Government Policy

Tell FCC What You Think About Proposed Comcast/NBC Mergepocalypse By May 3

Tell FCC What You Think About Proposed Comcast/NBC Mergepocalypse By May 3

Do you have strong feelings for or against Comcast’s proposed acquisition of 51% of NBC/Universal? The FCC has asked for comments from “interested parties,” so if you have anything compelling to say on the matter, here’s where to go. [More]

Know The Differences Between House And Senate CFPA Bills

Know The Differences Between House And Senate CFPA Bills

Quick, what’s the differences between the House and the Senate bills for creating the Consumer Financial Protection Agency? 4,3,2,1, okay, you can stop sweating, NYT has got you covered. Left column shows House, right column shows Senate. Choose the key areas to focus in on, like consumer protection, risk and executive pay on the left. Then dazzle your friends at the bar tonight!

Comparing the House and Senate Financial Reform Bills [NYT]

FAA Proposes Over $1 Million In Fines Against American Airlines

FAA Proposes Over $1 Million In Fines Against American Airlines

It’s been a bad week for American Airlines. Not only are their flight attendants and ground crew edging closer to a strike, the FAA has proposed over $1 million in fines for alleged safety violations. [More]

New FDA Rules Take The Fun Out Of Cigarette Advertising

New FDA Rules Take The Fun Out Of Cigarette Advertising

It’s been fifteen years and three presidents since it was first proposed, but the FDA has now signed off on a new set of rules for tobacco companies that seek to limit the marketing of cigarettes and chewing tobacco to teens and children. These new rules cover both advertising and distribution and will essentially put an end to tobacco-branded clothing, tobacco-sponsored sporting and music events, and the use of music in tobacco ads on the radio. [More]

NHTSA: No Evidence Of Braking In NY Prius Crash

NHTSA: No Evidence Of Braking In NY Prius Crash

Looks like those who called “driver error” on the Prius that slammed into a stone wall in upstate New York a couple weeks back might have reason to boast. An e-mail from NHTSA seems to negate the driver’s claims that she attempted to brake during the incident. [More]

How Safe Is Your Facebook Info From The Feds?

How Safe Is Your Facebook Info From The Feds?

Newly released documents under the Freedom of Information Act reveal not just the Justice Department’s guidelines for how to use social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter for investigative purposes, but which ones are the most friendly to their requests for access to user info. [More]

Police Report Supports Runaway Prius Driver's Story

Police Report Supports Runaway Prius Driver's Story

The Associated Press is reporting that a newly released police report confirms details given by the driver of the runaway Prius, but does not address inconsistencies between the driver’s story and information provided by Toyota. [More]

Simulate Driving A Runaway Toyota

Simulate Driving A Runaway Toyota

This website professionally simulates what it’s like to drive a Toyota. Includes authentic screams of terror.

(Thanks to thespatulaoflove!)

American Airlines, Jet Blue, Delta Seek To Delay Tarmac Imprisonment Rule

American Airlines, Jet Blue, Delta Seek To Delay Tarmac Imprisonment Rule

You know that new rule that says airlines have to let passengers off the plane if it’s stuck on the tarmac for more than 3 hours? It’s supposed to go into effect in April, but at least three airlines are hoping to delay it because they say runway repairs at JFK Airport will interfere with schedules. [More]

Heath Reform Fears: Consumer Reports Interviews Obama Administration

Heath Reform Fears: Consumer Reports Interviews Obama Administration

Health reform is scary, which is why one of my grandma’s keeps forwarding me emails about how Obama is going to steal her walker. Will it save me money? What if I hate my employer’s insurance? What changes would I notice right away? Consumer Reports took your questions to the Administration to cut through the hype and get the facts. Nancy Metcalf interviews Secretary of Health & Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius. [More]

NYC Health Dept. To Post Letter Grades On All

NYC Health Dept. To Post Letter Grades On All Restaurants

In a move toward greater transparency, the New York City Board of Health has decided that all restaurants in the five boroughs will now be required to post large letter grades reflecting the results of their most recent health inspection. [More]

Researchers Urge Government To Levy Tax On Pizza

Researchers Urge Government To Levy Tax On Pizza

While the current Soda Tax trend looks doomed to fail in New York state and Philadelphia, researchers are already making a suggestion for the target of the next sin tax — pizza. [More]

Dentist Accused Of Using Paper Clips During Root

Dentist Accused Of Using Paper Clips During Root Canals

Paper clips are really handy. You can use them for things like hitting that tiny reset button on your DVR and, well, clipping paper. And according to the Attorney General’s office in Massachusetts, one dentist was using them in patients’ mouths during root canals. [More]

Charter Communications Rep Says Cable Companies Taking Over
All Streaming Video On May 1st

Charter Communications Rep Says Cable Companies Taking Over All Streaming Video On May 1st

The Charter Communications CSR who spoke with Dustin has some pretty astounding news about what’s on the horizon for all of us. It looks like starting May 1st, cable companies will have total, FCC-sanctioned control over streaming video and will take down all competing services. [More]

Do You Mind If Mint Sells Data Based On Your Transactions?

Do You Mind If Mint Sells Data Based On Your Transactions?

Financial blogger Felix Salmon wants to know why there isn’t regulatory oversight of Mint and other financial management websites, especially if they’re going to sell data created from their users’ transaction histories. [More]

Soda Tax Failing In NY, Big Joke In Philadelphia

Soda Tax Failing In NY, Big Joke In Philadelphia

Several states and cities around the country consider taking part in the latest trend of levying a “soda tax” on high-calorie beverages. But in New York state, the measure looks certain to die a quiet death in the state house, while the folks in Philadelphia are looking at a loophole that could render the whole “combatting obesity” thing nonexistent. [More]

Court Overturns $18 Million Verdict Against Ford

Court Overturns $18 Million Verdict Against Ford

Yesterday, a court in South Carolina overturned an $18 million verdict against Ford stemming from a fatal 1999 incident involving a Ford Explorer. Their reasoning behind the reversal — an expert who testified about the vehicle’s cruise control system apparently knew nothing about cruise control systems. [More]

Former AIG Folk Threaten Lawsuit Over Delayed

Former AIG Folk Threaten Lawsuit Over Delayed Bonuses

In a move designed to make sure their neighbors throw extra eggs at their houses, a handful of former AIG employees are threatening to sue because they haven’t received bonuses as quickly as they had expected. [More]