pledge made to reassure a jittery public before the holiday buying season that Mattel would ‘earn back our trust with deeds, not just with words.’

The Burger Of Mandatory Binding Arbitration

The Burger Of Mandatory Binding Arbitration

If you step into this Whataburger in Kilgore, Texas, you automatically agree to the burger joint’s mandatory arbitration clause. At least that’s what the sign on the door says. According to Mother Jones:

Sorey says when he went in, he told a befuddled cashier that he didn’t think that the arbitration notice was enforceable, that anyway he wasn’t agreeing to it, and, “I need a taquito and a coffee.” He says he sat down, watched some traffic, and ate his taquito. “I didn’t choke, I didn’t burn myself, and I didn’t sue ’em,” he reports.

That’s one burger that’s hard to swallow. Might choke on your after you read this sign. That’s one raw burger. Etc.

What To Do If You're Missing Your W2

What To Do If You're Missing Your W2

It’s February 1st and you don’t have your W2? Fear not. Tax Cat will help.

City Sues Man For Not Having Any Trash

City Sues Man For Not Having Any Trash

You would think city would be giving a guy a special bonus for not producing any trash, but San Carlos, CA is suing 53-year-old Eddie House for canceling his garbage service. House says he recycles most about everything by driving to the recycling center himself, gives food scraps to his dog, sells larger items or gives them away on craigslist, and burns his backyard clippings. Reports The Examiner: “House says he stopped his service with Allied Waste about a year ago after realizing that his garbage cans were nearly always empty. “It’s just me and my dog, so I don’t have a whole lot of garbage to begin with and I recycle everything,” he said.” Town ordinance requires that everyone contract with Allied Waste for at least once a week pickup. The city says they were alerted to the situation after neighbors complained he was burning garbage (a not-so-very green move). House says he was only burning firewood. “I don’t understand a city ordinance that requires you to fill up a can. That’s downright foolishness,” said Mr. House.

IRS Warns Consumers Not To Fall For Rebate Scams

IRS Warns Consumers Not To Fall For Rebate Scams

The IRS would like you to know that its not planning on emailing you about your tax rebate. “The IRS does not send unsolicited e-mail about tax account matters to individual, business, tax-exempt or other taxpayers,” the agency warned yesterday.


TSA can haz blog. [Evolution of Security]

FCC Auction: Bidding Tops $4.7 Billion! We Have A Winner!

FCC Auction: Bidding Tops $4.7 Billion! We Have A Winner!

The New York Times is reporting that the auction for the C-block of wireless spectrum (Read: the Google part) has may have been won by someone… but we don’t know who. Oh, the suspense!

Tmobile Sued For Charging For Unwanted Text Messages

Tmobile Sued For Charging For Unwanted Text Messages

Tmobile was hit with a class action suit yesterday over its charging customers for unwanted text messages. Unscrupulous marketers can get your cellphone number, send you “premium” texts (for dating services, daily jokes, horoscopes, etc), and then have Tmobile bill you for them. Tmobile gets to keep a piece of the profit. Other cellphone companies let you disable text messages sent from the internet, where most text spam originates, or turn off text messages all together. Tmobile has refused to give customers this option.

"Family Friendly" Movie Censors Were Running Porn Business

"Family Friendly" Movie Censors Were Running Porn Business

According to the Provo, UT Daily Herald the founder of “Flix Club” a defunct company that edited swearing and nudity from films and resold them as “family friendly’ versions, has been arrested on charges that he and another man paid two 14-year-old girls for sex. Police also said that the men may have been using the “family friendly” video business as a front for producing porn.

FBI Starts Investigating The Entire Mortgage Industry

FBI Starts Investigating The Entire Mortgage Industry

The New York Times says that the FBI has begun an investigation that includes almost the entire mortgage industry—from the lenders to the brokers to the Wall Street banks who packaged the loans as securities. They’re cooperating with the SEC and wouldn’t name which firms they’re targeting, but the Times said that it includes 14 companies.

2007 Federal Tax Law Changes

2007 Federal Tax Law Changes

Every year, as way to make itself feel important and useful, the federal government makes modifications to the tax code. Here’s a detailed breakdown of all the changes for 2007 and how they affect your wallet, from AMT exemption amounts, to deductions for business-related mileage.

Consumers Have No F*&@#%! Clue What's Going On With The Digital TV Conversion

Consumers Have No F*&@#%! Clue What's Going On With The Digital TV Conversion

Consumer Reports tells us that according to a survey they commissioned, consumers have absolutely no f@#$@%$ clue what the heck is going on with the digital TV conversion.

6 Tax Credits That You Shouldn't Overlook

6 Tax Credits That You Shouldn't Overlook

Here are 6 tax credits that can help you with the cost of education, child care, and improving your home.


A telemarketer that spammed customers with over 46 million pre-recorded calls will stop and have to pay a $180,000 fine. The FTC wanted to charge $3 million, but the company doesn’t have that much money so the fine was reduced. [FTC]

Ex-Manager Sues Best Buy For Telling "Target" That He "Sucked"

Ex-Manager Sues Best Buy For Telling "Target" That He "Sucked"

Ex-Best Buy manager Michael Oliveri, may “suck,” but he’s pretty darn clever. After he was fired from Best Buy he applied with Circuit City and Target, but became suspicious when job offers from those companies were abruptly terminated.

Archivist Arrested For Stealing Historic Docs To Sell On eBay

Archivist Arrested For Stealing Historic Docs To Sell On eBay

Daniel Lorello, an archivist with New York’s department of education, was arrested this week and charged with “grand larceny, possession of stolen property and fraud” for allegedly “stealing hundreds of historic documents, many of which he sold on eBay.”

Former VP Admits "Enzyte Male Enhancement" Ads Are Complete Fiction

Former VP Admits "Enzyte Male Enhancement" Ads Are Complete Fiction

James Teegarden Jr., the former vice president of operations at Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals, explained Tuesday in U.S. District Court how he and others at the company made up much of the content that appeared in Enzyte ads.