Government Policy

Senator Joins DOT Secretary In Blasting Spirit's New Carry-On Bag Fees

Senator Joins DOT Secretary In Blasting Spirit's New Carry-On Bag Fees

Spirit Airline’s ballsy new $20-45 fee for carry-on bags has already caught the attention of the Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, and now New York Senator Charles Schumer is rattling his sword. [More]

Obamacare Provides A Room To Pump Breast Milk In

Obamacare Provides A Room To Pump Breast Milk In

Whether you are a proponent of breastfeeding or not, the reality is that working mothers who do nurse their children need a place to pump during the workday, and the bathroom just might not do. Luckily for them, the new health care bill signed by President Obama includes provisions for nursing women in the workplace. [More]

Ryanair's Pay To Potty Policy Could Violate Laws

Ryanair's Pay To Potty Policy Could Violate Laws

If you’re still angry over airline Ryanair’s announcement last week that they’ll begin charging to use the bathroom on flights, as well as reducing the number of lavatories, you’re not alone — and the law might be on your side. One critic of the policy says he thinks the airline could be violating the Americans with Disabilities Act by limiting access to restrooms. [More]

NHTSA Investigating Possible Brake Problems In 6 Million GM Trucks & SUVs

NHTSA Investigating Possible Brake Problems In 6 Million GM Trucks & SUVs

NHTSA, fresh off its $16 million smackdown on Toyota is now investigating the company that booted Toyota from Consumerist’s Worst Company In America tournament — General Motor — for possible brake failure issues in millions of the company’s trucks and SUVs. [More]

Judge Forces Comcast To Pay Customer $5,087

Judge Forces Comcast To Pay Customer $5,087

“I have researched his issues and based on our records the case is without merit,” wrote a Comcast spokesperson to local news investigator Amy Davis. She was looking into the case of Wayne, whose credit was damaged by Comcast just before he was going to refinance his house. This meant that on top of what he had already paid to lock in a lower interest rate, he had to pay several thousand dollars more. [More]

DOT Secretary: Spirit Airlines Doesn't Care About Their Customers

DOT Secretary: Spirit Airlines Doesn't Care About Their Customers

If you found yourself getting all riled up by Spirit Airlines’ announcement on Tuesday that they are now charging for carry-on bags, you were not alone. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood has taken aim the move, calling it “outrageous” and “ridiculous.” [More]

Carlsberg Workers Strike Because They Can't Drink On The Job

Carlsberg Workers Strike Because They Can't Drink On The Job

Warehouse workers at the Carlsberg brewery in Denmark have been striking this week, not over wages or unsafe working conditions, but because they can only drink on the job during lunch… and not as much as the company’s truck drivers. [More]

JetBlue Charges You $105 For Extra Bags Unless You Produce Your Toddler For Inspection

JetBlue Charges You $105 For Extra Bags Unless You Produce Your Toddler For Inspection

This story has a happy ending, but its still somewhat baffling. Reader S. recently flew JetBlue with his wife and three small children. They had 4 tickets and 3 bags to check. JetBlue allows one checked bag per ticket. So, there should be no fees, right? Here’s where it gets complicated: S’s wife went through security with the children while he checked the bags. The agent said that despite the fact that he was traveling in a party of 4, the baggage agent had to personally see the family, toddler and all, or S. had to pay $105 in extra fees. [More]

FDA: Your Antibacterial Soap May Be No Better Than My Regular Soap

FDA: Your Antibacterial Soap May Be No Better Than My Regular Soap

Responding to concerns from Congress, the FDA announced today that they are in the process of reviewing how consumers use triclosan, an antibacterial agent used in soap and many other products. And while the FDA says it doesn’t have enough info to tell people not to use soaps containing triclosan, it also doesn’t see any evidence that adding triclosan to soap makes any difference. [More]

Who's Showing Love For Consumerist Today?

Who's Showing Love For Consumerist Today?

Our more scholarly siblings over at Consumer Reports recently sat down for an interview with David Vladeck, director of the Bureau of Consumer Protection at the Federal Trade Commission. And while Mr. Vladeck had all sorts of important things to say about scams, frauds and various sorts of hoodwinkery, the most important thing is that he likes us… he really likes us. [More]

Teacher Defeats Traffic Ticket With The Power Of Math

Teacher Defeats Traffic Ticket With The Power Of Math

Have you ever suspected that your city or town is trying too hard to catch traffic scofflaws in the pursuit of ticket revenue? A Florida woman received a ticket based on evidence from a red light camera, but believed the ticket was unfair because the yellow light was too short. The power of math proved that she was correct.. [More]

If You Were Broke, You Don't Need To Pay Taxes On Forgiven Debt

If You Were Broke, You Don't Need To Pay Taxes On Forgiven Debt

Here’s an important caveat to our “You Need To Pay Taxes On Forgiven Credit Card Debt,” post: you don’t need to pay the taxes if you were insolvent at the time the debt was discharged. [More]

Judge Fired In The Case Of The Overdue DVD

Judge Fired In The Case Of The Overdue DVD

Remember a few weeks back when we wrote of the Colorado teen who was arrested for an overdue DVD from his local library? There’s an update — the judge who issued the arrest warrant in the case has been fired. [More]

Ex-Stripper Files Lawsuit After Seeing Herself On Billboard

Ex-Stripper Files Lawsuit After Seeing Herself On Billboard

For as much as exotic dancers (you might call them strippers) show off when they’re spinning around the brass pole on stage at the club, most of them are pretty private about their profession when they’re not at work. That explains why a former dancer of the exotic type filed a lawsuit after she saw a picture of herself being used on a billboard — for a club she never even worked at. [More]

Brooklyn Police Close 6 Stores On The Same Street For Selling Pot

Brooklyn Police Close 6 Stores On The Same Street For Selling Pot

Up until today, if you lived near a certain street in Crown Heights, Brooklyn and wanted some pot, you just had to go to the nearby variety store. Or the music store. Or the take-out restaurants. MyFox New York says police “made a sweep of the neighborhood” today and shut down six businesses for selling drugs either in the back or right alongside the regular merchandise. They also arrested 8 people, including a few store owners and employees, and are planning more arrests. Video below. [More]

Comcast Issues the Smackdown On FCC, Net Neutrality

Comcast Issues the Smackdown On FCC, Net Neutrality

Comcast has won a key court battle as the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled that the FCC lacks authority to require broadband providers to give equal treatment to all Internet traffic flowing over their networks, reports the AP. [More]

Police Say NY Pizzeria Owner Spit In Pizza

Police Say NY Pizzeria Owner Spit In Pizza

Authorities accuse a New York pizza shop owner of adding a free extra salivary topping to a pizza ordered by someone she apparently thought could use some extra flavor, reports. [More]

Man Receives Ticket While Walking From Car To Parking Meter

Man Receives Ticket While Walking From Car To Parking Meter

This image, currently going crazy on reddit, speaks for itself. We hope it is real, but also hope that it isn’t. Ya know? For humanity’s sake? Or at least the City of Melbourne’s sake… [More]