Government Policy

Congress Issues Subpoena For Toyota Recall Documents

Congress Issues Subpoena For Toyota Recall Documents

Shortly after Toyota chief Akio Toyoda accepted an invite from Congress to appear before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform next week, committee Chairman Edolphus “Ed” Towns of New York and Ranking GOP Member Darrell Issa of California issued a subpoena to Dimitrios Biller, the car giant’s former National Managing Counsel in the U.S., for “all documents relating to Toyota motor vehicle safety and Toyota’s handling of alleged motor vehicle defects and related litigation.” [More]

California Town To Start Charging Up To $400 For 911 Calls

California Town To Start Charging Up To $400 For 911 Calls

The town of Tracy, California has come up with a new plan to make money: you’ll have to pay between $48-400 to call 911. I wonder if Tracy is planning on giving the caller the bill over the phone–they might be able to chain 911 calls together by giving the first caller a heart attack, thereby prompting someone else to call, and so on. Money! [More]

Ticketmaster Agrees To Only Sell Tickets It Has

Ticketmaster Agrees To Only Sell Tickets It Has

Ticketmaster has settled with the FTC over charges that it used “deceptive bait-and-switch” tactics when selling concert tickets, reports the Los Angeles Times. As usual for this kind of settlement, Ticketmaster admits no wrongdoing. For instance, the FTC noted that in one case “the same set of 38 tickets for the Springsteen concert in Washington were sold and resold 1,600 times,” and Ticketmaster waited as long as three months to let affected customers know, which is a clear example of not doing anything wrong. [More]

I Owe More Taxes Than I Expected: Should I Hire An Accountant?

I Owe More Taxes Than I Expected: Should I Hire An Accountant?

Tax Cat here! Filing your income taxes can be even more unpleasant than going to the vet for shots. Especially if, like reader Fletcher, you dutifully filled out your tax return and discovered an ugly surprise: you owe more money than you expected. A lot more. [More]

Toyota Boss Accepts Invite From Congress, Unsure Of What To Wear

Toyota Boss Accepts Invite From Congress, Unsure Of What To Wear

Setting up what is sure to be a thrilling showdown like something out of a Highlander movie, Toyota’s President and CEO Akio Toyoda has decided to accept Congressman Ed Towns’ formal invitation to appear before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. [More]

U.S. Mint Redesigns Penny

U.S. Mint Redesigns Penny

Here’s the new design for the back of the 2010 penny. Instead of the Lincoln Memorial there’s now a shield, or maybe a tiny badge that you can flash whenever you want to announce, “I have jurisdiction over your pocket change.” No, I’m pretty sure it’s a shield. [More]

Baby Bracelets, Pacifier Clips Recalled Because Lead Is Apparently Not Good For Your Infant

Baby Bracelets, Pacifier Clips Recalled Because Lead Is Apparently Not Good For Your Infant

Take a look at this cute little baby bracelet made by Allreds Design (also known as Hidden Hollow Beads) of Utah. It’s the perfect little trinket to bling up your toddler — and give her lead poisoning. [More]

TSA Makes Disabled Child Remove Leg Braces, Walk Through Metal Detector

TSA Makes Disabled Child Remove Leg Braces, Walk Through Metal Detector

The TSA forced a disabled 4-year old to get out of his stroller and remove his leg braces and walk unassisted through the metal director. After the humiliating and frightening incident, the boy’s father, a cop, told the supervisor, “This is overkill. He’s 4 years old. I don’t think he’s a terrorist.” It turns out that this didn’t even follow TSA policy, which would have allowed for the boy to be privately screened and swabbed for explosive material traces, without having to remove his braces.

Another case of TSA overkill [philly]

Toyota's Toyoda Gets Formal Invite To Appear Before Congress

Toyota's Toyoda Gets Formal Invite To Appear Before Congress

In the weeks since it was announced that the U.S. Congress would be holding hearings on the current massive recall of Toyotas, the car giant’s president, Akio Toyoda, had been saying “Thanks, but no thanks,” to the idea of appearing before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. And then yesterday, he softened a bit, saying he would consider attending the hearing if given a formal invitation. Well, Mr. Toyoda… Ask and ye shall receive. [More]

TSA Wants To Swab Your Hands For Bomb Juice

TSA Wants To Swab Your Hands For Bomb Juice

The new cool development in security technology is a portable bomb juice scanner that the TSA plans to begin using to detect traces of explosives on your hands. [More]

How Bad Would Another Recall Be For Toyota?

How Bad Would Another Recall Be For Toyota?

As the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Toyota look into whether or not complaints of steering problems in 2009 and 2010 Corollas merit a recall, it’s worth investigating both the potential financial and public relations costs for the auto giant. [More]

Harry Potter Author J.K. Rowling Accused Of Casting Plagiarism Spell

Harry Potter Author J.K. Rowling Accused Of Casting Plagiarism Spell

Nearly eight months after the estate of late British author Adrian Jacobs filed charges of plagiarism against the UK publishers of Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire, they have decided to add the author of the book, J.K. Rowling, to the list of defendants in what they claim could be a $1 billion case. [More]

Google Buzz Subject Of Class Action Lawsuit

Google Buzz Subject Of Class Action Lawsuit

We had a feeling it would come to this. Lawyers in San Francisco and Washington, D.C., have filed a class action lawsuit against Google for, among other allegations, violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act with its recently launched Google Buzz social networking tool. [More]

Video: pHarmony Matches Polluters, Lobbyists, And Politicians

Video: pHarmony Matches Polluters, Lobbyists, And Politicians

New service “pHarmony” is like eHarmony except it matches together polluters, lobbyists and politicians looking to make that special connection that only money and power can bring! In this satirical Greenpeace video, an oil lobbyist talks about how used pHarmony to find his true special someone, Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. He says things like, “We both like to stay up at night and gut energy bills,” “It’s like we finish each other’s legislation,” and, “We talked about how much we both don’t like Jon Stewart.” Worth a chuckle, as long as you don’t take it too seriously and get all bent out of shape about it, oh wait, here comes the Consumerist comment section. [More]

How Healthy Is Your County?

How Healthy Is Your County?

Finally, after years of settling regional disputes with high school football, a new study has come out that could give some scientific grounding to your “I live in a better county” argument. [More]

Don't Fall For Job Scams

Don't Fall For Job Scams

The Federal Trade Commission has a website at with information on the types of scams you’re likely to find in Help Wanted listings. They’ve also put together a short video (below) that describes how scammers try to charge job hunters fees to pay for job certification, or to provide access to executive-level interviews, or to acquire study materials that are supposedly crucial to passing a hiring exam. It’s a good refresher course in what to look out for when you’re answering ads. [More]

Infomercial Pest Kevin Trudeau Jailed For 30 Days For Urging Followers To Annoy Judge

Infomercial Pest Kevin Trudeau Jailed For 30 Days For Urging Followers To Annoy Judge

Kevin Trudeau, a diet and disease cure-all peddler who has a rich history with the FTC, just earned himself a fat 30 days in jail for encouraging his fans and followers to email a U.S. District Judge. Last Wednesday, Trudeau posted a request on his website asking supporters to email the judge who is presiding over an FTC civil suit against him. The idea, apparently, was for Trudeau’s happy customers to convince Judge Robert Gettleman to go easy on the pitchman. Instead, it had the opposite effect. [More]

Salami Recall Expanded To Include 1.3 Million Pounds Of Potentially Deadly Meat

Salami Recall Expanded To Include 1.3 Million Pounds Of Potentially Deadly Meat

Less than two months after announcing a huge recall of salami and other cured meats that are behind a recent salmonella outbreak, it was announced today that the recall has been expanded even further. [More]