Government Policy

Is High Fructose Corn Syrup Considered A Natural Ingredient?

Is High Fructose Corn Syrup Considered A Natural Ingredient?

We get a lot of readers writing in to ask us whether or not a product containing High Fructose Corn Syrup can be labeled as “natural” or “all natural.” The latest was from Kirby, who questioned whether HFCS-containing “All Natural” sodas are indeed “all natural.” And, at least according to the FDA, the answer is “yes.” [More]

Gas Fire Columns Recalled For Being Too Aptly Named

Gas Fire Columns Recalled For Being Too Aptly Named

Some outdoor gas fire columns sold through Costco in the past 6-7 months have been recalled, because “gas can leak from connections in the column, posing a fire hazard.” I guess that’s why the photo shows it next to a serene koi pond–it’s so you can grab a rake and push it into the water if it gets too fire column-y. [More]

12 Scams To Watch Out For During Tax Time

12 Scams To Watch Out For During Tax Time

For the last several years, the IRS has released their Dirty Dozen list of tax scams, including schemes involving return preparer fraud, hiding income offshore and phishing. They recently posted the 2010 version on their website. [More]

AIG Chief Believes They'll Pay Back Bailout Billions Before Deadline

AIG Chief Believes They'll Pay Back Bailout Billions Before Deadline

$182.3 billion is a hefty tab to pay off, but the CEO of AIG says he feels “pretty comfortable” that his company will be able to get that all back to the government between now and the Sept. 2013 deadline. [More]

Is Financial Reform Too Confusing For Most Journalists (And Consumers)?

Is Financial Reform Too Confusing For Most Journalists (And Consumers)?

With financial reform likely to be the next big target of the White House, NPR’s On the Media worries that the topic could be too confusing for most journalists to really understand well enough to explain to the American people. And this includes journalists who do this all day, every day. [More]

Gov Says All Stinky Chinese Drywall Should Be Gutted

Gov Says All Stinky Chinese Drywall Should Be Gutted

The Consumer Products Safety Commission today released their long-awaited guidelines about the stinky Chinese drywall that has been linked to corrosion and is described in the report as “sulfur-emitting.” The bottom line? Get out the tools. That stuff’s gotta go. Here’s the really bad news: CPSC and HUD also recommend that you replace “electrical components and wiring, gas service piping, fire suppression sprinkler systems, smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms.” [More]

You Need To Pay Taxes On Forgiven Credit Card Debt

You Need To Pay Taxes On Forgiven Credit Card Debt

If you had some credit card debt canceled in 2009 the IRS might want a piece of it. [More]

Man Sues Petsmart For $1 Million After Stepping In Dog Poop

Man Sues Petsmart For $1 Million After Stepping In Dog Poop

When visiting a pet store that allows leashed pets to visit, is it unreasonable to keep an eye out for dog poop? Inside the store? The Virginian-Pilot reports that a man is suing Petsmart in federal court after slipping and falling on a pile of feces in a Norfolk, Va. store. He alleges that the fall exacerbated his existing back injury and knocked out four of his false teeth. [More]

USPS Cares About Your Mail When It Doesn’t Really Count

USPS Cares About Your Mail When It Doesn’t Really Count

Lana is a little frustrated with the U.S. Postal Service right now. She writes that she received an odd envelope in the mail from USPS–the tear-off advertising sheet from the front of a Netflix envelope addressed to her. An overly conscientious postal employee took the flyer, carefully placed it in a damaged item envelope, and mailed it back to Lana. [More]

Join The Latest And Greatest Class Action Lawsuits

Join The Latest And Greatest Class Action Lawsuits

If you got some free time and want some cash and are cool with waiting a few months for it to arrive, here are some new class action lawsuits you can join. [More]

IRS Extends Tax Deadline To May 11 For Victims Of Flood

IRS Extends Tax Deadline To May 11 For Victims Of Flood

With torrential rains causing massive flooding in Rhode Island and parts of Massachusetts, the IRS has decided to make victims’ lives a little less stressful by moving the due date for filing their federal income tax returns. [More]

MTA Doesn't LOL At WTF Poster

MTA Doesn't LOL At WTF Poster

In these cash-strapped times, you’d think anyone willing to buy $50K worth of ad space on subways and buses would be a good thing. But for some reason, the New York Metropolitan Transit Authority wasn’t happy with this recently proposed ad campaign. [More]

10 Things To Ask Your Vet About Your Pet's Medications

10 Things To Ask Your Vet About Your Pet's Medications

Because we all love our pets, we want to take good care of them. But since most of us aren’t veterinarians (unless we have a very specific demographic no one told me about), the best we can do when talking to our pets’ doctors is to ask the right questions. To help everyone along, the peeps at the FDA have put together this handy/dandy list of things you should ask your vet when getting meds for your furry friends. [More]

Recall Roundup: Step Away From The Pepper Edition

Recall Roundup: Step Away From The Pepper Edition

Salmonella in the pepper! Salmonella in the hydrolyzed vegetable protein! Salmonella everywhere! Oh yeah, and some other stuff was recalled too. [More]

Asphalt Has Become So Expensive That Some States Are Going Back To Gravel

Asphalt Has Become So Expensive That Some States Are Going Back To Gravel

Kiplinger says that in the near future, if you’re driving down a rural or less-traveled road, you might find yourself driving on gravel. Road asphalt has doubled in price over the past three years and shows no signs of coming back down, so some states–Michigan, Minnesota, Indiana, Vermont, and Pennsylvania to begin with–are looking for ways to cut corners. Gravel costs $20 a ton compared to asphalt’s current $400/ton price. [More]

Postal Service's Saturday Cuts Will Hurt Netflix

Postal Service's Saturday Cuts Will Hurt Netflix

Ethan Epstein of Slate’s The Big Money draws the natural conclusion that the USPS’s plans to stop Saturday service won’t work out so well for rent-by-mail companies such as Netflix. [More]

I Got $5 Because I Was Offended By Grand Theft Auto

I Got $5 Because I Was Offended By Grand Theft Auto

Reader AZCardinalsRule received a settlement check from the infamous Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas class action suit. [More]

This Is Why You Don't Answer Anonymous Telephone Surveys At Work

This Is Why You Don't Answer Anonymous Telephone Surveys At Work

Jay’s roommate says he was bored at work recently and decided to go ahead and take part in a random telephone survey. Now he’s been fired. [More]