Government Policy

Man Files Antitrust Suit Against Time Warner Over Forced Cable Box Rentals

Man Files Antitrust Suit Against Time Warner Over Forced Cable Box Rentals

Matthew Meeds of Fairway, Kansas, doesn’t want to pay Time Warner Cable a monthly rental fee for his cable box—he’d rather own one outright. He’s filed suit against the cable provider and its parent company, Time Warner, Inc., accusing them of establishing an illegal tying arrangement by making the box rental a condition of the subscription agreement. He’s seeking class-action status for all TWC premium customers in Kansas.

Backlash:'s "Sexy" Mass Murderers?

Backlash:'s "Sexy" Mass Murderers?

There’s some backlash brewing against for a fashion article about recreating “Bonnie Parker’s look” in which they describe Bonnie & Clyde as, “rather infamous characters in U.S. history, and for good reason: honestly, what’s sexier than a nefarious duo driving cross country on a crime spree of such massive and public proportion?” The author of the article is being taken to task in the comments and the Etsy Bitch blog has picked up the story as well.

Whole Foods Recalls Previously Recalled Meat. What?

Whole Foods Recalls Previously Recalled Meat. What?

Whole Foods apparently never got that June memo to chuck Nebraska Beef contaminated with E. coli. The posh-man’s bodega announced yesterday that they are recalling the previously-recalled beef, which Whole Foods sold between June 2 and August 6. The contaminated beef has popped up in 24 states and sickened 49 people. Noted food safety litigator Bill Marler shows us that being a lawyer can be fun by posing six amusingly litigious questions for Whole Foods…

Suing? Settle.

Suing? Settle.

Would-be coffee spillers take note: If you’re ever suing and get offered a settlement, take the deal. A new study shows that plaintiffs who turn down settlements and go to trial end up getting less than if they had settled.

Throwing A Monitor Through A Glass Door Is Not The Best Way To Complain About Iron Man

Throwing A Monitor Through A Glass Door Is Not The Best Way To Complain About Iron Man

If something goes wrong with the projection while you’re watching Iron Man, (or any other movie, actually) and the ticket agent will not give you a refund, do not grab the monitor and throw it through a glass door.

Los Angeles Hospitals Accused Of Using Homeless 'Patients' In Insurance Fraud Scams

Los Angeles Hospitals Accused Of Using Homeless 'Patients' In Insurance Fraud Scams

Hospitals in Los Angeles and Orange counties submitted phony Medicare and Medi-Cal bills for hundreds, perhaps thousands, of homeless patients—including drug addicts and the mentally ill—recruited from downtown’s Skid Row, state and federal authorities allege.

Settlement In BA-VA Price-Fixing Class Action

Settlement In BA-VA Price-Fixing Class Action

You’re entitled to a small refund if you bought tickets for a long haul flight on British Airways or Virgin Atlantic between August 11, 2004 and March 23, 2006. The amount is $7-$34 per flight taken. This is the settlement in a class action lawsuit contending the two airlines colluded to fix the price of fuel surcharges. More info at [via RickSeaney]

WaMu Tells You To Stop Paying Your Mortgage And Apply For Help, Then Forecloses On You

WaMu Tells You To Stop Paying Your Mortgage And Apply For Help, Then Forecloses On You

WaMu, despite all their big talk about helping homeowners avoid foreclosure, is apparently too overwhelmed with a tsunami of defaulted loans to call their customers back, let alone help them stay in their homes. Meet Lori and Mark Pestana. They have a $275,000 fixed rate mortgage with WaMu as their servicer. In August 2007, the Pestanas could not make a payment on their loan. They considered dipping into their retirement savings, but WaMu’s website offered an alternative:

Former Countrywide Employee Arrested For Stealing, Selling Customer Identities

Former Countrywide Employee Arrested For Stealing, Selling Customer Identities

The FBI has announced that a former Countrywide employee and his accomplice were arrested on charges related to “illegal access of computers containing personal information,” and “illegal sale of the data.” A criminal complaint filed last Friday alleges that one of the men, Rene L. Rebollo Jr., a senior financial analyst for Countrywide Home Loan’s subprime mortgage division (who was let go in July), had been harvesting data from Countrywide’s computers for the past two years — downloading and storing the information on personal flash drives.

Homeland Security: We Can Detain Your Laptop Indefinitely Without Cause

Homeland Security: We Can Detain Your Laptop Indefinitely Without Cause

The Orwellian Department of Homeland Security claims that it can indefinitely confiscate laptops and iPods from law abiding citizens without any provocation or justification. The Department “clarified” their policies after several business travelers started asking the press why Homeland Security was fiddling with their laptops and PDAs for months on end.

House, Senate Pass Bill That Increases CPSC Budget, Bans Lead In Toys

House, Senate Pass Bill That Increases CPSC Budget, Bans Lead In Toys

New legislation banning lead and (pending further study) six types of phthalates (chemicals suspected of causing heath problems) from children’s products has passed the Senate and now moves on to President Bush. In addition to banning lead and other chemicals, the bill will require independent testing of children’s products before they can enter the marketplace — a practice many consumers assumed was standard until they found out that Thomas the Tank Engine was covered in lead.

Judge Rules That Early Termination Fees Are ILLEGAL In California

Judge Rules That Early Termination Fees Are ILLEGAL In California

A California Superior Court judge has ruled that cellphone early termination fees are ILLEGAL and that Sprint must pay $18.2 M as part of a class action lawsuit. Of course, the decision could be appealed, but in the meantime…. (drum roll, please) the judge ordered Sprint to stop trying to collect the fees from customers in California who were refusing to pay them!

Help! Are "Free Light Bulbs" From Con Ed A Scam?

Help! Are "Free Light Bulbs" From Con Ed A Scam?

Reader Fiona wants to know if the people calling from “Con Ed” offering “free light bulbs” are running a scam.

Verizon Suspends Door-To-Door Marketing In Delaware Thanks To Masturbating Salesman

Verizon Suspends Door-To-Door Marketing In Delaware Thanks To Masturbating Salesman

Yesterday, we told you about a outsourced door-to-door salesman who was soliciting for Verizon when he was caught masturbating while watching a woman work in her garden. He’s been charged with two counts of “lewdness, resisting arrest and criminal trespassing,” and now Verizon tells us that they’ve suspended all door-to-door marketing in Delaware until they’re done investigating the incident.

Papa John's Is Taking Your Theft Seriously, And Gets Offended If You Don't Believe Them

Papa John's Is Taking Your Theft Seriously, And Gets Offended If You Don't Believe Them

Mark didn’t like how a Papa John’s pizza delivery guy was acting, so he paid the delivery charge but marked through the tip line on his receipt. Two days later, he discovered an extra $6.42 had been tacked on. When Mark called Papa John’s to report the theft, he spoke to someone who obviously hasn’t gotten our memo that “taking it seriously” is about as reassuring as “your call is very important to us.”


The TSA congratulates itself for confiscating a homemade battery pack and an empty water bottle, despite the fact that they were aware at the time that neither item was a bomb. According to their website, they were afraid the batteries would “be seen by other passengers as a threat.” The other government agencies must really dislike the TSA. Can you imagine if the U.S. Customs website touted how they took down an entire truckload of Domino sugar? [MAKE]

Door-To-Door Verizon Salesman Can't Keep His Pants Shut While On The Job

Door-To-Door Verizon Salesman Can't Keep His Pants Shut While On The Job

We’re not big fans of door-to-door marketing, and today we bring you another example of why we feel this way. According to the News-Journal, an employee of a marketing firm contracted by Verizon has been arrested and charged with two counts of “lewdness, resisting arrest and criminal trespassing,” after a man in a Verizon t-shirt was spotted “masturbating while watching a woman work in her garden.”

Sprint Loses Early Termination Fee Case In California

Sprint Loses Early Termination Fee Case In California

A California judge has issued a tentative ruling against Sprint regarding early termination fees. Although Sprint has two weeks to respond before the judge issues a final ruling, if the ruling stands then Sprint will have to pay $73 million in refunds to former customers. That Verizon settlement for $21 million earlier this month must be looking pretty sweet to Sprint’s investors right about now.