A Ready-To-Go Hotel Room Kit & 5 More Things You Can Buy In The Trump Taj Mahal Liquidation Image courtesy of NCL Sales
In the market for crystal chandeliers, slot machines, or the kind of art one only sees adorning the walls of a hotel? You’re in luck: The failed Taj Mahal Casino once owned by President Trump is under new ownership, which means it’s getting a makeover — and everything inside the place must go.
Hard Rock International bought the casino in May for $50 million and is planning a $375 million renovation and rebranding effort. So starting today, the company is throwing a liquidation sale in an attempt to get everything outta there.
The sale starts today and will continue daily from 10 a.m.- 7 p.m., and on Sunday from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m., until everything is sold. Here are a few of the more notable items up for grabs:
1. Gloriously Decadent Lighting Fixtures

Whether you’re the kind of person who needs a chandelier dripping crystals everywhere to light your dinner parties or a more modern glass lighting fixture, there are several oversized options available and ready to hang over your dining room table. Or perhaps you want to up your mood lighting game in the bedroom? Up to you.
2. A Ready-To-Go Hotel Room

There are package deals available for those who’d like the hotel experience at home: Buyers can purchase everything inside a hotel room for between $299 and $389, including mattresses, bed frames, pillows, drapes, desks, tables, lamps, and decor. You can also buy items like refrigerators, room safes, and other furnishings a la carte.
3. Truly Hideous Pink Bathroom Fixtures

Perhaps you’ve been feeling that your bathroom just isn’t quite pink enough. This sale could be for you.
4. The Yamaha Baby Grand Piano You Never Knew You Were Missing

Ever felt like you should’ve performed at a casino? Tickling the ivories on this baby grand may help you scratch that particular itch.
5. Giant Hand-Embroidered Tapestries

Okay, so these Burmese Thai Kalaga Tapestries are admittedly pretty darn cool — they’re the kind of thing your grandmother would warn you repeatedly not to touch because even though they’re soft and pretty, it’s art, and not a blanket that happens to be hanging on a wall. Good thing they come in frames.
6. Your New Horse Best Friend Who Could Possibly Be Named Aloysius H. Hoofington III

It’s unclear what this guy’s story is, or what he’s made out of, but if you want a horse, here’s one. It’s unclear whether that piece of wall paper he’s hiding under is included. Perhaps he’s shy? In any case, he seems designed to be your new best friend.
Which Trumpish liquidation item is your favorite?
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